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GPU prices

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19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
How on earth do you think business works man? lol

Jesus christ.

Oh, please tell me. Something to do with profit?.....:rolleyes:

What I mean is, of course they have to make profit. But when times get tough. They get tough for all. People have less money, and businesses make less money. By charging your customers more, to maintain the same profits in tough times. Will just bite you in the *** later. It's pretty low. We are taking a hit, so should they.

If the bean counters or shareholders won't let them. Customers will dissapear. Because no one is going to pay £3000 for a GPU when their colleagues start getting laid off around them.
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
How on earth do you think business works man? lol

Jesus christ.

I remember business used to be about having employees on a good pay scale, all overheads covered, all training covered and looking at a profit at the end of the financial year, was deemed successful. Staff happy, business thriving due to low prices for customers, management happy as business was sound and didn't need any debt.

Now business is now a ******ised vampire consumerism model where you look to try to beat your opponents at all costs even if it means wrecking staff morale, pushing up prices for customers and sucking all the life blood from the business for a short term gain and long term problems. Short term-ism is what ruins business (look at bankers)...but I digress.



22 Nov 2005
Nvidia isn't making any more money on it if the price goes up to due to exchange rates.

This is NOT a good situation for Nvidia. If it results in less sales, they make less money overall.

Not sure that price hike has anything to do with exchange rates. Just seems to be the norm for NV these days, no?

GPU prices have been inflating faster than inflation for quite some time.
27 Dec 2014
Oh, please tell me. Something to do with profit?.....:rolleyes:

What I mean is, of course they have to make profit. But when times get tough. They get tough for all. People have less money, and businesses make less money. By charging your customers more, to maintain the same profits in tough times. Will just bite you in the *** later. It's pretty low. We are taking a hit, so should they.

If the bean counters or shareholders won't let them. Customers will dissapear. Because no one is going to pay £3000 for a GPU when their colleagues start getting laid off around them.

there is some truth in that except you don't seem to understand how capitalism works.

Things don't get tough for all, they only get tough for those at the lower, mid end range of spectrum. The rest will always be fine and not give a lemon. Feel free to add to this category all those London based finance guys with bonuses in the millions.



22 Nov 2005
EDIT: I'm more and more thinking the Brexit vote needs to be condemned due to the sheer widespread ignorance of how economics works. Clearly people dont understand this stuff well enough to be making MASSIVE decisions on our economy's future.

Not sure who that's aimed at but I have a perfect grasp of economics, thank you very much. If NV's latest and greatest does turn out to be that much I'm pretty sure it'll have nothing do with the poor value of Sterling at the time.

Sure, there will be a bit of a mark up due to rates, but that's to be expected.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
there is some truth in that except you don't seem to understand how capitalism works.

Things don't get tough for all, they only get tough for those at the lower, mid end range of spectrum. The rest will always be fine and not give a lemon. Feel free to add to this category all those London based finance guys with bonuses in the millions.

Richard Brandsons personal value was cut by two thirds post brexit. Trust me, he is not on the lower or mid end range of the spectrum...
It gets tough(er) for most. Virgin making less profit, yet my Broadband cost stays the same. i.e. Virgin is taking the hit. That doesn't seem to be happening in our world. Prices are getting whacked up, so the business can profit exactly the same as before.

What shouldn't be happening is Nvidia and retailers making the same profit this year as last year while we pay 20% more for our tech. Customers will just find a new hobby.

I fully expect us to pay more for tech this year. But I also expect the business selling it to make less money. We both have to shoulder the exchange rate burden. If it turns out their profits are up or level end of this business year. Well. You have been shafted.
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20 May 2007
Not sure that price hike has anything to do with exchange rates.

The rise in prices since the 24th June is EVERYTHING to do with exchange rates.

The cheapest 1080 on here was £525 on launch day, now it is near £590 and the reason is that the pound has dropped 10%+ in value. To think it is for any other reason is pure fantasy.
20 May 2007
Richard Brandsons personal value was cut by two thirds post brexit. Trust me, he is not on the lower or mid end range of the spectrum...
It gets tough(er) for most. Virgin making less profit, yet my Broadband cost stays the same. i.e. Virgin is taking the hit. That doesn't seem to be happening in our world. Prices are getting whacked up, so the business can profit exactly the same as before.

What shouldn't be happening is Nvidia and retailers making the same profit this year as last year while we pay 20% more for our tech. Customers will just find a new hobby.

I fully expect us to pay more for tech this year. But I also expect the business selling it to make less money. We both have to shoulder the exchange rate burden. If it turns out their profits are up or level end of this business year. Well. You have been shafted.

The margins on these things isn't very big at all for the retailer, if they didn't raise prices in line with the how the pound has plummeted in recent weeks they would no doubt be making a loss or at best barely breaking even.
27 Dec 2014
Richard Brandsons personal value was cut by two thirds post brexit. Trust me, he is not on the lower or mid end range of the spectrum...
It gets tough(er) for most. Virgin making less profit, yet my Broadband cost stays the same. i.e. Virgin is taking the hit. That doesn't seem to be happening in our world. Prices are getting whacked up, so the business can profit exactly the same as before.

What shouldn't be happening is Nvidia and retailers making the same profit this year as last year while we pay 20% more for our tech. Customers will just find a new hobby.

I fully expect us to pay more for tech this year. But I also expect the business selling it to make less money. We both have to shoulder the exchange rate burden. If it turns out their profits are up or level end of this business year. Well. You have been shafted.

yeah, I always take those kind of statements from people like him with a huge pinch of salt ...
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
The margins on these things isn't very big at all for the retailer, if they didn't raise prices in line with the how the pound has plummeted in recent weeks they would no doubt be making a loss or at best barely breaking even.

Like I said. I fully expect prices to go up. But should we be shouldering the entire jump? Because by my calculation thats exactly what has happened. We pay the full increase. While the company maintains same profits... Not exactly customer centric is it?

In my business, we get paid in Dollars, so we are doing rather well recently. Hence we ave actually lowered our prices. For the sake of the customer.

Just whacking up prices inline with exchange rates and thinking "ahh its fine the customers will cover that". Just doesn't wash in my book. It should be a 2 way street. Slight increase in price for us. Slight decrease in profits for the companies.

But no. As per. We get shafted.
16 Nov 2013
Richard Brandsons personal value was cut by two thirds post brexit. Trust me, he is not on the lower or mid end range of the spectrum...
It gets tough(er) for most. Virgin making less profit, yet my Broadband cost stays the same. i.e. Virgin is taking the hit. That doesn't seem to be happening in our world. Prices are getting whacked up, so the business can profit exactly the same as before.

What shouldn't be happening is Nvidia and retailers making the same profit this year as last year while we pay 20% more for our tech. Customers will just find a new hobby.

I fully expect us to pay more for tech this year. But I also expect the business selling it to make less money. We both have to shoulder the exchange rate burden. If it turns out their profits are up or level end of this business year. Well. You have been shafted.

Nvidia sell a card for X amount of dollars. They dont change the price to suit other countries exchange rates . If they did say drop prices in England because of the weak pound other countries would buy it there and import to their own. Look at Australia etc prices cards are silly priced many places
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
Nvidia sell a card for X amount of dollars. They dont change the price to suit other countries exchange rates . If they did say drop prices in England because of the weak pound other countries would buy it there and import to their own. Look at Australia etc prices cards are silly priced many places

Im talking about retailers.



22 Nov 2005
The rise in prices since the 24th June is EVERYTHING to do with exchange rates.

The cheapest 1080 on here was £525 on launch day, now it is near £590 and the reason is that the pound has dropped 10%+ in value. To think it is for any other reason is pure fantasy.

Pretty sure you misunderstood me. I agree that small rises since the referendum are clearly down to the exchange rates, what I was talking about were GPU prices in general increasing above inflation for several years now.
20 May 2007
Like I said. I fully expect prices to go up. But should we be shouldering the entire jump? Because by my calculation thats exactly what has happened. We pay the full increase. While the company maintains same profits... Not exactly customer centric is it?

In my business, we get paid in Dollars, so we are doing rather well recently. Hence we ave actually lowered our prices. For the sake of the customer.

Just whacking up prices inline with exchange rates and thinking "ahh its fine the customers will cover that". Just doesn't wash in my book. It should be a 2 way street. Slight increase in price for us. Slight decrease in profits for the companies.

But no. As per. We get shafted.

But as the margins are so small anyway I bet it gets to the point where it is hardly worth it.
20 May 2007
Pretty sure you misunderstood me. I agree that small rises since the referendum are clearly down to the exchange rates, what I was talking about were GPU prices in general increasing above inflation for several years now.

Apart from the Titan line of cards, I don't think they have really. For example the 8800gtx launched in 2006 was $599. The 280GTX launch price was $649. The 980Ti launch price as a comparison was $649 and the 1080 reference RRP is $599 etc

The major thing that has changed is the dwindling value of our currency. In 2006 and 2007 for example, it was ~ 2 dollars for each pound! A few years ago when the 900 series came out it was 1.6 dollars to the pound...

Now it is 1.30...

Pretty much the major reason for gpu prices rising over the last ten years here has been our currency, not Nvidia's pricing (which has stayed relatively equal (give or take 50 dollars) for the last 10 years or so.)

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19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
Pretty sure you misunderstood me. I agree that small rises since the referendum are clearly down to the exchange rates, what I was talking about were GPU prices in general increasing above inflation for several years now.

IT has got to be near breaking point soon. It just has to be. People just wont keep paying more and more.

Cars are getting cheaper and cheaper.
Food is getting cheaper and cheaper.
With places like Aldi and Lidl even "other hobbies" are getting cheaper and cheaper.

They can't keep make gaming tech, essentially a hobby. More and more expensive. People will just stop playing/buying.

I'm saving just now, for something fun. (either PC gaming or something outdoors) I was saving for a 1080Ti. But see if that comes in at £1000 or thereabouts. Well I can get a nice second had jetski for that money. And that's what I will be doing.

Anyway, I've ranted enough on here for 1 day lol..
27 Mar 2006
Let's face it. The world isn't fair. Prices are what they are and unless you're the boss it ain't gonna change. Those who are filthy rich don't care either way. I came to peace with this some time ago and nothing I've tried on any level has had an effect on pricing.

Nothing wrong with having a say about said prices but to those who can do something about it, you'll find thier hands are tied.

I'm not happy about OCUK price bumbs of recent and bought a card elsewhere cheaper, but I'll not forget how well they treated me on the memgate 970 and took back my two GTX970's a while back based on pure hysteria.
7 Aug 2013
We are taking a hit, so should they.

Oh man.

They probably will, ultimately. At some point, it will start hurting their sales. And there's not much they can really do about it. Of course they want to maintain profit margins. Businesses want to stay afloat and that means not skimming things to a dangerously thin level.

If the exchange rates are bad and prices go up, blaming the businesses for raising the prices is a very clear example of pointing the finger in the wrong direction.

Not sure that price hike has anything to do with exchange rates. Just seems to be the norm for NV these days, no?

GPU prices have been inflating faster than inflation for quite some time.
Well if a $1000 GPU turns out to be £1000 here, then yes, that has everything to do with exchange rates.

But if you're just talking general USD pricing, then you're assuming that GPU manufacturers have some flat, stable budget year after year and that inflation is the only factor in an increase in prices? :/
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