
30 Jul 2013
It's always been acceptable and remains so to this day... technically, depending on the individual.
If the recipient responds favourably, then it's making a pass. If they complain, it's sexual assault. Simple as.

It's the age-old gamble that has seen alpha males get laid all the time and everyone else skulking away like cowards to go do something like overclocking computers or posting on internet forums!! :D

What a load of cobblers!

Just to be clear - according to you "Alpha males" can go around groping women and those women will be so impressed that they leap in to bed with the man, because he's such an Alpha?

Until there's an official guideline published on how to 'acceptably' let someone know you're interested, whaddya s'posed ta do...?

Not randomly grab women's bits?
11 Sep 2013
Just to be clear - according to you "Alpha males" can go around groping women and those women will be so impressed that they leap in to bed with the man, because he's such an Alpha?
"Well yes, obviously, because all women love strong confident men who take the lead.... except they don't right now because Aunt mallory is visiting and she's got problems which are weighing heavily on the woman's mind.... but the guy is gorgeous and she's tired of watching Fifty Shades alone with a bottle of wine at night.... oh, I wonder what colour curtains would look good in the hallway..... but yes, but no, but calories, but nice aftershave, but TV schedule, but iPod, but..... "
Or to be less sarcastic - It depends entirely on what the woman wants.
Some like it, some don't. Some will tear your pants off, some will sue them off.
Some will laugh at your 'simply talking' and assume you frequent geeky computer forums, while others will take even that talking to be a form of harrassment.

TBH, I'd say it's probably not worth bothering with in the first place, you'll only get it wrong and you're better off just going home and playing some computer games. It also saves all the potential relationship drama that will follow even if you do get it right!! :D

That's only what not to do if you like your bedroom without bars and cellmate(s).
It's not an official How To... :p
18 Jun 2010
The human mind is turbulent. There is a constant battle between our atavistic urges and our societal duties and expectations.

Why are humans so arrogant as to assume we are something more than just animals too? Religion is evidence of this arrogance. Denying differences in desires and behaviours because of biology is also evidence of this arrogance.

Societies progression seems to have eroded traditional roles for men and preserved traditional roles for women.
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
It's always been acceptable and remains so to this day... technically, depending on the individual.
If the recipient responds favourably, then it's making a pass. If they complain, it's sexual assault. Simple as.

Talk about missing the memo! I must have been otherwise engaged when this edict was handed down.
In a lifetime of striving to get women interested, (before I was married you understand), I never once laid a hand on one while trying to get her attention, unless you count resting my hands lightly on her upper arms when I betrayed my Gallic roots in lightly bestowing a kiss to each cheek upon being introduced.
I can’t for the life of me see that it’s ever acceptable behaviour to put your hand up a woman’s skirt, squeeze her thigh, and say, “Want to have a glass of wine sometime?”
Maybe I’m just not Alpha enough.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Talk about missing the memo! I must have been otherwise engaged when this edict was handed down.
In a lifetime of striving to get women interested, (before I was married you understand), I never once laid a hand on one while trying to get her attention, unless you count resting my hands lightly on her upper arms when I betrayed my Gallic roots in lightly bestowing a kiss to each cheek upon being introduced.
I can’t for the life of me see that it’s ever acceptable behaviour to put your hand up a woman’s skirt, squeeze her thigh, and say, “Want to have a glass of wine sometime?”
Maybe I’m just not Alpha enough.
You need to take the red pill, you great mincer.
28 Nov 2003
I didn't realise there had been votes on the use of the word "bint". Particularly bewildering that people speaking other languages in other countries across the EU would be voting on such matters.

Not bint, that's just my buzz word of the moment. No, embracement of nationalistic views and pride, views going contrary to the acceptance of uncontrolled immigration by persons of unknown background and intent, views against their country's over population, the rejection of the emancipation of the male, the burgeoning thrust upon the young and impressionable to question their sexuality and gender, the expectation to analyse every sentence and utterance to see if today's particular frontier of correctness may be seen to have been breached by some weirdo. Blah blah... Nearly all views the young Liberals have been brain washed into thinking immutable by two or so generations of low grade university "professionals" seeking to spread their agendas.
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