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GPU prices

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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
so this conflicts with what you said before.

So low stock means higher price for the sake of it?

Drop it back to 359.99 for the asus strix 980ti and I will pull the trigger now.

The amount of micro management on prices on here seems unreal.

When you answered the earlier question about if the prices will stay at 360 you said as long as stocks will last, if you said no it will be one day only then I wouldnt have waited.

We make no money hardly, we can't buy more, they are flying out, so it makes sense to make more money and we're still vastly cheaper than any competitor.

If you liked the price, why wait as I've held those prices for over a week.

I don't mind helping out forum members so Friday at 14:00 - 18:00 I'll shall drop them to £359.99 so that is forum members opportunity to order. :)
27 Dec 2014
We make no money hardly, we can't buy more, they are flying out, so it makes sense to make more money and we're still vastly cheaper than any competitor.

If you liked the price, why wait as I've held those prices for over a week.

I don't mind helping out forum members so Friday at 14:00 - 18:00 I'll shall drop them to £359.99 so that is forum members opportunity to order. :)

well, that's pretty kind of you, thumbs up
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
We make no money hardly, we can't buy more, they are flying out, so it makes sense to make more money and we're still vastly cheaper than any competitor.

If you liked the price, why wait as I've held those prices for over a week.

I don't mind helping out forum members so Friday at 14:00 - 18:00 I'll shall drop them to £359.99 so that is forum members opportunity to order. :)

That's very good of you. Still can't decide if buying a 1080 was wrong. Might have to buy a 980ti as well :)
4 Jan 2009
Look at the exchange rates you fool if you voted to leave you are a traitor to the PC building community now we have to fork out even more and we havent even left the EU yet just wait till we leave if we do...

That's me , a traitor :D I think the wool has been pulled over your eyes.

Meanwhile in other news, nvidia and etailers are the pc builder communities best friends ;)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
havent even left the EU yet just wait till we leave

Dont think that logic follows, they should move away from uncertainty as soon as possible. Sterling dropping is actually alarming to the EU also as it prices every UK business producer as cheaper competetion.
Its not all one way, Sterling can certainly rise but the situation is dominated by what ifs at present instead of the normal back and forth of trade
11 Jan 2014
US computer-maker Dell and the Chinese smartphone company OnePlus are both raising their prices in the UK and saying the move is the result of the nation's vote to leave the EU...........

The retail consultancy Verdict believes further tech price rises will follow.
"These will come sooner rather than later for those who have not hedged currency far in advance or for whom there is little flexibility in operational costs to mitigate currency fluctuations," said Andrew Hall.
"Retailers cannot be fully expected to absorb the costs incurred by currency volatility in the wake of Brexit."

27 Feb 2015
We make no money hardly, we can't buy more, they are flying out, so it makes sense to make more money and we're still vastly cheaper than any competitor.

If you liked the price, why wait as I've held those prices for over a week.

I don't mind helping out forum members so Friday at 14:00 - 18:00 I'll shall drop them to £359.99 so that is forum members opportunity to order. :)

fair enough, I will order one then :)

A bit risky on my psu but will take the risk.

I only noticed the price yesterday so apologies for saying was only a day.
2 Dec 2005
At risk of retreading ground from the big Brexit thread....

If someone can say what has changed in the underlying economy to cause a weaker currency - other than investor panic and speculation - then go right ahead. My view is that nothing fundamental has changed.

Well, speculation is what drives most of the market. If you do anything after the fact then you've missed the boat. Just try and find a bookmaker to take your bet that Portugal will win tonight. ;)

As for "nothing fundamental has changed", er, it has, the UK is likely to leave the EU. :confused: The knock on effects will be felt in every sector and by every person one way or another.

Now, what makes foreign exchange rates change is surprisingly unclear. It's a combination of many things, but in this case my (amateur) view is it's mostly
  1. reduced future expectations of growth -> reduced capital inflows due to less investment
  2. the UKs absolutely huge trade deficit is likely to grow further, meaning less demand for £
  3. a bit of panic (we've seen a huge retreat to government bonds, the yen, and gold)
22 Nov 2007
Ayr, Scotland
:)Just in case anyone should forget the prices of these mid range cards were ridiculous to start with, before brexit. Don't know what all the fuss is about to be honest. Quite simple really if the price is too high don't buy, that's a buyers motto. I will not be buying any more PC stuff, had enough of the hiked up pricing. I will be going console now as soon as the Xbox one S is available, mostly for the 4K blu-Ray player for my 4K telly. Amazing isn't it how TVs prices keep falling and that's where I will be spending my money from now on.
As for all the sour grapes towards 'leave' voters, suck it up guys it was a democratic vote, funny how the richest part of the U.K. voted to remain (London) and the much less rich to leave. I voted for independence for Scotland but accepted the result and am sick at the way Sturgeon is bleating on about Scotland voted to remain and her using this to get another independence vote. News flash to her, it was a uk vote and it was to leave so let's get on with it and remain voters get behind it and move on, democracy wins and thank god we have it, plenty dont. I will not buy rediculously priced computer components, I have voted. :)
27 Feb 2015
I have ended up ordering the palit 1070 now mostly due to the PSU concerns I had, but I hope my pestering gibbo for the friday discount helps others on the 980ti.
17 Feb 2006
:)Just in case anyone should forget the prices of these mid range cards were ridiculous to start with, before brexit. Don't know what all the fuss is about to be honest. Quite simple really if the price is too high don't buy, that's a buyers motto. I will not be buying any more PC stuff, had enough of the hiked up pricing. I will be going console now as soon as the Xbox one S is available, mostly for the 4K blu-Ray player for my 4K telly. Amazing isn't it how TVs prices keep falling and that's where I will be spending my money from now on.
As for all the sour grapes towards 'leave' voters, suck it up guys it was a democratic vote, funny how the richest part of the U.K. voted to remain (London) and the much less rich to leave. I voted for independence for Scotland but accepted the result and am sick at the way Sturgeon is bleating on about Scotland voted to remain and her using this to get another independence vote. News flash to her, it was a uk vote and it was to leave so let's get on with it and remain voters get behind it and move on, democracy wins and thank god we have it, plenty dont. I will not buy rediculously priced computer components, I have voted. :)

Interesting. I hadn't thought about the gen 1.5 consoles.

My main beef with consoles is that they tend to be much, much louder than a properly silenced (or just very quiet) PC. I can buy quiet components and fit them in a nice well-ventilated but silent case.

By contrast, I owned a 360 some years ago, and the bloody thing almost gave me tinnitus.
27 Aug 2008
:)Just in case anyone should forget the prices of these mid range cards were ridiculous to start with, before brexit. Don't know what all the fuss is about to be honest. Quite simple really if the price is too high don't buy, that's a buyers motto. I will not be buying any more PC stuff, had enough of the hiked up pricing. I will be going console now as soon as the Xbox one S is available, mostly for the 4K blu-Ray player for my 4K telly. Amazing isn't it how TVs prices keep falling and that's where I will be spending my money from now on.
As for all the sour grapes towards 'leave' voters, suck it up guys it was a democratic vote, funny how the richest part of the U.K. voted to remain (London) and the much less rich to leave. I voted for independence for Scotland but accepted the result and am sick at the way Sturgeon is bleating on about Scotland voted to remain and her using this to get another independence vote. News flash to her, it was a uk vote and it was to leave so let's get on with it and remain voters get behind it and move on, democracy wins and thank god we have it, plenty dont. I will not buy rediculously priced computer components, I have voted. :)

So the poor get poorer, those in the middle get poorer, a few wealthy ppl get poorer and a few other wealthy ppl get even richer. Yup, sounds about right. Why wouldn't London vote to remain its a mixing ground of nationalities. It would be surprising if it hadn't voted remain. The issue is UK government and policy. What changes with leaving the EU and going through turmoil followed by 5/10 years of slow recovery? How do the less rich get better off? It all requires UK government to make serious investment decisions in those parts of the country. Leaving the EU will resolve nothing. Of course we should be annoyed that a significant proportion of the country allowed themselves to be sold a lie or used the referendum in misguided protest. As to our democratic system that itself need some serious reform right there but the nation let themselves down there as well.:(

Anyhow, GPU's, price rises grrrr.



3 Oct 2008
Again I cant remember a graphics card release where their wasn't people complaining about price hikes after the initial/pre-order stock was sold.

But carry on complaining and blaming it on brexit... :D
7 Aug 2013
I was assured by Leave voters that the pound would quickly recover and all would be fine.

What's going on? Could they have been wrong? Could they have had absolutely no idea what they were talking about and didn't the least bit understand the consequences of their actions?
27 Feb 2015
even with these inflated prices console gaming is still less sense economically.

We entering an era where there will be new consoles probably every 2 years now. The difference is when you upgrade a console you have to upgrade the whole thing, whilst on a PC its just one component.

My 970 I would have probably kept for 3 years if I didnt move up to 1440p.

Also consoles wont be immune to the £ crash either, they will get more expensive, dell have also announced they charging all retailers a blanker extra 10% now.

I dont think 1070s and 1080s now will be down to levels expected until the 11 series cards are out. It will need them to be previous gen cards.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I was assured by Leave voters that the pound would quickly recover and all would be fine.

What's going on? Could they have been wrong? Could they have had absolutely no idea what they were talking about and didn't the least bit understand the consequences of their actions?

Got another 10% drop to go yet. 1080 will be another 70 more expensive before end of July.
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