Grid 2

Sasso: this would suit you...

Its an arcady style game with some more realistic features. Its not about drifting every car, sone cars benefit from drifting but other don't.

The online game is pretty for too.. Some total nut jobs though, just ignore them..;)
Sasso: this would suit you...

Its an arcady style game with some more realistic features. Its not about drifting every car, sone cars benefit from drifting but other don't.

The online game is pretty for too.. Some total nut jobs though, just ignore them..;)

ay drifting isnt really important in a game for me as i'm pants at it (in NFS:S anyway). did like how easy it was in hot pursuit though haha! just tap that ebrake and then wiggle the steering.... boom... super massive drift for hundreds of yards xD haha

don;t mind total nuts jobs toooo much... that's why i've per-emptively stopped playing iracing as I can guarantee i would be classed as an "idiot" in that game judging by how serious it looks xD now just gotta see where i can get it the cheapest from... so far cheapest i've seen is £19 (£18.43 or something).
was 18 quid at simplygames not sure if still same price.

nah it was g2play ;) didn't check them... was just a spur of the moment thing last night before bed.

and i've bought it xD hope it's not a one play wonder :p
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so yea bought it...not played it properly yet (or even driven xD ) due to unforeseen annoyances in the real world. though what's up with the pedal control? started up the game and set it to my direct input (Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience) and it just kept scrolling through the menu over and over...

found out if i pushed the brake some way it stopped and i could use the arrows again... apparently I have to set the pedals to share an axis in the windows device options..... but that means I can't use both at the same time i.e. tapping brakes while still on the throttle, not sure if the second pedal wouldn't have any effect until the input was greater than the 1st... :\ any ideas???

tried to use the search on here but seems to be not working for me :\
so yea i reconfigured my wheel so I could play this game.

so far......pretty impressed :D game sucked me in for hours! started about 9:30ish, before I knew it, it was gone midnight xD won my first series xD every single race except for the very first i got a 1st each time :D woooo (ofc due to OCD I went back and got a 1st in that race hehe)

took a good few races to get to grips with how the game handles but getting used to it now and getting some boss drifts/powerslides :) currently just doing the SP, though wondering what the deal is with going online? can I only use cars i've unlocked in the SP? or is the MP separate and has it's own completely separate progression? i.e. start with 1/2 cars and have to unlock them all/earn?
carnage time :p

mate.... tell me about it xD my tactic (like many other racing games) is to go hell for leather all the way into the corner, smash a bunch of opponents to help me round the corner then speed off into the lead... worked out pretty well so far :) difficult bit then is keeping the thing on the road without having my "bumper cars" assisting me.

that and extreme tailgating (especially useful in faceoff), where they didn't get smashed out the way so I keep the power on and basically pushing them along the road so keeps me at a good speed for the corners and just wait for them to slide out xD

I'm such a **** :D
mate.... tell me about it xD my tactic (like many other racing games) is to go hell for leather all the way into the corner, smash a bunch of opponents to help me round the corner then speed off into the lead... worked out pretty well so far :) difficult bit then is keeping the thing on the road without having my "bumper cars" assisting me.

that and extreme tailgating (especially useful in faceoff), where they didn't get smashed out the way so I keep the power on and basically pushing them along the road so keeps me at a good speed for the corners and just wait for them to slide out xD

I'm such a **** :D

what's your steam name?
i'll make sure to kick you out of any lobby i am running.

not even joking, this kind of nonsense ruins the game for me. it's totally possible to have clean races if you take time to learn how fast you can take corners and don't try to win the race in turn 1

also having a totally clean race is a big rush cos the tension builds and builds with every mistake free corner or overtake
It's just a game :p ..... but no I completely understand where ya coming from.

SP and MP are completely different play styles for me (game dependent ofc ;) ). like in single player I know it's just against bots so who cares right? granted it's better to have a cleaner lap as you'll be faster and greater sense of satisfaction, that and driving skill will improve also.

But as you said with multiplayer I too dislike all the ramming (unless it's NFS:hot pursuit ;) or burn out where it's part of the gameplay). Used to get it quite a bit on NFS:S, would be so close to getting a good clean lap and then some idiot would do exactly as I described or just be driving the wrong way to be a ****! :( You can sleep easy knowing that if you do see me in your MP lobby that any bumps/scrapes are completely unintentional and I am actually trying to race not play bumpercars :)

as I said in my other post, in the SP i did the **** move and once I'm at the front I drive the best I can and try my best to not touch anything as if I do screw up they are hot on my tail :P (also I'm pretty sure the guy commentating/narrating your career in grid2 actually tells you there's no penalty for trading paint and actively encourages you to give the opponents a cheeky nudge xD )

you may not approve of my methods even for single player against bots but I do put in the effort to not contact in multiplayer at least :)
what's your steam name?
i'll make sure to kick you out of any lobby i am running.

not even joking, this kind of nonsense ruins the game for me. it's totally possible to have clean races if you take time to learn how fast you can take corners and don't try to win the race in turn 1

also having a totally clean race is a big rush cos the tension builds and builds with every mistake free corner or overtake

This... This is what wrecks this game..retards that dont want to clean race.

If I cant beat you in a corner I slow down and try the inside on the next corner..just to get rammed by some idiot like yourself.
Sorry read you try to avoid in MP which is fine then.

well i think he back tracked a little bit cos his initial remarks were in reply to DG saying carnage, in reply to him saying he was gonna try MP.

but whatever, if i am running a lobby and i keep getting rammed by someone i will kick them out.
well i think he back tracked a little bit cos his initial remarks were in reply to DG saying carnage, in reply to him saying he was gonna try MP.

but whatever, if i am running a lobby and i keep getting rammed by someone i will kick them out.

not so much backtracking but more I get over excited easily :p first few multiplayer races probably will be a cluster **** in all fairness, just like it was with singleplayer but towards the end of the evening my handling and confidence in my abilities kept increasing and found I was rarely hitting things, like the faceoff on the paciffic route (the one with barriers cliffs and the sea), once I was out infront it was up to me not to crash.....much....using the "flashbacks" less and less too.... more often than not, towards the end it was more because the AI was ramming the back of me, sending me to clip something and flip over xD

I look forward to some good races though :D
possible patch today :cool:

Potential PC patch coming today all going well. Just some last minute tests to perform.

from lorre of codemasters
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