Greta Thunberg

There's no point telling him anything because he only posts the most superficial puff pieces and only skims the titles of those. He's one step up from the "one weird trick" adverts and the "car that runs on tap water" stories. Or maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised if he believed those stories.

Multiple times I've seen them dive deep into an article to pull out the bit that suits what they want to post - somehow completely ignoring that the rest of the article conclusively shoots down the angle they are posting from - I have no idea how people can filter to that extent and/or what agenda they are working from. Or possibly just reposting the snippet that someone else has presented to them maybe but again a totally alien concept to me.
A 2016-vehicle is not compliant with ULEZ? WTH?

Yes, that's correct. Same applies to Diesel cars - you know, those ones which the Government was encouraging everyone to buy until a few years ago. My son needs to change his car as he lives right on the edge of the ULEZ.

All new diesel vans sold from September 2016 should meet the Euro 6 standard

See and
1) Decided not to have children

What if everyone did that? Does the human race dying out count as an eco win? And who would change your adult nappy when we are all 95 plus and there are no young people around? I wonder whop would be the last person to turn out the lights? Or turn off the nuclear plants, or release all the zoo animals...
Improving one's carbon footprint or saving the planet or whatever certainly sounds like a much better and more noble reason not to have kids than the alternative - it's bloody hard and selfless work to do properly :D
What if everyone did that? Does the human race dying out count as an eco win? And who would change your adult nappy when we are all 95 plus and there are no young people around? I wonder whop would be the last person to turn out the lights? Or turn off the nuclear plants, or release all the zoo animals...

No, but one can moderate.
Not have families of 4,6 8 kids.
This will and is the best thing to do for the climate, on a worldwide level stop population increase, it'll at least break even, while the population goes up, there will be no way of achieving carbon neutral, or carbon negative. Its the thing no-one bothers to speak about.
What if everyone did that? Does the human race dying out count as an eco win? And who would change your adult nappy when we are all 95 plus and there are no young people around? I wonder whop would be the last person to turn out the lights? Or turn off the nuclear plants, or release all the zoo animals...

This is when the robots will take over.
No, but one can moderate.
Not have families of 4,6 8 kids.
This will and is the best thing to do for the climate, on a worldwide level stop population increase, it'll at least break even, while the population goes up, there will be no way of achieving carbon neutral, or carbon negative. Its the thing no-one bothers to speak about.

This will only work untill we fix the need for population growth. The quicker we get robots that can do all the menial tasks and jobs that no one wants to do the better.
Population growth is already fixing itself (we reached peak growth in the 1960's according to the UN), population is predicted to peak in 2100 after Africa explodes before declining. The reason why those people have so many kids is because many of them die, as they are pulled out of poverty the birth rate declines rapidly.
COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit - BBC News

Currently the most read story on the BBC, does anyone else feel like this is trying to engineer a story where none exists.

Cue horrified voice "Over 500 of the 40,000 delegates were from fossil fuel related organisations" "BP had a whole 3 delegates" "100 fossil fuel companies were represented"
"will no one think of the children"

I jest but come on BBC find some news this is poop.
Population growth is already fixing itself (we reached peak growth in the 1960's according to the UN), population is predicted to peak in 2100 after Africa explodes. The reason why those people have so many kids is because many of them die, as they are pulled out of poverty the birth rate declines rapidly.

Population is still growing, growth might be slowing, but it is still growing, and 2100 is likely to be a bit late......
COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit - BBC News

Currently the most read story on the BBC, does anyone else feel like this is trying to engineer a story where none exists.

Cue horrified voice "Over 500 of the 40,000 delegates were from fossil fuel related organisations" "BP had a whole 3 delegates" "100 fossil fuel companies were represented"
"will no one think of the children"

I jest but come on BBC find some news this is poop.

Surely that is who you want, bring them there, bring them to account, make them say what they are planning to do to help.
Cut all aid to third world and developing countries and let nature take it's course.

Even though poor people in the third world are not the ones causing the problem? Its very short-sighted, perhaps the top 1% who are the biggest polluters should cut down their lifestyle a bit first..

Next time you are ill should we not stop you getting any medical treatment, let nature take its course?
Is this true though? (genuine question btw)

I've heard countless times that vegetarians (or vegans? can't remember) need to take supplements to raise the levels of certain things in their diets as they miss some nutrients from meat or something.

You got any interesting articles for this?

Fair question, its widely explained that 12 things we need, but that includes things like b12 which we do 'need' but are not 100% essential (you'd get very sick with b12 deficiency however), 9 are ESSENTIAL TO EXIST, I made this list for you:

Phenylalanine - soybeans - also found in animals because the animals eat it from plants, like us they cannot make it themselves (being mammals) - for livestock animals its added to their feed

Valine - found in nearly all plants

Threonine - found in nearly all plants

Methionine - seeds, nuts, also found in animals because the animals eat it from plants, like us they cannot make it themselves (being mammals) - for livestock animals its added to their feed

Leucine - found in plants, added as a food additive in modern sanitary food, E641

Isoleucine - soy, seaweed - again added to animal feed to let the animal live and meat eaters can get it 2nd via them

Lysine - soy, beans, peas, grains, - also found in animals because the animals eat it from plants

Histidine - Found mostly from bacteria, also plants added to food, sanitary food production requires it

There is a few more vitamins, minerals and amino acids we need to be healthy - again, always, the source is plants or bacteria

In a nutshell, all animals basically require the same things we need to survive, so if you someone says you 'need' meat to survive, thats not true - because you're eating the corpse of an animal that needs the same molecules as we do to survive, so really, you're just taking it from their body as its contained within their body - the reality is, literally, animal life only exists because plants do, the plants make the things mammals bodies cannot.

Bacteria make the other bits and bobs - in short, clean modern life requires we add it back in - in fact all animals on farms get b12 supplements in their food, so the animal Is full of b12 - I get mine from soy milk, its added into the product - not many are aware its also added into animals for the same reason, people think meat is 'natural' but all food animals are having themselves pumped full of additives we 'need' (b12), they also have other drugs, anti bacterial stuff etc etc - you don't get that in plants really and plants are washed if pesticides are used, you cannot wash a lump of meat tissue as its added in as it grows.

Side point, loads of foods on the packet says 'added vitamins and minerals' especially on children food products.

So years ago before vegan food also had b12 added, yes, b12 supplement was required, but in the 3,4 blood tests I had 3 years after becoming vegan all my b12 levels were perfect or slightly high (within range)

Minerals etc useful to our body are found (AGAIN!) in 'unsanitary' water, river water etc, which also has lots of B12 in, so yeah, b12, minerals, nutrients to a degree was never a problem for our ancestors as they got huge amounts from drinking river water or similar - there is so many health benefits from not being 100% clean.

Hope thats some useful info! :)
A good start would be cutting all aid to third world and developing countries and letting nature take it's course.

I feel the opposite, pump money in, educate the living ***** out of them. Bring them up out of poverty with green planned business from a standing start, and provoke green farming, agriproduction etc.
I'll insulate. I'll use less heating and stick on a jumper. I'll consume less. Not upgrade my phone before it's time. Recycle the **** out of everything I do buy. Not fly to unnecessary far away places. Maintain my solar panels, get a battery for them (jury is out on it that is sustainable?!).

But stop eating animals? No ****ing way, and I'll be breeding chickens to raise and slaughter if it comes to that. I may not need them, but I want to eat meat and a life without it would be grim and have even less enjoyment in it. Is this the plan, make everyone so miserable that they walk into the plastic and **** infested sea?
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