Some facts:
1/ Pakistan until very recently required four male witnesses to the actual rape in order to prosecute. Just to prosecute! The judicial system is so stacked against women in Pakistan it's a wonder there are ever any convictions.
2/ In Pakistan, rape is frequently seen as an offense not against the victim, but on the honour of her male relatives. For example, a boy from one village raped a girl from another a few years ago in North Pakistan. The villages settled the matter by deciding the girl's brother would rape the first boy's sister to even things out. To them, this was JUSTICE. Because it was seen solely as the boy having been harmed by his sister being devalued. THIS is the mindset that is commonplace in Pakistan.
3/ Reported rapes in Pakistan are something like one fifth that of Britain. That's not because Pakistani men are one fifth as likely to commit rape as British men. It's because nobody bothers to report it. Rape is almost normalised in Pakistan.
Rape is normalised in Pakistan? So how do you explain their cultural drive to maintain their women and daughters' chastity? It's a bit oxymoronic no? If rape was normalised in pakistan, why are there so many virgins?
I hate to say this so bluntly but I'm sure you can handle it: you don't know how justice works in Pakistan.
The reason many crimes (which include rape) go unreported is because the father/uncle/grandad will give £12-15 to the police chief to keep his mouth shut, while the family goes over and kicks the **** out of the rapist, sometimes even murder and bury them. Obviously the more money you give, the more justice you can serve.
In fact I know of an actual case of this happening in EAST LONDON. Someone raped some guys GRAND daughter and this guy went and murdered him with a kitchen knife even though he KNEW he cant give the police here £15 to keep their mouth shut on a MURDER case. This dude got got incarcerated for over a dozen years for dishing out his own justice, so how on earth can you say "rape is normalised", unless you can explain to me where were the girls' fathers in the rotherham cases?
Another reason many crimes go unreported is because Pakistan simply cannot afford to house half it's bloody population, let alone criminals, keep them alive, give them a room and feed them for years at a time. It's almost as if you're choosing to be ignorant to the socioeconomic differences, and just focus on ONE tiny anecdote and say "THIS is the mindset that is commonplace in Pakistan." and then you say "I'm not racist". Personally, I'd have never, never thought you were even remotely racist.
Again, look at Rotherham. People ringing the alarm bell were actively dismissed because (and this is explicitly acknowledged) the authorities "did not want to appear racist."
Why do you think "not
appearing racist" would be on someone's consciousness?

Not being a racist or not, but
appearing racist.
Someone is either a racist or they aren't. Worrying about your personal appearance when faced with a CHILD who has called for your dutiful assistance, is just unbelievable. If you give special treatment based on race, instead of facts of case, then you are definitively a racist.