Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [2 - 3rd February 2013]

No ones mentioned the ESPN commentary during the lights out, it was freaking epic.

First of all they have the camera zoomed in on the floodlights as John Barnes is giving us his electrical knowhow that this will take 15mins as it won't be a flick of a switch, and as he says this the flood lights come on.

Then Barnes blames the stadium for being old, to which the other two, Keegan and whats his name start banging on about it being a modern stadium, Barnes says "you two don't have a clue what you're talking about", to which the host type guy(not KK) says along the lines of "well we defer to the your vast electricians knowledge". A group of people who both don't know what they are talking about, seem to dislike each other and were having a go at each other. ESPN got something right for a change.

FOotball wise, not rated Karagoogoo this season at all, makes so many poor choices, fouls quite a bit, and just isn't effective enough + poor fitness. AS a replacement for Dembele's position he's hilariously poor, they need some power, some drive, someone fit and someone much better.

RVP hasn't been in the game much because they haven't given him much of the ball. When a striker is actually poor with everything he does, you blame the striker, when the striker doesn't get the ball really at all, its the people who are supposed to get him the ball at fault.

AS for Valencia, he was crap and incredibly limited in how he played last year, it just paid off in luck against mostly bottom 6-8 teams, his crossing was inaccurate and poor last year as well, he just did it more. He seems off form even for him, but most players know his single trick, kick it hard and run after it, he's never really beaten players with dribbling or skill, its just hit it and run, which when every fullback knows thats all you'll do, is far easier to defend against.
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