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GPU prices

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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Well, speculation is what drives most of the market. If you do anything after the fact then you've missed the boat. Just try and find a bookmaker to take your bet that Portugal will win tonight.

As for "nothing fundamental has changed", er, it has, the UK is likely to leave the EU.

Production drives a goods market, inventions, efficiency. Nobody does business out of good manners, they want that product. Exchange rate relates to trade balance based on that, its primarily about goods. how much oil comes from North sea and how much do we import, etc
Markets for finance, interest rates, bonds are more speculative and global but London is an important hub for money traded global. Tons of the FTSE is based abroad, BP is mostly not actually British anymore its mostly abroad in Russia even etc
If nothing else Dollar and Euro are both weak currencies so the rates will vary. Germany isnt weak but the rest of the Euro is afaik, dollar relies on its creditors for support and they got a trade deficit, fiscal deficit, more debt then us and so on. Both areas Im pretty sure will have to deal with speculation on those problems in time. USA has ongoing QE programs and the shortest debt terms in the world, UK has the longest most secure debt (due to the 1970's) Japan especially has a problem with its government debt, which in turn is a problem for USA as they hold 29% of GDP as US treasuries

UK stays in europe but leaves a political agreement with EU, things will change but in theory at least they could exactly duplicate trade agreements with Germany, France and USA and it'd be exactly as it was before
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12 Nov 2010
Yeah, 1070 KFA and 1080 Clown card were £375 / £525.

I'm glad I got my orders for the Zotac Amp Extreme GTX 1070 & GTX 1080 for £389 / £575 as even at that place both cards have gone up.

The GTX 1070 should be delivered next week, hopefully.
8 Dec 2005
Sooner or later Nvidia are going to have to take at least £100-150 off the 1070/1080 these prices are beyond ridiculous :eek: exchange rate issues are Nvidia's problem not the consumer if they really wanted to adjust them downward that is :rolleyes:

I can wait for when the 1080Ti equivalent arrives or AMD produce something more competitive they will drop rapidly but right now it seems Nvidia are happy to have so much channel unsold stock !! If you only game @ 1920x1080 a GTX980 or 980 Ti is more than enough right now & the bulk of buyers own those monitors so these excessive prices are only really targeting enthusiasts :rolleyes:
16 Nov 2013
Sooner or later Nvidia are going to have to take at least £100-150 off the 1070/1080 these prices are beyond ridiculous :eek: exchange rate issues are Nvidia's problem not the consumer if they really wanted to adjust them downward that is :rolleyes:

I can wait for when the 1080Ti equivalent arrives or AMD produce something more competitive they will drop rapidly but right now it seems Nvidia are happy to have so much channel unsold stock !! If you only game @ 1920x1080 a GTX980 or 980 Ti is more than enough right now & the bulk of buyers own those monitors so these excessive prices are only really targeting enthusiasts :rolleyes:

Nvidia give a price in USD. They dont worry about other countries exchange rates and wont just drop the price in UK because the rate is crap atm.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Sooner or later Nvidia are going to have to take at least £100-150 off the 1070/1080 these prices are beyond ridiculous :eek: exchange rate issues are Nvidia's problem not the consumer if they really wanted to adjust them downward that is :rolleyes:

I can wait for when the 1080Ti equivalent arrives or AMD produce something more competitive they will drop rapidly but right now it seems Nvidia are happy to have so much channel unsold stock !! If you only game @ 1920x1080 a GTX980 or 980 Ti is more than enough right now & the bulk of buyers own those monitors so these excessive prices are only really targeting enthusiasts :rolleyes:

People who spend over $350 on a gfx card so £270 make up only a few percent of what manufacturers sell. We enthusiasts are a very small market.

Clearly witht he speed that 1080 were going out and even how many Titans still sell at £1000 a card, enthusiasts have deep pockets.

If you think for a second that with our current exchange rate that the 1080ti is going to below £1000 you are mistaken-ed.

And yes they will still sell at that price.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
You cant just keep whacking up prices because of the exchange rate. If you price yourself out of peoples pockets then you won't sell ANY units in the country. Just stupid.

Brass tacks are this.

Nvidia AND Retailers are desperately trying to maintain the same profits as they had pre-brexit by increasing prices. While we, the consumer, have to take the hit! I say no. We are taking a hit in our pockets. So can the big boys! Don't expect to be making the same money pre-brexit. And don't insult your loyal customers by asking us to pay more, to make you the same profit!

I hope no-one buys these cards at these prices. UK businesses need to realise that they are going to have to take a hit just the same as their customers are.

By telling us that prices are going up because the pound is falling is actually admitting that they are maintaining exactly the same profit levels while we pay for it! :mad:

End of the day, I can ride out the storm. I don't HAVE to buy anything in the next few years. Can they get away with not selling anything in the next few years....?
7 Aug 2013
If you think for a second that with our current exchange rate that the 1080ti is going to below £1000 you are mistaken-ed.

And yes they will still sell at that price.
I'm sure they'll sell some.

But this thinking that everybody who buys a £600+ GPU has unlimited pockets and will pay absolutely anything is not right.

This may very well hurt Nvidia's sales. And there's not much they can do about it except moan about the sorry state of the UK market the voters put the country in.



22 Nov 2005
As someone said in the Titan P thread, the 1080Ti will probably be 1080GBP.

Not sure who'll find that funny other than NV.
7 Aug 2013
As someone said in the Titan P thread, the 1080Ti will probably be 1080GBP.

Not sure who'll find that funny other than NV.
Nvidia isn't making any more money on it if the price goes up to due to exchange rates.

This is NOT a good situation for Nvidia. If it results in less sales, they make less money overall.

EDIT: I'm more and more thinking the Brexit vote needs to be condemned due to the sheer widespread ignorance of how economics works. Clearly people dont understand this stuff well enough to be making MASSIVE decisions on our economy's future.
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