It's got to the point where he really should be made to go and see a psychiatrist before he seriously injures someone
To make matters worse, he's still got FIFA investigating him for the punch during the Uruguay game
Well, he's ruddy lucky not to have done so already, when I think about Suarez as a player, screw the cheating his way through every game, I can't help but think about that tackle in Holland, the Aguero style jump onto the back of the guys leg, except absolutely planned, not an instant reaction like Aguero's. I still can't see that gif without wondering how the hell the other guy walked away from it/how that tackle didn't start a south american style team on team mass brawl with flying kicks all over... it was that bad.
The thing is, the handball for the penalty, why, just why, there was no reason at all, it was basically mental, an automatic thing where Suarez's brain just says to him "I must cheat..." 90% of what he does is absurd, its ruining/ruined his reputation, makes teams/ref's treat him worse(they should), assume he's cheating/lying because most of the time he is. It doesn't help his game, his career, or frankly anything. Without the handball, penalty and bite Liverpool could easily have won that game, let alone the next several games which hopefully he'll be banned for.
oh, and you can clearly see him pull the "i'm injured please don't red card me" routine straight after that aswell. How he's gotten away with half the stuff he's done I don't know. Aguero's really was a one off, instant over reaction, and I've not seen anything remotely close from him since being in the EPL, Suarez, he does something crappy every week, something pretty terrible every couple games, and something truly outrageous a couple times a season at least. Even funnier is the two team mates of the guy who got raped by Suarez turn away and go after the ball, its Suarez's team mate who has the "wtf was that" reaction
Also worth pointing out Ajax banned Suarez for 2 games themselves... not really sure how that played out, they came out banned him, then their FA banned him for 7 games so didn't really matter, or if they made him miss 9 games(I assume not paying him or something for the duration of their own 2 game ban?).