Gran Turismo 7

Jap was most def the best version. I remember importing the first one from Japan - Way before it came out in Europe.

Reading japanese isnt easy lol
It is a shame when I first remember Gran Turismo HD being advertised with the bikes and thinking what a cool car game to play. Then after owning Prologue, 5 and 6 now anytime I think of Gran Turismo... Grind and grind and grind. The endless dreading of grinding.
I have a wealth of brillaint memories of GT throughout my entire console gaming life.

Almost all of them are from 1 through 3. I didn't even bother with 6 as I switched to Forza as it was just more fun to play. Gone are the days of GT being the reason I buy a Playstation.
You were trying to be clever thinking it was a copy, yes?

NTSC J and US cases were different to the PAL ones you know...

I think most of the early Japanese PS1 games came out in normal jewel cases.
Ridge racer came out in the standard size cd jewel case.
I think the Japanese games only started to use the PAL bigger cases later on.

I am guessing that Gran Turismo came in the bigger case due to the size of the manual and a GT reference book.

Not sure what DAIR was getting at but I can tell him that my Gran Turismo is the real thing that was released in 1997.
I seem to have lost the spine card though :(
I think our Gran Turismo original was a copy :( 2 on wards were all legit. I played GT1, 2, 3, 4 Prologue(still can't believe I spent £20 on a demo..) and 4.

Then 18 months or so ago I bought a PS3, Gt5(or 6, IDK) played through and then sold PS3 at a profit :p
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