arknor, what is it that makes a good driver?
one person is 8seconds ahead of me on qualify, his driver is only level 82 compare to my 86 and I have less money than him, so assume must have higher level car.
So what are the most important features?
i assume
talent > concentration > stamina > technical insight > experience > charisma > motivation
which ratio is best i dont know , im not an expert i just did a few seasons, the one time i got promoted was maybe due to the game beeing newish and not many people beeing passed info from the top players...
i put motivation last because its mainly based on the decisions you make for stratergy.
talent = outright pace?
concentration = less mistakes ?
stamina = your drivers laptimes not dropping off over the race
technical insight = how accurate your driver is regarding carsetup
(you can make changes not suggested and find laptime! or even go against your drivers advice!)
experience = less rookie mistakes? better off the grid? easier overtaking?
charisma = motivation for your staff? quicker negotiation for sponsors?
motivation = how motivated your driver is? and how much he will push during races?
reputation ??? maybe how much wages he demands? maybe easier time going past rookie drivers or backmarkers?
weight = how fat your driver is but does it slow your car down???
age to young = a lot of mistakes? to old = captain slow regardless of stats? do stats decline with age?
i sacked my driver and took a lowbie one so i can train him up , assuming i dont lose him when the season resets , i cant remember if that happens.
Andre Reuter
Overall: 77
Concentration: 70
Talent: 140
Aggresiveness: 123
Experience: 28
Tech. Insight: 5
Stamina: 69
Charisma: 34
Motivation: 30
Reputation: 0
Weight: 66
Age: 21
gonna work on his stamina and technical insight and try to redice his agression