Grid 2

Good games guys, i didn't have my mic on tonight as i am catching up on my F1 and got it on quite loud.

The love taps had to be done, let you know i am going to pass :p
Seriously losing my patience with people in this game, all they do is knock you off the road instead of trying to race.
Imagine my surprise to see a lvl 8 guy racing around in a Bugati veyron!!!!

I suppose it had to happen. GRID 2 - Car Unlock Pack available now for £5..

"Download the Car Unlock Pack and gain instant access to every car for online play."

*Does not include DLC vehicles*

Anyone else find this a tad insulting? There's nothing to work towards when they release stuff like this.
Imagine my surprise to see a lvl 8 guy racing around in a Bugati veyron!!!!

I suppose it had to happen. GRID 2 - Car Unlock Pack available now for £5..

Anyone else find this a tad insulting? There's nothing to work towards when they release stuff like this.

You can always choose not to buy it.

I prefer this type of dlc, because people who don't buy the unlock pack will still get the cars, just at a much slower pace. That's preferable to never having a chance to get the cars.
Ah i havent play this for a few days now, lost interest.

Certainly hasn't gripped me like Forza Horizon did when it came out.
Imagine my surprise to see a lvl 8 guy racing around in a Bugati veyron!!!!

I suppose it had to happen. GRID 2 - Car Unlock Pack available now for £5..

Anyone else find this a tad insulting? There's nothing to work towards when they release stuff like this.

I don't play games like this for the unlock progression.

I want to have close clean races with my friends (yeah i know 'clean' is a bit optimistic)

I always find having to unlock stuff in multiplayer games to be tedious.

however i won't be buying this cos i have enough cars to use anyway.
Also are the cars upgradable? cos some of the upgrades only unlock at higher levels, and obviously they cost a lot to upgrade too.
Ok quick one for you guys, coming from only enjoying forza for my car fix is grid2 any good? After selling my xbox and going back to pc im yet to find a good racing game :(
depends what you want for a bit of fun and how cheap you can get it its a decent arcade racer.

hopefully patches soon when devs get back from holidays.
1st time playing online tonight, so much better than SP, i was getting sick to death of street/road circuits!

Does sp get any better? Grid1 was far better imo!
Ok quick one for you guys, coming from only enjoying forza for my car fix is grid2 any good? After selling my xbox and going back to pc im yet to find a good racing game :(

If you want Forza like gameplay not much games on PC have it, they are either more sim like and require a wheel or more acrade-y and include drifting around every corner. Grid 2 is one of those :p
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