
22 Nov 2006
Some of them are probably dirty old men, but I'm betting most of these accusations are BS. Or are seriously clutching at straws to jump on the "#MeToo" bandwaggon.

The problem is the amount of bias towards the accused without any evidence what so ever. Any women can point the finger at men they don't like and have them sacked. It's like Saudi Arabia in reverse.

But it will backfire. I can see a lot of small company owners just not hiring women because they don't want the risk.
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28 Nov 2003
Historically this new trend to out gropers in Parliament is tame stuff, go back over a few generations of Prime Ministers, MP's and Lords, and some truly salacious goings on have been well documented, for example:

Even at the time, David Lloyd George’s penchant for the ladies was very well known, earning him the nickname ‘the Goat’. As one of his own aides put it, the brilliant Welsh orator was ‘mental on matters of sex. In his view, a man and a woman could not possibly be friends without sexual intercourse.’

The list of his conquests could probably fill every page of this newspaper. Within months of his marriage to the stolid and long-suffering Maggie, he had already strayed, impregnating a Liberal activist known only as Mrs J.

Not content with also impregnating his wife’s cousin, Kitty Edwards, Lloyd George had affairs with ‘Mrs Tim’ who was married to his friend Timothy Davies, as well as Julia Henry, another Liberal MP’s wife.

He also carried on for decades with his secretary, Frances Stevenson, whom he forced to have at least two abortions. And there were many more — so many that nobody has ever produced a definitive count. He even slept with his son Dick’s troubled wife, Roberta, and this when he was well into his 60s.

At the time, people joked that Lloyd George had a love child in every town in Britain.

The story goes that one day Dick Lloyd George went into a pub and fell into conversation with a stranger who looked just like him. The stranger eventually confessed that Lloyd George was indeed his father, and was secretly paying him £400 a year.

There are dozens more high profile cases, the current whinnying from the lads and lasses in parliament are pitiful compared to some of the old masters' antics :)

Anyone frustrated by single and double yellow lines, traffic wardens, the MOT test and the "temporay" 70 MPH speed limit might like to muse on the peccadilloes of Ernest Marple MP, the Minister of Transport responsible for the introduction of all of these and more:

The story of John Profumo, the War Minister who slept with the topless showgirl Christine Keeler, is well known. Less so are the shenanigans of Ernest Marples, the Transport Minister, who was often described by Westminster wags as London’s prostitutes’ most reliable client.

When the then Master of the Rolls Lord Denning was drafting his 1963 judicial inquiry report into the Profumo scandal, Marples almost made a cameo appearance as the ‘Man in the Mask’, who had supposedly been involved in various orgies, naked but for a Masonic apron and mask, along with a sign saying, ‘If my services don’t please — whip me’.
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28 Nov 2003
So you think it's acceptable to start touching people up on their legs without any prior permission?

Christ, I used to be utterly sceptical of stories of hormones from contraceptive pills and tampons entering the drinking water chain and emasculating the male sex, but reading stuff like this thread makes me reconsider. There's little wonder women seek a "bit of rough" with the testosterone in such short supply these days and males openly discuss the question of whether it's a grievous assault to touch a woman's leg <LOL> It's no wonder I see pensioners having a ribald old time whilst wan young men cower in corners avoiding eye contact and formulating their next boring and utterly politically correct utterance.
28 Nov 2003
Claims made from 40 years ago yes, impossible to prove. Should have reported it at the time, not wait to jump on the bandwagon in 2017.

Leadsom's outrageous and vindictive historic claim is almost certainly timed as a desperate attempt not to lose her place in the government. It is, apparently, almost impossible to fire a "whistle blower" nowadays from Parliament. The men and women of different generations who I have been engaged in conversation with over her daggering of our Defence Secretary were unanimous that her claim is politically led and timed to protect her own back from her incompetence and dislike. They were also unanimous in that his remark was flirtatious and risqué, but nothing that should conceivably have led to his being asked for, nor for his offering of his resignation.
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9 Mar 2012
Claims made from 40 years ago yes, impossible to prove. Should have reported it at the time, not wait to jump on the bandwagon in 2017.

Have you ever wondered why they weren't reported?

Either you find it acceptable to sexual assault someone or you don't...whether it was 30 years ago or 30 minutes ago is irrelevant.
10 May 2012
Well no. That isn't funny. Imagine someone took the **** if you were violated.

I get that any old person can jump on the band wagon. But we have people who claim to be legitimately assaulted.

Now read the bold. Anyone can claim anything. Punishments shouldn't be handed out on that basis, otherwise we may as well be living in medieval times.
28 Sep 2008
We already have the stupid bandwagon on TV about "missold PPI on that loan you took out 14 years ago.." - "Had an accident at work within the last 10 years..." - let me guess what's next... "someone touched your leg while you were shopping in Sainsbury's? Call now...."

It's ridiculous, it needs sensible governance, but I for one will not have someone tell me how to behave appropriately in contextual circumstances.
17 Feb 2006
How much of it is a kind of social power struggle tho? The cynical might conclude that an offensive against the "male, white establishment" can further their own causes.

Obviously that isn't to say some/most of the allegations have no merit.
24 Oct 2012
Here's a quote from another forum which I agree with 100% (be warned, this WILL offend people). For the record, this guy is quite high up the military police. I've edited it slightly to reduce the profanity:

What's annoying me lately? Attention seeking, bandwagon jumping ***** who will say literally ANYTHING to get headlines but, by the nature of their claims are uncriticisable.

'Celebrity X courageously breaks their 20 year silence to speak about their horrendous abuse at the hands of Celebrity A'

Should read:

'Celebrity X, who didnt think it was a big deal 20 years ago, now wants you to read all about how Celebrity A, who is in the papers a lot right now, touched their arse at an office party back when that sort of thing was socially acceptable even though it is now generally accepted as a bit naughty'.

I deal with genuine, traumatised victims of sexual abuse regularly. Most of them are 'non-recent' reports of intrafamilial rape. I can count on the fingers of my **** how many of the genuine ones have wanted any media attention whatsoever.

In other news, I can't wait until the next paradigm shift in social attitudes happens. The 'gender revolution' has meant that anyone who did things that were PERFECTLY NORMAL in the 70's or 80's is now a turbo-nonce of the highest order who must be castigated.

Whats next? I was beaten as a kid (not hard enough, I hear you cry...) so at what point can I go to the Daily Mail and sell my story of 'years of horror at the hands of a systematic domestic abuser', while they parade my poor old mum around in front of the cameras, booing and hissing at her like she's Myra Hindley's best mate.

Its a crock of crap. But of course you can't say that, because its 'victim blaming'.

The whole Harvey Weinstein thing is as well. On one hand, he's painted as a power made sex pest who gave out roles for blowjobs. On the other, there's the fact that he was probably just a bit of an ugly, sad, fat **** who gave beautiful but untalented women a chance to make it in an industry overburdened with beautiful talented women in exchange for sexual favours. if he raped anyone, he can go to jail for it. if all he did was offer parts for a plow, and held up his end of the bargain, what the hell are people moaning about? A consensual exchange of services in which two adults mad an informed decision to consensually have sex in return for opportunities. Some of these women went on to make millions. My sympathy is in negative value over this, it really is.

Sadly the truth is that we currently live in a world where things like world starvation and the death of millions of innocent people worldwide due to war, famine, disease etc all take a back seat to a bunch of Hollywood hypocrites all looking for their 15 mins of fame by whatever means necessary. In the cases of actual rape and actual assault I believe that the proper actions should be taken but trying it on because someone touched a knee 40 years ago when half the world was high on LSD and had mustaches to their ankles? **** off.
27 Jan 2009
Have you ever wondered why they weren't reported?

Either you find it acceptable to sexual assault someone or you don't...whether it was 30 years ago or 30 minutes ago is irrelevant.

Statutory time limits for prosecutions aren't exactly an alien concept to English law.... We still have them in the form of summary only offences.... Many legal jurisdictions have statutes of limitation on sexual offences including countries like Sweden.... A country Assange has already managed to avoid for long enough that some of the allegations made against him can no longer be prosecuted...
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
We’re living in a crazy world now where even glancing at a stockinged leg will see you branded a sex predator.


A friend of mine was recently complaining a firework made her dog just shut down while on a walk and she had to carry him home and was then having a go at all the inconsiderate idiots that drove past her not offering a lift.

I pointed out that in the current climate, offering lifts to strangers seems like a dangerous thing to be doing. I have on many occasions given lifts to random strangers, couple of lads on a dark A road at 11pm when the nearest town is 4 miles down the road. A female who had obviously been out and about the night before walking home in the rain. I was raised to help when I can. But, with the way things are going I think you can say goodbye to good deeds.
11 Sep 2013
26 Dec 2003
So you think it's acceptable to start touching people up on their legs without any prior permission?

It was normal social behaviour until very recently, certainly decades ago it wasn't put in the same basket as sexual assault/harassment.

What happens if the government makes viewing porn illegal tomorrow? pretty much everyone is guilty of that in the past few decades. Even if you just got redirected to a website by adware.

By all means go to the police with historical abuse cases but with a total lack evidence don't expect success and certainly people shouldn't be making accusations in public that are unable to be proven either way, only cases where guilt is found in a court of law should be making it into the public domain.
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26 Dec 2003
Because the way things are being allowed to happen now if someone were to post on social media that Mr X touched their leg in an unwelcome manner 40 years ago, asusuming it was someone high profile the next day there'd be a massive media **** storm and the accused would likely be suspended or sacked under the pressure of the left wing media. All I'm saying is that we need to follow and respect the legal process, not just destroy peoples' lives based on one sided claims that are in most cases impossible to prove or disprove.

Look at the Labour MP who committed suicide, he was effectively hung, drawn and quartered before anyone (including himself) even knew what he'd been accused of.
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