Greta Thunberg

This should be mandatory viewing for anyone who makes a comment about these protests.

Who can even be arsed listening to them anymore, as if it's within Boris's power to do literally anything about climate change. We are aware there's climate change, we don't need to be told that by the terminally unemployed
Who can even be arsed listening to them anymore, as if it's within Boris's power to do literally anything about climate change. We are aware there's climate change, we don't need to be told that by the terminally unemployed

And the UK is already doing more than most. If we just tried to change things suddenly the whole of society would callapse and then it can't be controlled at all.
Contains swearing

I'd disagree with Pie on this one, the UK is already doing rather a lot to reduce CO2 emissions, while I don't have an issue with people raising awareness or protesting (that is a good thing IMO), I do have an issue with disrupting public transport, attempting to disrupt flights, close roads etc.. and yes I do think celebrities who tag along with this stuff for the sake of virtue signalling while still using private jets etc.. are rather hypocritical. There isn't anything edgy about saying you don't really see someone glueing their hands to the DLR as particularly constructive, they get press attention as a whole regardless of the destructive stuff that merely disrupts the lives of commuters using a rather clean (electrically powered) form of public transport.
Extinction Rebellion folk have a week long campaign in Australia atm. I guess this is their Woodstock moment (high point), before the green 'coke' New Seeker song ads appear. "I'd like to buy the world a _______, and keep it company".

FTR, none of them have offered to cut my grass, pay my bills or install my new curtain rails.
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I'd disagree with Pie on this one, the UK is already doing rather a lot to reduce CO2 emissions, while I don't have an issue with people raising awareness or protesting (that is a good thing IMO), I do have an issue with disrupting public transport, attempting to disrupt flights, close roads etc.. and yes I do think celebrities who tag along with this stuff for the sake of virtue signalling while still using private jets etc.. are rather hypocritical. There isn't anything edgy about saying you don't really see someone glueing their hands to the DLR as particularly constructive, they get press attention as a whole regardless of the destructive stuff that merely disrupts the lives of commuters using a rather clean (electrically powered) form of public transport.

Likewise. Being annoying to people isn't "saving the planet". It's just being annoying to people. Infantilising an adolescent to use them as a weapon and shield to gain money and power is not "saving the planet" either and criticising it is not being a horrible person. Being wary of a combination of a lot of power and no responsibility is not being a horrible person. Being annoyed about people who actually do something useful towards solving the problems being ignored or villified by protestors is not being a horrible person.

These protestors wouldn't stop if "something is done" because things have been done and are being done and they haven't stopped. There's no point trying to appease them because their demands are too nebulous and thus too easily changed to suit. People aren't reporting on what the protestors are demanding because there's nothing concrete to report on. Greta Thurnberg is a perfect front for them because in addition to her extreme usefulness as a weapon and shield she's just like them - little knowledge of the subject, no details about what's wanted and no idea how it could be done, but assurances that it will be done if they have enough power.
Nice one Pie imo, well said.


I'd disagree with Pie on this one, the UK is already doing rather a lot to reduce CO2
The UK is also planning on devastating large swathes of irreplaceable woodland/natural habitat with the HS2 railway. We are also set on increasing airplane capacity too. So I really do not feel that the UK is beyond reproach! Its not like we are Bhutan! Far from it!!
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You know Pie isn't a real person right? He's a creation of a comic and riffs on the news. He's only ever done one video i've ever agreed on and the rest are your typical lefty nonsense.

It's a social commentary done in comedic form. He writes his own stuff nowadays, I see his character as more of a pen name for his own thoughts/feelings, so I think he believes in what he is saying.

Would you rather I referred to him as Tom? If so, nah... I'd rather refer to him as Pie because then it is much easier for folk to follow who I am talking about.
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You guys better make sure you take your blood pressure medicine today, Greta might win the Nobel Peace Prize, we don't want to risk a spate of aneurysms :p
The UK is also planning on devastating large swathes of irreplaceable woodland/natural habitat with the HS2 railway.
The problem is that HS2 could be argued either way. Yes destroying woodland is bad. But improving public transport, of which HS2 is a part, should reduce private use of cars which is a good thing.
HS2 ticket prices will be to expensive for people to use it regularly. Its already cheaper to drive than use a train and the gap keeps increasing.
Why does it need to devastate woodland how big is the railway tracks? Jesus it should only take up a line through the woodland with a bit of space on either side. Ok maybe they cut down a lot of trees for access but can they not replant?

If you are buying the land for HS2, Why can you not plant trees alongside the route? Surely in places they had to buy the field to get acess so plant trees to offset the railways carbon footprint? Trees will also form a barrier to help catch the brake dust and pollution that goes airborne and causes health issues too.
Well thank god that the Nobel Committee in Oslo has seen sense and hasn't given the Noble Peace Prize to the Thumbbug

Instant reaction from Greta

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