Ermergerd, win prizes from Codemasters here! :
i dont get the video thing, what does that prove exactly?
I can use Dxtory to record my laps instead of the YT thing on the game?
No, 360 pad.
No, not changed anything.
You just have to get the feel for each car. I find the Skyline very easy to control.
Stick me in the SLR Mclaren, i am absolutely useless.
I'm bored of the SP already. City track, city track, city track, city track, city track, something else.
Tried MP but seems full of the usual first corner pile ups.
I'm hoping if I plow through it I will get to some more variety, but in the initial stages it seems very limited.
I can't sleep so decided to try get my level up online. I need a T4 car for the Global records as it is impossible to touch Zhokel with his Bugatti on the T4 events.