If you want Forza like gameplay not much games on PC have it, they are either more sim like and require a wheel or more acrade-y and include drifting around every corner. Grid 2 is one of those![]()

If you want Forza like gameplay not much games on PC have it, they are either more sim like and require a wheel or more acrade-y and include drifting around every corner. Grid 2 is one of those![]()
BummerThanks for letting me know, not gonna bother now, proper gutted tho lol. I miss forza so much, think i might even get the new xbox one just for forza 5. What i cant grasp with all xbox only titles is why they cant come to pc? xbox = microsoft, pc = microsoft i may be putting it over simply but it makes sence to me lol
Imagine my surprise to see a lvl 8 guy racing around in a Bugati veyron!!!!
I suppose it had to happen. GRID 2 - Car Unlock Pack available now for £5..
Anyone else find this a tad insulting? There's nothing to work towards when they release stuff like this.
There is a few racing sims that work on controller pretty well, such as pCars which is currently in pre-alpha and can no longer buy in to and Asseto Corsa which isn't due to be released until next year...We don't have a Forza/GT5 type racing game on PC yet unfortunately.
Guys, I still want to play the Global records, so i have joined the official Steam GRID2 group with 3k+ members.
How do i get these to show on the global records and go against them? Thanks
The social side I am a bit disappointed in .I had hoped when I raced even so I would see my friends times but that is only displayed right at the end and your own time isn't shown sp you have to remember it. The challengers are just confusing and could have made much more of the social aspect. Need to try the online racing.
Drift, what the hell is that, drifting in GRID used to be biggest fun, that's why i liked original GRID.
Will I enjoy this? I really like Dirt 2 and Dirt 3 is pretty good.
Are the graphics better? Is it more "simmy"? I have the original GRID and not sure I like the way it handles, found it more difficult to drive than Dirt, is this more of the same?
This might sound stupid but how the hell do I select my modified alfa guilietta to race online! I keep racing in the dodge when I don't want to!
Not overlay impressed with this game so far...