Greta Thunberg

What does that even mean? You want to silence her? Why does she frighten you so much?

I do not fear her and for you to ask that is ridiculous, she is like a trained parrot and now being used by the media circus.

I know the world need changes you really think it was not known before this mentally disabled child came along.

She should be in school as she admits herself instead of jet-setting (for want of a better word) about in a yacht bulling her parents into being vegans, spoiled like madam is what she is.
Has anyone calculated how much greenhouse gas would be created by the cultivation, transportation and planting of a billion trees versus just abandoning land and allowing Nature to do the heavy lifting?

The hundreds of years for nature to do the work in the majority of these places will be far too slow. I honestly agree with Attenborough's opinion of an over-populated planet. IF we actually put environmental issues at the forefront when creating something, mining somewhere, clearing land, etc., then we'd probably have it cracked of supporting so many people as we have.

Then, we have the naysayers who think it's all a big myth.

Also, CO2 rockets into space are just irresponsible humans dumping more stuff out into space. You'd need to probably liquefy it to make it worthwhile, use a really bloody big rocket, and then find your emissions match what you've just flown off the planet with all the energy required for the process.
I do not fear her and for you to ask that is ridiculous, she is like a trained parrot and now being used by the media circus.

I know the world need changes you really think it was not known before this mentally disabled child came along.

She should be in school as she admits herself instead of jet-setting (for want of a better word) about in a yacht bulling her parents into being vegans, spoiled like madam is what she is.

Whilst i agree with your post, your clumsy use of 'mentally disabled' derailed it.

She is a puppet, but don't use a disability to discredit her

Stephen Hawking had a mental disability, but i didn't see that as a boundry for not listening and taking seriously to him.
Stephen Hawking had a mental disability, but i didn't see that as a boundry for not listening and taking seriously to him.

Physical disabilities like his are totally different. The poster above gives a good example, although I can't listen to nor take such an idiot like Boris seriously.
It's highly likely that most of the great minds in history had some form of disorder, though since they're dead and history is potholed, it's difficult to say for certain. So really y'all owe your lifestyle and good health to them, so this sort of fantastical attack is more than a bit self-defeating.

Child prodigies are rare individuals with an exceptional working memory and unique attentional skills that may facilitate the attainment of professional skill levels at an age well before what is observed in the general population. Some characteristics of prodigy have been observed to be quantitatively similar to those observed in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), suggesting possible shared etiology, though objectively validated prodigies are so rare that evidence has been sparse. We performed a family-based genome-wide linkage analysis on 5 nuclear and extended families to search for genetic loci that influence the presence of both prodigy and ASD, assuming that the two traits have the same genetic etiology in the analysis model in order to find shared loci. A shared locus on chromosome 1p31-q21 reached genome-wide significance with two extended family-based linkage methods consisting of the Bayesian PPL method and the LOD score maximized over the trait parameters (i.e., MOD), yielding a simulation-based empirical significance of p = 0.000742 and p = 0.000133, respectively. Within linkage regions, we performed association analysis and assessed if copy number variants could account for the linkage signal. No evidence of specificity for either the prodigy or the ASD trait was observed. This finding suggests that a locus on chromosome 1 increases the likelihood of both prodigy and autism in these families.
I was one of these 'child prodigy' -- and I know very well that I'm about *that* close to being 'on the spectrum' -- I've got cousins who 'fell on the wrong side of the fence'.
It has always been my theory that human evolution might actually be evolving us to a place were we don't want to go. The so called 'epidemic' of autism that occurs in places where a lot of 'borderlines' marry and have kids is just the tip of the iceberg. It turns out that these days it is way more 'valuable' to have no social skills but a lot of concentration-oriented skills; even from an early age. Therefore my bet is that we are just evolving into autism anyway.

As far as Child Prodigy goes, I always thought that my 'success' was due the the fact I can concentrate incredibly hard, block up all my other senses including sense of time, for hours, days, weeks. And yeah if you do that, you become better at anything you have decided to become obsessed about, and you also start to learn stuff faster and faster.
But G has not given some original synthesised viewpoint on the problem, she's not a child prodigy, and has been said mutiple times in the thread is, unbeknown to her, being exploited, because of her condition, via social media etc.
indeed, is the approach her confidents and relations have let her take best for the long term management of her condition. .. have a read through this
But G has not given some original synthesised viewpoint on the problem, she's not a child prodigy, and has been said mutiple times in the thread is, unbeknown to her, being exploited, because of her condition, via social media etc.
indeed, is the approach her confidents and relations have let her take best for the long term management of her condition. .. have a read through this

That wasn't the point i was trying to make, obviously not everyone with a social disorder will benefit from it in terms of success, though in some ways you could say she is successful, she gets to travel around the world pretty much without issue for free. There's no way though that she isn't being sincere, it's others that are ultimately giving her this ability, among other things.

Even if she is being used, she's 16, she can make decisions ultimately by herself, maybe it will be too much at some point and she finds she cant escape it, that would be unfortunate.
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With agroforesty you can have sheep and trees together. Like most things we just have to change the way we do stuff.


Basically moving back to a normal traditional, less industrially intensive method of farming. To go with it you can start moving back to heritage manuals that require less husbandry.

The negative of all that is you can’t produce as much food in a given area. Something that’s only really going to be solved by a lower human population, which is what most governments do not want.

We can either continue down the destructive path we are on now, and give up on the environment and anything that isn’t financially important to us, or we can start reorganizing our global socioeconomic systems and push towards a reduced human population, letting the environment (with a little of our help) stabilize itself.

Unfortunately too many people seem to believe technology is going to solve this issue, but it’s what got us into this mess in the first place. It’s only going to stem some wounds, but make other problems bigger.
The problem i have with greta is she is being paraded as a cult icon. It may be her choice but we dont know the backroom dealings to allow her all this freedom.

People dont like hearing we are overpopulated and there is technology that can help but we are not usimg these. They are focused on only carbon neutral.
we dont know the backroom dealings to allow her all this freedom.

Good one :) We don't know what we don't know! Aliens did it! Invented the Illuminati. Behind closed doors she could put the kettle on to make herself a drink, that electricity may not of been from green sauces, it may have come from world killing bbq source, in which case I think we should ignore everything she says because she clearly is a hippopotamus.

I've found the right level for this discussion.
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