Mata's miss was pretty big
he certainly missed massively
Mata's miss was pretty big
That Rooney tackle in the box was a shocker, ref was looking straight at them?!
That Rooney tackle in the box was a shocker, ref was looking straight at them?!
You could see from the first 20 minutes that this ref wasn't giving any big decisions today and was just looking for the easy options. You got a few soft decisions early then as soon as the Utd players got on his back he went the other way. Then once he didn't give the red to Young (rightly or wrongly) he then started dishing out yellows to Utd players. He bottled the pen call, the Mason dive/2nd yellow for Rafael call and even seemed to know RvP was a yellow away from a ban.
looking at that replay just now - there is also a case for Fazio blocking rooney while the latter was trying to stay with Kane, so Fazio fouled first
The block that was so significant it didn't stop Rooney having 2 arms around Kane? Can't believe you are even trying to justify rooneys foul.
It certainly stopped Rooney from completely staying with Kane legitimately
Rooney is already falling (because of Fazio's foul / block) before he gets his arms around Kane
Sure, he didn't have arms around Kane to stop him and he was just stopping himself from falling. Have to love the Utd supporters for effort.
Opening ten mins going exactly as expected.
The best and worst of Terry in the last few minutes. Great last ditch challenge at the corner but he's terrified of pace.
Blackburn are refusing to postpone the match while massive traffic from accidents etc is wreaking havoc the 7K away fans.