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GPU prices go boom

18 Oct 2002
I still don't understand who is buying cards at these prices. A 1070 for £650 is bonkers. If used for mining the payback will be over a year and that is assuming difficulty rises make payback even possible.

I've been looking at used, lower end cards on eBay, 1050 and 1050Ti, I gather these aren't much cop for mining but the prices are silly. More often than not a used card on eBay is going for more than (or within a tenner) a brand new card from the cheapest retailer of the day. Why is anyone mad enough to buy a second hand card, with the potential issues that come with it, over a brand new one from a decent retailer?
11 Jun 2003
My current pc is gpu-less and cos of prices I've been considering going console, but I don't think I will. Mainly cos I don't wanna put to waste my 1440p144 freesync monitor and other peripherals I've already invested in. If i was on an older motherboard etc I would definitely get an xbox1x instead

That makes a lot of sense, I think I would be in a similar quandary were I in your position.

I'd even be tempted to sell the pc
gear on here and buy a nice shiny new TV and Xbox.
22 Nov 2006
Another thing is the price of console games, which are normally much more expensive. Plus you have to subscribe to xbox online etc to actually play online. Long term it doesn't really save money.
7 Aug 2010
That makes a lot of sense, I think I would be in a similar quandary were I in your position.

I'd even be tempted to sell the pc
gear on here and buy a nice shiny new TV and Xbox.

I have been tempted to sell it all off and it could still happen although most unlikely. I'll most likely settle for a used rx580 in a month or two
11 Jun 2003
I have been tempted to sell it all off and it could still happen although most unlikely. I'll most likely settle for a used rx580 in a month or two

It's a difficult one. I just love PC gaming, I've got a PS4 but it's not even set up any more.

I've been looking at used, lower end cards on eBay, 1050 and 1050Ti, I gather these aren't much cop for mining but the prices are silly. More often than not a used card on eBay is going for more than (or within a tenner) a brand new card from the cheapest retailer of the day. Why is anyone mad enough to buy a second hand card, with the potential issues that come with it, over a brand new one from a decent retailer?

This is indeed bonkers, I certainly wouldn't. But I suppose if you buy ten, and top end cards aren't available...

I think a lot of mining setups are geared towards accruing as much currency as possible in the hopes of it's value increasing, or more commonly now renting mining power out; much lower risk and no fluctuating value.

I don't think mining is going away any time soon, the popularity in the media and the immediateness of access is making it much more commonplace.
4 Oct 2009
Personally, I think the prices of the top end cards are very good value for money when you think what you get. Why go the cheap console route? You want the full PC experience with tons of options.
1 Aug 2017
Another thing is the price of console games, which are normally much more expensive. Plus you have to subscribe to xbox online etc to actually play online. Long term it doesn't really save money.

Yep, plus a lack of a open digital market, it's closed nature, the reliance on retail (i hate physical media and value space), no free online gaming, pay-walled features, ***** network speeds (PSN is held together with duct tape and glue), lack of original IP, a non existent strategy genre, almost no mod support, it's focus on AAA and sequels (i'm snoring), lack of I/O options, adverts embedded within the interface, only 1 of the 3 support digital refunds, etc.

Giving everything up that makes PC gaming great, just to have a ***** little box under my TV. No chance.

AAA gaming will be even worse next gen too, with fewer titles, everything will make the transformation to live services and have a sickening amount of microtransactions, loot boxes, etc.

I can see a lot of people switching to PC gaming next gen, not the other way about.
19 Oct 2008
I don't think mining is going away any time soon, the popularity in the media and the immediateness of access is making it much more commonplace.
Think it depends on what happens with the currencies. The profits aren't there currently to support the buying of new hardware for mining in our country anyway and people at this moment in time would be better off just investing in crypto than buying hardware to mine it. Some are of course expecting it to take off skywards so probably are buying new hardware and mining with low profits expecting it to rise in value, but if prices don't start rising again soon (steeply) many are probably going to give it up. The more miners I think = less profits for everyone and think it's a bit saturated at the moment too.
Of course there will always be other countries where it's cheaper too mine but might still mean there's a better supply of GPU's if a lot of individuals give up on it. It'll probably have its day again but I think mining has gone through the doldrums a few times before.
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22 Nov 2006
AAA gaming will be even worse next gen too, with fewer titles, everything will make the transformation to live services and have a sickening amount of microtransactions, loot boxes, etc.

Alleged "AAA" games are already there. Pay £50 for half a game and another £100 to unlock everything. Then 3 months later everyone is bored of the repetitive gameplay and the servers are empty, because no mod support so the game has no variety. Just look at the Battlefront reboots. I'm so glad BF2 failed and they lost a mountain of money on it, it needed to fail.
11 Jun 2003
Personally, I think the prices of the top end cards are very good value for money when you think what you get. Why go the cheap console route? You want the full PC experience with tons of options.

May I ask how long you've been buying them? I'm interested re: your frame of reference.

Think it depends on what happens with the currencies. The profits aren't there currently to support the buying of new hardware for mining in our country anyway and people at this moment in time would be better off just investing in crypto than buying hardware to mine it.

I think you're right, insightful post mate.
12 Feb 2009

Going by the original article nvidia sold 63.5 m units, you'd assume most are discrete GPUs or decent laptop GPUS. AMDs 52 m GPU units is a bit harder to workout how many are discrete GPUs as they sell a lot of APUs.

3 million isn't that much, though that figure is probably under estimated, maybe ones that can be verified being sold directly to large mining operations. Still limited production availability on components is the main reason for the price hikes.

If the shortages continue at some point consoles will be affected as Sony/MS will need new supply contracts. Particularly for any new console that my be released.
If mobile phone sales drop then prices may fall, but I don't think that's going to happen soon.
30 Mar 2004
Part of what makes the XBoneX and PS4Pro particularly good value at the moment is that the cost of the GPU they use has been shielded from the ridiculous price hikes seen recently, as the supply contracts would have been worked out ages ago.

It would be interesting to see what impact the increase in GPU prices may have on the price of future consoles. MS and Sony should surely still be able to secure favourable contracts.
27 Feb 2015
already ??
Mate PS4 will be 7 YEARS OLD in 2020 !!!

yeah but doesnt feel that way, hardly any games I was interested in been released, my game library for it is pretty small.

So the hardware cost per game is pretty damn high. I own about 5x more physical games for my ps3 (which was cheaper than my ps4) and almost zero digital titles for the ps4 and about 30 digital for the ps3.

Also we dont even need a ps5 I feel, a console isnt about playing at SGSSAA 60fps 1440p/4k etc.

As I understand it the primary reason is simply because ps4 sales are tailing off. Nothing to do with technical demands.
17 Feb 2006
Another thing is the price of console games, which are normally much more expensive. Plus you have to subscribe to xbox online etc to actually play online. Long term it doesn't really save money.
The 2nd hand games market is a thing with consoles.

1. Console games are more expensive when new and nearly new.
2. You can trade in / swap consoles games when you can't with Steam (etc)
3. Older console games hit the same lows (or very nearly) as Steam sales. Just picked up FFXV on PS4 for £5.
4. Steam sales themselves have been increasingly stingy.

The cost of games *can be* higher on consoles... if you want to buy new releases and *keep them*.

If you are the kind of gamer - like I am - who only wants to play a game once and then swap it... the 2nd hand games market for consoles can make it just as cheap as PC gaming.

I've been hugely impressed with my PS4 Pro so far. To my eyes has been silky smooth at 1080p. Not played much yet but it's certainly been holding its own vs my mid-range PC. Not noticing any downgrade in performance. Just enjoying playing games instead of worrying.
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