***Grand Theft Auto VI***

I'm sure it's going to be a good game, they've always done well with the single player aspect of their games. Although a bit slow paced, the detail they managed to put into RDR2 was and still is very impressive, I'm intrigued to see where this one is going to sit, more realistic like RDR2, or more in the vein of GTA5 again.

I am slightly worried on a few things though. I wouldn't be surprised if they staggered the release again between consoles and PC, they really managed to milk people to double, even triple dip on GTA5. They also over time turned the online into an absolute grind, trying to push the microtransactions for cash as much as possible, I think there's even a 'premium' subscription for a monthly fee? Again, I wouldn't be surprised if they really doubled down on this as it's where they made tonnes of money. I'll call it now as well and say that this is going to be mega expensive, £80+.
It’s hard to believe that this can be as good as the previous releases. A lot has changed, and companies have gone into full-on greed mode. One thing I always liked about Rockstar is that they were less greedy than they could be but now, I think that is over. Base game £70, extreme ultra edition £100 and released on PC two year after consoles to get the double dippers.

Cant wait to watch the trailer but game wont be ready until 2025, it will be 10 years since GTA V PC version was released on 14 March 2015 so hopefully GTA VI will release on consoles and PC on same day. Or repeat the same thing it did with GTA V: release on PS5/PS5 Pro and Xbox Series X/S in 2025 then GTA VI remastered on PC, next generation PS6 and Xbox in 2026.
No doubt its gonna come fully fledged with RT, PT, UE5 with Lumen maybe? DLSS 4 or 5 and whatever else Nvidia and AMD can throw at it.

Hopefully my 4090 will still be relevant when this comes out :cry:
It's one of those series that I'll pay whatever for it, I'll do the ultra pro deluxe model, on preorder.

Heck if its on consoles before PC I'll double dip.

RDR2 and GTA V are my GOAT.
Loved Vice City. San An passed me by and didn't really play the others much.

5 though was great so I'll pay whatever for 6 also.

Even years after finishing it it's relaxing to just drive round the map messing about.
Looking forward to this although I expect I'll need to buy a console to get it on day one, fully expecting a return to Vice City, I just hope its as good as the original was!
Hmm s PS5 Pro and GTA 6, the killer combo, or PC version...

Oh, and what music tracks will we get? GTA V had great music.
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