Just rolling a druid now, drop me a /w when im about, we will talk...
What's your ingame name? Pish?
Just rolling a druid now, drop me a /w when im about, we will talk...
There doesn't seem too be much on the social side for lower lvls
Damn well something must be up, i have a ticket open anywhoo
Hi all. I have recently re-subbed to WoW. I have only got the basic game not Buring Crusade or Litch King. I have started on a different server to what your on and I have a 32 orc hunter. I played the Hunter last time and got lvl 60 iirc, I had BC then, still got it but cant install as it was linked to a hacked account which I have yet to sort out with Blizzard.
I enjoy the Hunter but I fancy something different now. I have tried all the race and classes they are all good but had no reason to lvl a different one. So if you can tell me what your looking for I will be happy to lvl whatever you want. Warriors are my second fav behind hunter. My first toon was a warrior.
Let me know what you think. Im a casual player but will probably try out end game stuff once I get there eventualy.
i got a 60 warrior and a 70 mage as well as some other lower levels.
would they be any use to you?
Meh you wouldnt have anything against players from Portsmouth would you ?
What nights and times do you usually raid ? The guild I'm in has too many people from outside the UK so the 1900 start times are too early as I work in Hursley and the M3/M27 can be a pain in the arse at times.
p.s play up pompey
What days are you raiding ?
What spec warrior are you looking for, could always transfer my warrior over at some point, but the only interest i have warrior wise is prot.
That's my Paladin, Lekreah
Dropped a message on here earlier in the week that I can't afford the transfer this week unfortunately.
Going to be transferring next week though and by then I'll hopefully have a couple new improvements to my gear as well, if the lag gives up anyhow. Was only home for an hour last night but couldnt do a thing because of some pretty serious delays..
By the way, I made a pretty dire choice buying t10 gloves with frost (as the gloves aren't particularly well itemized) a few weeks ago. I should have 60 badges again by Monday or Tuesday, do you think I should be going for the shoulders which is a 2nd piece of t10 for the bonus or just go for the belt (which looks like about a 60 intellect improvement after gems) and more haste.
Hey Guys,
Are you lot still going strong? I used to play a mage on Magtheridon (purely PVP with a little raiding mixed in) and with the right bunch i would be interested in joining up! However, i'm a mage! Do you need any more DPS? Do have arcane specced with PVE gear although may need upgrading now..
I'll post my profile soon. Cheers!
Looking good guy's, hopefully you'll still need me in a week or so , i dont think i'll have a problem gathering the gold i'll need to get the icc craftables im after though, half way through level 77 and as fate would have it, i've only completed 77 northrend quests , so when i go back and do ll those quests at 80 i can see a nice stash builiding up .
Quick question sawell, anyone in the guild got the patterns for ulduar crafted plate boots and belt? thinking of perhaps grabbing them as soon as i hit 80 as they are still pretty strong.
Any room for a priest (main) or rogue (alt) in the social guild? I'm on Kilrogg at the moment and would have to transfer over. No experience with raids and only just finished farming ICC 5-man normals as holy though I respecced to shadow to do some grinding for my rogue alt.
what are you guys recruiting at the moment?.. checked the website, just says everything, anything specific your in need of or??
Wooh. Lekreah is finally on Karazhan now. Working till half 4 today so should be on about 5 ish but not sure if I'll be on for long this evening.. sucks.
P.S I just checked out the realm forums and christ theres a lot of anger on Karazhan. Most of the 1st page is just bickering between a couple of people or couple of guilds, bunch'o crazies!
Was going to post seeing if any other people had started a chat channel to help eachother do the Higher Learning achieve but I think I'm too scared to post in case my nads are bitten by some raging loon.
Haha my old server Karazhan is. I am returning so where do I sign up? Level 80 Paladin.
I'm a prot warrior on Ahn'Qiraj.
iffy server tbh, 6/12 icc10, I'd definately consider transferring over
Sawell, I have a shadowpriest I could bring over to raid with if you need one. Your guild sounds like just the thing I need to rekindle my interest in WoW. He is Ally at the moment but I can bring him home to Horde if you think it's worth an app. I only started playing him again today as I have been on a WoW break since November(ish), so I have no 3.3 gear yet. Here is a link anyway.
I also have a Ret paladin which I powerleveled to 80 2 months ago, so his gear is not too great yet. I really don't mind which I raid with, Spriest or Retradin. Let me know which is more needed so I can pen an app.
pally link.
I have tank gear too.. its at Toc25 standard at the moment, althoguh i have some badges that i can spend to get it at the right level for icc10
Managed to cancel the transfer, planned on doing it again tonight.
was going to do it last night but said i'd do a last raid with my guild tonight before i went. glad i did, got a new cloak, new weapon, new ring etc for my ret set, and new boots and bracers for my holy set
you got MSN or anything?
email in trust if you have
The guild started going down the pan once it was formed, the guild master that you had was a grade A idiot.
He took only his friends to raids, fobbed off other people with stupid excuses (worth mentioning here that the other people were far better also).
Probably THE worst run guild I have ever been in, the attitude that if somebody makes a mistake, you can't try and help them to fix it is absolutely insane.
You make one small remark about someone being a god awful player and you have softy officers jumping down your throat, was quite epic in itself.
I have being waiting for this day since I left, and im not surprised it has happened, with no explanation from the awful guild master
I suggest you make a new guild with someone who knows how to run it properly, and isn't a worthless scrub, or join one that's better and see how its done.