Grim Dawn - ARPG

This game with all its expansions is a utter steal, Top 5 game of all time is an easy for me.

Wowsers, top 5 game of all time. Thats quite the statement, not even of its genre or of PC platform or of this decade, but of all time. Thats definitely a lofty praise !
Am having fun at lvl100 with my warder. Completed AoM on ultimate the other night so just need to do FG now and then I'll do some other things. Keep waiting for some Ultos gear to drop but I may have to rely on ancient hearts to make the hood and transform this into other bits.
Never played the main game in Multiplayer, crucible of course, so if anyone fancy`s a co-op staring a new toon i am up for it.
I might be up for that but I cannot commit to certain times so a little unfair on you. Also, I wanna get my lvl100 geared up lol
Got this game free some time ago and started to play it today. If anyone could give any hints as to what kind of Devotion one should start with if going Warrior/Demolitionist (Commando) that would b e greatly appreciated. I am presently trying to read up on this ability but it is massive so some pointers would be really helpful me thinks ! :eek: :p

If needed here is a link to my present build, although there seem to be a slight glitch with it in regards to the Attribute Points since I spent what I had, but it says 98 Available ! :eek: :p
Got this game free some time ago and started to play it today. If anyone could give any hints as to what kind of Devotion one should start with if going Warrior/Demolitionist (Commando) that would b e greatly appreciated. I am presently trying to read up on this ability but it is massive so some pointers would be really helpful me thinks ! :eek: :p

If needed here is a link to my present build, although there seem to be a slight glitch with it in regards to the Attribute Points since I spent what I had, but it says 98 Available ! :eek: :p

I've not played a Demolitionist in a while, but this is my old Grimtools link
Man, i loved this game when i played it. I just never got round to finishing the last DLC i got for it. I got to focused playing about with class builds.
I think my only complaint with this game is the engine doesn't scale on cores, so the crucible can get a bit pants if your cpu isn't blisteringly fast on single core performance when there are loads of mobs. That's fairly specific to that situation though. I'd love to see an updated version of the game with a new engine though.
I think my only complaint with this game is the engine doesn't scale on cores, so the crucible can get a bit pants if your cpu isn't blisteringly fast on single core performance when there are loads of mobs. That's fairly specific to that situation though. I'd love to see an updated version of the game with a new engine though.
Agreed, my friend played a Necro summoning all the things. Made the game a bit sluggish in battles or the crucible.
Ahh yes, google grim dawn core fix, tab out, task manager stuff.

For some reason on some systems it only 1 core.
I think my only complaint with this game is the engine doesn't scale on cores, so the crucible can get a bit pants if your cpu isn't blisteringly fast on single core performance when there are loads of mobs. That's fairly specific to that situation though. I'd love to see an updated version of the game with a new engine though.

Ahh yes, google grim dawn core fix, tab out, task manager stuff.

For some reason on some systems it only 1 core.

Thanks, wasn't even aware of this. I checked and it was running on just one core for me, did your google suggestion and found this.

A(nother) way to reduce CPU clogging / smooth the experience which lead to this thread, [Tool] Core Switcher - Force GD to use all cores equally!, where the author had a nice and convenient little tool that made it slightly easier to enable more cores.
I'm not sure if my gear or bad for my level, my current weapon seems way overpowered though. Still have a lot of farming to do to get my gear up to spec.
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