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GPU prices go boom

My wife thinks i buy all my parts secound hand for cheap. she has no idear how much i payed for my new i5 8600k new motherboard a 960 evo NVMe and my asus 1080ti strix which i thought was a good deal at £666 but i don't think she would see it as a good deal. Luckily for me she doesn't no a lot about computers and don't ask to many questions.;)

That's a good arrangement. :)

Don't you earn your own money ?

That's not how she'll see it. After around 20 years under the thumb I've spent the last 10+ very happy without the ball & chain. :D
There's really nothing wrong with current pricing. It's a buyers market. I've just paid 1k for one, I don't see what the fuss is all about? It's also expected that council tax, food and fuel will be increasing over the coming years, as are interest rates. There's just nothing to see here.
Man: Honey, my beautiful wife and mother of my children... there's this awesome new gfx card out and I'd really, really love it. Btw, did I say it's awesome!

Wife: But you got one of those things last year, didn't you... why do you need another one?

Man: Oh babe, but that was the previous architecture, this one is brand new out and has faster memory and will give me at least another 10-15% extra fps.

Wife: 'fps' what's that?

Man: it means frames per... well it means, like, the image is more fluent and much smoother and... um well it means I'm better set for 4k gaming and...

Wife: 4k what?

Man: Oh babe, 4k res, it's like the best resolution you can game at and with HDR, oh wow, it's like better than ***, well no I didn't...

Wife: ...!

Man: ... I didn't mean that, certainly not with you... um... I mean obviously it's awesome with you, but with anyone else.... errr not that I... umm did I say it's awesome?

Wife: how much?

Man: well, it's like super new and...

Wife: and?

Man: Well... (tumble weed) Umm... well it's £1000-ish but it is awesome!

Wife: GTFO!
Man: Honey, my beautiful wife and mother of my children... there's this awesome new gfx card out and I'd really, really love it. Btw, did I say it's awesome!

Wife: But you got one of those things last year, didn't you... why do you need another one?

Man: Oh babe, but that was the previous architecture, this one is brand new out and has faster memory and will give me at least another 10-15% extra fps.

Wife: 'fps' what's that?

Man: it means frames per... well it means, like, the image is more fluent and much smoother and... um well it means I'm better set for 4k gaming and...

Wife: 4k what?

Man: Oh babe, 4k res, it's like the best resolution you can game at and with HDR, oh wow, it's like better than ***, well no I didn't...

Wife: ...!

Man: ... I didn't mean that, certainly not with you... um... I mean obviously it's awesome with you, but with anyone else.... errr not that I... umm did I say it's awesome?

Wife: how much?

Man: well, it's like super new and...

Wife: and?

Man: Well... (tumble weed) Umm... well it's £1000-ish but it is awesome!

Wife: GTFO!


There is no justification if price is that, because the Ti part will come out next year, and either has to be sold higher, or the this year part get devalued.

GTX1080ti will live for a long time, and when ever it dies, if inside warranty, Gigabyte will replace it.
If not, still by that time mid range card will allow me to play CK2 (3), Stellaris, WOT and WOWs.

For the rest, there are consoles.....
It does make me wonder why G-Sync is a ball and chain, but Freesync isn't, seeing as they both only work with one companies GPU. :)

They both seem like they are because it's only really a two horse race, However Freesync is the name of AMD's software that takes advantage of the industry standard Adaptive sync. That standard is available to anyone who wishes to use it. Nvidia use it in laptops and call it G-sync but in desktops they block it's use so you can only use a monitor that has Nvidia's own adaptive sync technology module in it.
£1500 to play souped up console ports...


Exactly, I just bought a 4k HDR Samsung TV and a PS4 pro with 3 games (All brand new shop purchases) and all together they cost less than my Vega card did when I bought it.
Exactly, I just bought a 4k HDR Samsung TV and a PS4 pro with 3 games (All brand new shop purchases) and all together they cost less than my Vega card did when I bought it.

Just got a new Sony 4k HDR TV as my old one died.

It is very strange comparing the image of the TV to my 4k Dell monitor.

The colours on the TV are very bright and vibrant but lack detail and are not very life like. The colours on my monitor are more dull but more life like and the detail is sharper.
Can't wait for the day when you can pop in a APU and get the power of a Vega 64/1080 Ti. :D
Exactly, I just bought a 4k HDR Samsung TV and a PS4 pro with 3 games (All brand new shop purchases) and all together they cost less than my Vega card did when I bought it.

I personally won't go to consoles, but i understand why some are making the jump. GPU's were overpriced even before the mining craze started (and lack of memory). I could see the point of these prices, if there was a night and day difference from a £600 card. But there isn't.

That's why i've never spent more than £300 on a GPU, i don't see value in that extra £200/300+.

When next gen consoles arrive both Nvidia/AMD will need to release something special in order to remain competitive with these consoles.

The graphics market needs more than two firms imo as there is a severe lack of competition. The GPU market is just boring and uninspired now.
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Theres not many married men who would be allowed to get a 1080ti at current prices. I can imagine the response when asking the wife would be something like NO WAY YOU COULD TAKE ME ON A CRUISE FOR THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY

No. I work all week and my money jointly contributes to the home and kids. My partner keeps hers, I keep mine. We talk when there is improvements needed or anything needs bought and for holidays etc. What she does with her money is her choice and vice versa.

There's a weird thing going on where in general guys will paint a picture of their wags as being tough on them, they are under the thumb or the misses controls the money. Reality is different, and if it's not, they really like being controlled, helps them feel wanted and then will moan about it but not really seriously as they really do like it. It's all very odd.
Can't wait for the day when you can pop in a APU and get the power of a Vega 64/1080 Ti. :D

That'll be a good day.

I personally won't go to consoles, but i understand why some are making the jump. GPU's were overpriced even before the mining craze started (and lack of memory). I could see the point of these prices, if there was a night and day difference from a £600 card. But there isn't.

That's why i've never spent more than £300 on a GPU, i don't see value in that extra £200/300+.

When next gen consoles arrive both Nvidia/AMD will need to release something special in order to remain competitive with these consoles.

The graphics market needs more than two firms imo as there is a severe lack of competition. The GPU market is just boring and uninspired now.

It definitely could do with a third.

I sold my Vega and I'm currently using a 480 I got secondhand but I've no intention of giving up on PC gaming it's just while we have a situation like this where pricing is totally unreasonable I'm going to catch up on all the Playstation exclusives I've missed over the years as my last console was the PS2. I may even grab an Xbox later in the year as I've never played the Halo games but want to.
They both seem like they are because it's only really a two horse race, However Freesync is the name of AMD's software that takes advantage of the industry standard Adaptive sync. That standard is available to anyone who wishes to use it. Nvidia use it in laptops and call it G-sync but in desktops they block it's use so you can only use a monitor that has Nvidia's own adaptive sync technology module in it.

Great response!!
The other factor is cost. A freesync monitor costs about the same as a standard monitor so there is no real loss if you don't use it. Gsync is expensive which makes it more difficult to justify not using the feature.

There were people with some very expensive (freesync) wide-screen monitors who were left wondering about the longer term value proposition of their monitors when they were stuck with the Fury cards as their best AMD option for a rather long period of time. Even vega64 (before the prices went berserk) was a distinctly inferior option to a comparable resolution/ size Gysnc monitor and a 1080ti (and barring initial loss making subsided sales of vega) often not much of a cheaper combo... If at all

In retrospect happy to have paid the 'Gysnc' tax twice (original TN Asus Swift then Asus 34 inch wide screen) to have had access to some of the best GPU's to power them in the past few years.

Freesync is and has been the better option at the more budget end of the market

Stupid article.... Confuses the current inflated retail prices for GPU's with what Nvidia sells the cards for...

Nvidia are doing well because they have been able to sell old GPU designs to AIB's long past the point where previously demand would have subsided ..

The extra profit (on individual gpu's) from the high retail prices has mostly gone to AIB's and retailers....

NVIDIA may want a bigger slice of the pie if demand remains strong next gen but talk of a msrp $1500 for a xx80 card is just sensationalism.
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Stupid article.... Confuses the current inflated retail prices for GPU's with what Nvidia sells the cards for...

Nvidia are doing well because they have been able to sell old GPU designs to AIB's long past the point where previously demand would have subsided ..

The extra profit (on individual gpu's) from the high retail prices has mostly gone to AIB's and retailers....

NVIDIA may want a bigger slice of the pie if demand remains strong next gen but talk of a msrp $1500 for a xx80 card is just sensationalism.

If NVidia can sell the fastest Pascal card available (SW Titan Xp) direct for less than some of the AIB partners 1080 Ti cards there is something wrong with their partners pricing.

SW Titan Xp + Waterblock FTW.
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