Grim Dawn - ARPG

There are pre-set destructible environments (breakables to loot, smash-able walls for secret caves, some decorative breakables too). I don't know how far D3 takes it?

In terms of graphics (special effects), I'd say just check out some recent lets play streams and you should get an idea of it - it can vary a LOT with class/gear how flashy things look - you can get glows/aura's, special animation procs all over the screen with some builds.
What class?

I haven't played for ages but I went glass cannon rogue (or whatever the class was) and melted everything or go Pokemon Summinwr build if that hasn't been gimped.
What class?

I haven't played for ages but I went glass cannon rogue (or whatever the class was) and melted everything or go Pokemon Summinwr build if that hasn't been gimped.

Any class really. Just wondering what builds people have had fun with. Can't decide on a class or build.
Was about to bring this thread back to life myself.

Grabbed it the other day after seeing some screenshots and it reminding me of the good old Divine/Beyond Divinity days. Really having a good blast with 2 friends, smashed through to level 30 so far, just reached homestead on Veteran.

Currently a druid (arcanist/shaman) doesn't really mix well for my play style as a squishy DPS mage as I always do with my friend tanking, but is fun with the shaman storm abilities + the arcanist freeze abilities. :D
just bumping this thread as D3 seems to be having a resurgance and hopefully people looking for something more D2 esque will appreciate Grim Dawn.

The main game is pretty much complete now and the devs are currently working on some new content including "The Crucible" with wave after wave of enemies to slaughter!

tip for any newbies - check out the forums for some guidance on builds etc
Ok, so I did enjoy my run through Normal/early Cruel on PoE, but I have to say THIS is the D2/TQ follow-up I've been waiting for for years! Now going through act four with a sorceror focused on fire strike and flash freeze with stunning canister and flashbang/BWC for CC and debuffs.

For much of the game I've been roflstomping mobs of trash several levels higher than me with ease, but having a tough kite-fest on freeze-resistant heroes and bosses (some of them also being potion chug-a-thons).

Now I've maxed fire strike with its progenies up to 12/12 static strike and linked fissure to it, the bosses are going down a lot easier but I'm noticing some squishiness sneaking in to my char as I go through act four (now level 42).

Guessing I'm a bit under-geared and I'm still wearing level 28-32 stuff as I've not found replacements that can live up to some of the nice procs/buffs (particularly move speed and the cloud/missile procs).

Really great fun though, even if I think I may need to farm a bit for gear before the end.
I told myself I probably won't get this due to having spent too much lately on games and too much to play... plus I'm being forced to get Destiny 2 for coop so will be playing that around the same time of release too.

I'm totally getting this :(
Just checked & unless search failed me (as it often does) surprised to not see any mention of DAIL in this thread.
It's a huge collection of mods that adds more classes, spells, gear etc & difficulty.
Mode I play is where generally 2-4 sets of bosses per fight compared to GD's usual one set. Hardest is that plus tons more mobs too.

As for expac, wohoo! Mucho excite.
Dat timing, last night whilst playing Divinity 2 we were on about Grim Dawn and how we had nothing left to do on it and then they announce new content, something to look forward to if it comes out before Destiny 2.
Got this in the sale, been having cracking fun with it.

Currently playing a twin-pistol Pyromancer (Demo/Occ). Currently lv40 and cleaning up Homestead.

This is my build too, cruising through HC Elite atm in the 50s.

Looking forward to the expansion in October.
Don't know what build to play then, combination of one of the new masteries I think.
Been playing this on and off since Beta, the game has evolved so so much and the devs have tirelessly put in so much work to make this such a great and massively underrated game. I bought the Crucible DLC a while ago, while its not really my thing it is fun for testing builds out etc.

Grim Dawn has a wicked forum community as well, definitely looking forward to the expansion release, and the fact the GD devs game the GrimTools guys exclusive access to the games data to update their site sums up pretty much everything about the GD devs, awesome people.

There is a bit of a learning curve with the game, and often you will hit brick walls with builds, its quite easy to stomp through the first 2 difficulties with a build feeling godlike then get to the final difficulty and get absolutely reamed and often theres little you can do to the build to get over this, however the devs do balance a lot and do this very well, so i often shelve those characters til theres a balance that effects then and try again. Or they add new loot that supports that build etc and that usually helps propel them onwards.

Obviously owerpowered broken stuff is often fixed as well, which is actually quite nice.
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