I've missed the expansion launch and most of the info. Could anyone summarise what's added and whether it's worth it?
Looking through all the options for each class. I'm thinking about going either of these 3; Arcanist/Inquisitor, Arcanist/Occultist or Arcanist/Demolitionist.
Any thoughts on any of these? My idea for playstyle is to use magic as a primary for most damage but I also would love to wield guns for distance shooting also.
So far character build wise, I have the following stats:
Physique: 166
Cunning: 103
Spirit: 73
Should I start my character over to get more on cunning, so I can use guns or just continue from what I already have?
Do you have the Crucible DLC @Spacedeck ?
Just realised I can't do Arcanist/Inquisitor, inquisitor requires the DLC. So going to decide on going down the Arcanist/Demolitionist route.
I didn't but since I like this game, I just bought it now after you mentioned it. I was lucky it's still on sale on Humble. Where is this located? At Devil's Crossing?
generally speaking its a bit like Diablo 2 with attribute points, enough cunning + physique for weapon + armour, spirit for jewellery/ magic offhand then everything else into physique for health, unless you decide to go mega crit and have plenty of hp, then left over into cunning for the extra offensive ability.
as for mastery options, honestly, pick anything that you think looks fun, most work well together, although people tend to stick to either gun skills or spells as apposed to merging them. that's not to say don't try it though. inquisitor would be a start though for elemental (magic?) gun procs.![]()
Just realised I can't do Arcanist/Inquisitor, inquisitor requires the DLC. So going to decide on going down the Arcanist/Demolitionist route.
I didn't but since I like this game, I just bought it now after you mentioned it. I was lucky it's still on sale on Humble. Where is this located? At Devil's Crossing?
Buy the expansion, if only for the Necro and Inquisitor classes, Inquisitor would fit *perfectly* into what you want to do as they are basically designed around dual wield pistols with a ton of elemental stuff added ontop. If you have bought the Crucible its definitely worth getting the Expansion, i have both and i rarely touch the Crucible as i find it very boring, i prefer to go out and hunt for loot rather than just do arena waves etc
As above has said, most people pickup enough Cunning / Spirit for Gear and pump the rest into Phys, what i tend to do is put 3 points into Phys, Bank a point, repeat, keep back 5 or so points at a time because if something awesome drops that will fit your build but you lack the phys / Cunning / Spirit etc you can usually have enough banked to get it, also dont be afraid to use components, the green emerald ones i think they are? have +8 to Phys Cun Spir on them, so can be used to artificially plug gaps to use gear, just be careful to not put them on bits your going to replace until you have the required base amount or you will end up like me removing something that was enabling you to use an item and realise you cant use that item now as you lack a few points of Phys Cunn Spir etc lol
What does the orange glowy bit mean around the health bar? I know it decreases when attacked and eating food will put it back to full but what does it actually do?
Just realised I can't do Arcanist/Inquisitor, inquisitor requires the DLC. So going to decide on going down the Arcanist/Demolitionist route.
I didn't but since I like this game, I just bought it now after you mentioned it. I was lucky it's still on sale on Humble. Where is this located? At Devil's Crossing?
Does this game make boss fights too easy? I just defeat Warden Krieg in Hidden Laboratory. I died a couple of times trying to keep my distance, however the game simply allows you to carry on the fight where you left off. So the health of bosses don't replenish while you regain full health. Sort of defeats the object of it being a boss fight.