Grim Dawn - ARPG

The choices you make in game affect things I heard too? does look very good I might indeed grab it, I just can't get back into Diablo 3 anymore unfortunately.
I did like Titan Quest back in the day as well.
The choices you make in game affect things I heard too? does look very good I might indeed grab it, I just can't get back into Diablo 3 anymore unfortunately.
I did like Titan Quest back in the day as well.

Yeah, I believe it has something to do with factions.

Also loved Titan Quest. I've been waiting for this game for a couple of years now and I'm pretty excited :D
I'm up to 72 hours now and really enjoying my Arcanist/Occultist build. Still a few hundred hours behind my D3 played time, but it's a good start.
I'm playing the lazy Pokemon build and it's ridiculous :p

Took out an elite boss 7 levels higher than me with absolutely no issues, most of the time I rarely even need to kite as my beasties just destroy things stupidly fast.
When you get onto Elite / Ultimate it becomes more of a run around game with the pet build. Still get the odd one shot on ultimate but I've only got to kill the last boss and I'm done with that char.
Never heard of this before today since the Diablo or PoE thread and getting some hype to buy it as i love the ARGP genre.

Where's a good place to grab it?
G2A are at just over £13 but never really feel good buying there...

Steam has some cash off right now too.
The best ARPG out there and that's saying something considering how much I enjoy POE and D3 and how much time ive put into both.
All the options felt overwhelming when I first started playing and it would take me ages to decide on a second class. I've restarted several times which I normally hate doing, but with GD it's felt better each time around, especially when things start to fall into place.

I was starting to feel discarded by D3 which I think is now geared around a race for Paragon levels every season, reset and repeat. I can't compete, so it's getting less fun every time. On GD I can take it all at my own pace and everything is new. I've only actually found one legendary and I'm looking forward to seeing how things pan out when I'm wearing a few of them.
All the options felt overwhelming when I first started playing and it would take me ages to decide on a second class. I've restarted several times which I normally hate doing, but with GD it's felt better each time around, especially when things start to fall into place.

I was starting to feel discarded by D3 which I think is now geared around a race for Paragon levels every season, reset and repeat. I can't compete, so it's getting less fun every time. On GD I can take it all at my own pace and everything is new. I've only actually found one legendary and I'm looking forward to seeing how things pan out when I'm wearing a few of them.

Ive re-rolled many times, have about 9 characters on the go all lvl 40-85, you only get legendaries after lvl 50 by the way
The best ARPG out there and that's saying something considering how much I enjoy POE and D3 and how much time ive put into both.

You seem to have played all of them a bunch - can you tell me any good tips for a 2h ranged character?

I've got a Solider/Demolitionist (Commando). Fire Strike seems super weak - even with a few points in the explosive and lightning modifiers, and the side modifier (aether?), it still feels weaker than a single point in Cadence with a 1h melee weapon.

Am I doing something wrong build-wise or are ranged weapons designed to be a bit weaker to make up for the safety of range?

I'm only level ~21, have killed the warden and moved to the next area to the NW, so maybe I just need to play more.
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