They've rode that storm. Their turnover, even without the CL, is far ahead anybody else and if they wanted they could massively outspend anybody in the League. The problem is they won't. They'll spend what it takes to get back in the CL but not a penny more.
I think Goals Scored is the leading factor and with Vardy likely suspended I can't see Leicester catching Tottenham now (who are 13 goals ahead)[IMG][/QUOTE]
If Spurs don't win the league all those pretty stats will mean absolutely [COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR] all and no-one will even know (or care) they existed next season.
Pro tip : Win something first then brag about it.
If Spurs don't win the league all those pretty stats will mean absolutely **** all and no-one will even know (or care) they existed next season.
Pro tip : Win something first then brag about it.