Greta Thunberg

In some ways I feel sorry for her, she has obviously been exploited / brain washed by 3rd parties and maybe even her father.

At the end of the day I can turn her off if I don't want to listen to her, more then I can say for my wife!
Also they like to make her look like she's younger than she is, because it helps with the narrative of "OMG A GROWN MAN HAVING A GO AT A LITTLE GIRL!!" to shut down any debate.

Not sure thats a conscious effort but I was surprised to find out shes 18. I thought she was still 15 or so. I guess she was when she started all this.

I have nothing but praise for her honestly. Shes a bit dour and not very charismatic but at least she is doing something which is more than can be said for pretty much all the rest of us.
People forget that she went to nobody, basically what she did was:

1) Autistic 15 year old watched TV and got upset
2) Decided to do a school strike for climate on her own
3) People followed
4) Every body and their dog decided to invite her to talks all around the World
5) Nobody listened
6) She got upset at one of them
7) Grown men cried about it and still do
8) She still gets invited and still nobody listens but this time 'they' (her Mum, Dad & friends) told her not to get upset.
9) China has still not invited her to talk
10) Grown men still cry
People forget that she went to nobody, basically what she did was:

1) Autistic 15 year old watched TV and got upset
2) Decided to do a school strike for climate on her own
3) People followed
4) Every body and their dog decided to invite her to talks all around the World
5) Nobody listened
6) She got upset at one of them
7) Grown men cried about it and still do
8) She still gets invited and still nobody listens but this time 'they' (her Mum, Dad & friends) told her not to get upset.
9) China has still not invited her to talk
10) Grown men still cry

To quote the late Anthony Bourdain "Everything changes. Nothing changes at all."
Who are "these people" exactly? I'm curious.

Her parents are both environmental activists all their lives. So its easy to imagine how those two going on about the subject all the time would be brainwashing to Greta as they have taken the subject out of context. Some people could say its child abuse, for parents to inflict their ideology on their children.

What I don't like about the people like Greta (not Greta herself) is they never come up with their own idea of how to fix it. They never suggest an alternative. I can't imagine complaining to this level and not be thinking of an alternative idea then I can say "why don't you do this?". The argument of complaining is weak, and nothing will change. The part that I fear is that eventually these eco-warriors will realise this and become more and more extreme. They have already gone from regular protesting to now constantly blocking motorways. What is next? Bombs going off? You might think that is extreme. But remember these people think the world is going to end, so maybe they will rationalise about a short sharp bomb to nudge people to their way of thinking.
People forget that she went to nobody, basically what she did was:

1) Autistic 15 year old watched TV and got upset
2) Decided to do a school strike for climate on her own
3) People followed
4) Every body and their dog decided to invite her to talks all around the World
5) Nobody listened
6) She got upset at one of them
7) Grown men cried about it and still do
8) She still gets invited and still nobody listens but this time 'they' (her Mum, Dad & friends) told her not to get upset.
9) China has still not invited her to talk
10) Grown men still cry

You've really been taking those blue pills.
Her parents are both environmental activists all their lives. So its easy to imagine how those two going on about the subject all the time would be brainwashing to Greta as they have taken the subject out of context. Some people could say its child abuse, for parents to inflict their ideology on their children.

Every child is heavily indoctrinated by whatever views their parents have. They might rail against some of them as they have a valid argument to the contrary but climate change isn't a debate. Its proven and its already devastating some parts of the world and its only going to get much worse. My dad played a lot of hockey so I played a lot of hockey. Is that bad indoctrination? Thats just how parenting works and being an environmentalist isn't a bad thing to impart to your kids.

What I don't like about the people like Greta (not Greta herself) is they never come up with their own idea of how to fix it. They never suggest an alternative. I can't imagine complaining to this level and not be thinking of an alternative idea then I can say "why don't you do this?". The argument of complaining is weak, and nothing will change.

Because its super easy to offer solutions. The problem is that plenty of people know what needs to be done, they just don't want to do it. Its really expensive and the people in power in much of the civilised world are there because they bow to the giants of industry and essentially sell peoples quality of life and future to the highest bidder. The average person also doesn't want to foot the bill, which up to a point they shouldn't have to when companies are as rich as countries and individuals earn more in a second than the average person makes in a month.

What needs to happen is for nations and individuals to put so much pressure on the right people that things actually change. That happens by raising awareness and getting people on board with your message. Not offering an in depth plan that no one will follow.
Rather than the red pills that make you enraged with an autistic girl who hasn't really done anything wrong.

Well I've never done that. I agree with the general point she makes. Though I don't think her, as a child, should be the main one making the case.

She's not putting forward any alternative plan. Why do you think she gets invited to these places? Because the people she is protesting against are using her so they can act like they are listening.
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