
11 Oct 2004
Because the way things are being allowed to happen now if someone were to post on social media that Mr X touched their leg in an unwelcome manner 40 years ago

But that’s not what’s happening. The allegations range from groping of breasts at work to outright rape. All acts illegal when they were committed.

Look at the Labour MP who committed suicide, he was effectively hung, drawn and quartered before anyone (including himself) even knew what he'd been accused of.

Everyone deserves due process and Carl Sergeant didn’t get that.
28 Nov 2003
That was also in the Daily Mail this morning, a good humorous article from Melissa Kite, the feminists will be sticking needles in effigies of her tonight :)

We older gentlemen are easily flattered by a good looking bint, such is life... I just remind myself they are after something and it probably isn't a bit of nookie.



10 Jun 2007
I’m confused. The latest news was about someone having their breast groped at work. It happened around five years ago, long after the latest sexual offences act was introduced in 2003. Why are we suddenly talking about someone touching someone else’s leg 40 years ago? Are people talking about a real case here?
If you want to downplay the conduct, it helps to pretend that 2005-2015 was so long ago that no-one can be sure what happened and, even if they can, things were different back then.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I imagine most people have had unwanted physical sexual passes made at them. I suppose, in respect of such passes, there is a degree of acceptability - people make it pretty clear from body language what they find acceptable. Every time I have been flirting with someone and have put my hand on their bum, it hasn’t ended badly. It’s pretty obvious if it’s going to be acceptable or not - but I guess some people take punts more willingly than others. I’ve had random people pinch my bum - weird - but I’ve just laughed it off... because I’m a 6’ male and not really at risk of being sexually assaulted.

From my recollection of university, everyone (girls and boys) got smashed and just bumped into each other in clubs hoping someone would take an interest. That’s just our young British culture.... never be direct with our feelings so get drunk and go dance n’ bump :o :p

I think what makes a lot of these claims more ominous than standard passes is that they appear to be abusing a position of power. For Weinstein at least.
19 Feb 2010
A girl on the train was giving me some sort of weird creepy death stare this morning for most of the journey. #metoo?
28 Nov 2003
A girl on the train was giving me some sort of weird creepy death stare this morning for most of the journey. #metoo?

Unless you spend good money it's only too easy for women to find cosmetic surgeons somewhat lacking in restraint and skill these days, apparently the French are best. There's a woman in the dry cleaners who had a few things "de-aged" and went for the cheap options. One tries not to stare....They say the name tattoos on her stomach have become italicised since the last procedure. It's the little details they don't warn these bints about.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
That was also in the Daily Mail this morning, a good humorous article from Melissa Kite, the feminists will be sticking needles in effigies of her tonight :)

We older gentlemen are easily flattered by a good looking bint, such is life... I just remind myself they are after something and it probably isn't a bit of nookie.
It's your relentless use of the word "bint" that really impresses people, you know.
28 Nov 2003
I love the word bint and as you have noticed, I use it a lot, both written and in day to day conversation. I like slattern, harridan and harpy as well, I go through phases.... :) Being politically incorrect opens up some wonderful English vocabulary.
25 Nov 2007
This is a computer shop forum. The computer shop is primarily aimed at the more hardcore tech people ("Overclockers")

Chances are a lot of people who use it are

A) Geeks
B) Male

(I am)

That further increases the chances that they aren't successful with woman and therefore find it easier to put the blame on women for their own failings with sex/relationships/love.

A huge generalisation but an accurate one.

If you impose yourself onto others, that is delusion.

For example...

This is a computer shop forum. The computer shop is primarily aimed at the more hardcore tech people ("Overclockers")

Chances are a lot of people who use it are

A) Sociopaths
B) Male

(I am)

That further increases the chances that they do not really care about the lives of other people and post only random comments to pass the time.

A huge generalisation but an accurate one.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I love the word bint and as you have noticed, I use it a lot, both written and in day to day conversation. I like slattern, harridan and harpy as well, I go through phases.... :) Being politically incorrect opens up some wonderful English vocabulary.
You could just use "women". Then people might take you seriously, rather than viewing you like a child who's just found a dictionary and is looking up rude words.

All those words have their place and use, but describing women in every situation is not how they work. What's the point of that? It's not even all that "politically incorrect", as though that's a thing to aspire to be. Those words all have uses in context, but using them in all circumstances when referring to women means you come across either as stupid because you don't know what the words mean, or misogynist because you do.
27 Mar 2013
If you impose yourself onto others, that is delusion.

For example...

This is a computer shop forum. The computer shop is primarily aimed at the more hardcore tech people ("Overclockers")

Chances are a lot of people who use it are

A) Sociopaths
B) Male

(I am)

That further increases the chances that they do not really care about the lives of other people and post only random comments to pass the time.

A huge generalisation but an accurate one.
Maybe create a new thread for the majority with the line #meplease :p (too soon?).
28 Nov 2003
You could just use "women". Then people might take you seriously, rather than viewing you like a child who's just found a dictionary and is looking up rude words.

All those words have their place and use, but describing women in every situation is not how they work. What's the point of that? It's not even all that "politically incorrect", as though that's a thing to aspire to be. Those words all have uses in context, but using them in all circumstances when referring to women means you come across either as stupid because you don't know what the words mean, or misogynist because you do.

You must have realised I have a strong misogynist streak by now, surely? I hardly try and hide it! :)
17 Sep 2010
Somewhere in Asia
Before anyone starts to hyper ventilate that I am claiming that molestation, groping or sexual harassment is ok, I need to put out a disclaimer than its not cool. In my opinion the decade is irrelevant, if it happened it happened and it needs to be dealt with. The issue with all of this though is that word 'IF'.

Some of these accusations cannot be defended, because

a)They were so long ago and may be out of memory

Because of Weinstein, any actress or lady that works in the film industry can come out and 'claim' that Harvey did X,Y.Z and it would automatically be believed because of the plethora of evidence against him and his activities. Now I am not saying that everyone who has made allegations is making it up, but I certainly believe that some are to satisfy their needs for media attention and a five minutes of fame that might result in a payday from a national newspaper.

The bandwagon is dangerous.
11 Sep 2013
In which decade was touching women up acceptable, granted I am only 43 so probably dont remember when it was?
It's always been acceptable and remains so to this day... technically, depending on the individual.
If the recipient responds favourably, then it's making a pass. If they complain, it's sexual assault. Simple as.

It's the age-old gamble that has seen alpha males get laid all the time and everyone else skulking away like cowards to go do something like overclocking computers or posting on internet forums!! :D
Until there's an official guideline published on how to 'acceptably' let someone know you're interested, whaddya s'posed ta do...?
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