His post claimed there was no consensus climate change was caused by greenhouse gases, that sounds like the skeptics argument to me.
And in that regard he's right.
That's not a claim that one group is correct and the other is wrong, it's providing information a lot of people are unaware of. A lot of scientists out there do not agree that climate change is majorly impacted by human actions, the actual data used to create the models is from an absolutely tiny window of earths history. I do not know who is right, but I do know that a lot of the predictions made by the hardcore climate change brigade have been flat out wrong over the past decade or more. Not only that but the absolute hysterics and fanatical nature of a lot of people in this group does nothing to help, the only thing I can guarantee it'll do is to pump money into certain pockets.
I'm willing to be open to other points of view, as is literally anyone capable of critical thought. Even if climate change should be entirely unrelated to human conduct, I still want to live in a clean and healthy environment. I'm more than happy to aim for cleaner/more renewable energy and a reduction of plastic bags, or whatever else, regardless. Maybe if there wasn't so much fear-mongering regarding Nuclear energy we'd be in a better position in that regard, unlike the push for things such as expensive to maintain wind turbines that play havoc with wildlife, but I'm going off-topic here.
You can't denigrate people for looking at and considering all available information, it's a dangerous and silly thing to do.