Group of 7 on WoW looking for more rerollers

Good to still see we have some OCUKers coming through :D we have ourselves a right little community now.

In terms of updates, one of our members is a graphic designer who has awesomly designed this rather delicious website for us that will be going up soon in place of the current design on the website:


And a few days ago saurfang was downed in true OCUK style

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Hi Sawell, just an update on what I was thinking of doing now Twentyone(Mariawtf) is there :p

I was still unsure but I spoke to a mate of mine earlier who I used to play with and he wants to come aswell, I assume this would be ok? He isn't sure of what class to play (has them all) and so on but I imagine its not a problem either way? (He's not a "bad". Gladiator as Shaman/Warrior since S2) and has raided at the highest level with myself.

Will have to give EJ a read and weigh it up with what one of my characters I like the most before deciding! :D

Yeah of course mate the more the merrier, on the verge of having a 25 man team soon :)
With regards to all the people starting out, please feel free. We welcome any level, we have a raiding team but also many social members leveling up. You can probably bum boosts etc too. And we're always up for coming and sorting out gankers for you :p

I'll be ingame most/all of tonight, just whisper Pumpty.
You can, just started a DK on the server. Im going to give you a shout although I must admit im tempted to start a mage from scratch, so might level him to 10+ and join with him instead. Id be one of the quieter members as stated previously slow leveller here fitting in WOW when I can, but would like to try a decent guild that has some fun for instances and the like.

I think I will create a DK to join with if thats ok?

I have looked on the site and I will definitely be a casual player!! :D

Of course mate, just drop Pumpty a /w ingame.
Oh really? Hmm need a 80dk ? Have a 72ish rogue and 60 lock

Dk is all epic pre uldar .tank and dps sets (although think dk tanking is nerfed)

Rogue is combat fist atm but i was lacking the motivation to get him to 80 due to soloing was really hard compared to the dk

All chars have maxed trade skills and first aid and epic fly etc


I assume you're our latest applicant? :D

website looks rather sexy.

what are you recruiting at the moment?

We've got a lot of DKs and Mages, so probably not them. Everything else is pretty much good :)
How are you guys doing for Prot Paladins? I've been thinking of high toeing it off my realm due to the shockingly low demand for us.

Just to say my gear level not the best, gear = 232/245 but I know my tanking.

Would be great, we have another active prot pally but there's nothing wrong with having two and our druid tank really wants to go resto so would ease us up on healers.
Our raid times are a bit all over the place atm.

The current situation is basically we'd like to start 25 mans. However, we have (or did have) a fair few scrubs. The majority of the guild (which consists of a lot of people from here) are competent and do well in raids.

We did a totc 25 run about a week ago and we got 3/5 down with a couple of wipes on beasts/faction champs and twins. It's really not a hard raid, the tactics are straightforward. The competent half of the guild did well while the other half who were mostly recruited from the server failed pretty hard spite instruction. We've got rid of a few of them now. Not to say we kicked them, everyone is welcome as social but they wanted raiding rank which you actually have to be good at, obviously.

So we're still on the hunt currently for that good 25 team, although we're doing well on 10 mans. I think we'll down festergut tonight.

It's quite a lengthy process to narrow down and weed through the stones to find the diamonds, but we're getting there.

I'm getting pretty bored of my guild and pugging heroics all the time (in both cases, the immaturity is getting to me).

I have 3 80s, listed in order of my preference (and creation order, funnily enough):

Druid (Resto main, Feral tank off)
DK (Unholy tank main, Unholy DPS off)

The rogue and druid are both 232/245 geared. The DK is 232/226 with a couple of 200s still.

Would you have any preference for one/more of these guys? I am 50/50 interested in the social aspect of the guild and the raiding. I used to raid TBC a little (Kara, Gruul) and have done some 10 and 25 mans in WoTLK (VoA, OS, ToC, Uld, Naxx), but I want to see how it fits around RL and try to get the balance right.

I would also be up for rerolling a class/spec that you need and powerlevelling them. I notice the guild recruitment is particularly interested in Shaman, Shadow Priest and Prot warrior. That's interesting as I've not played any of those classes beyond the early levels and could be fun.

We actually could do with both a feral druid and rogue. We were quite high on melee (mainly DKs) but many have rerolled or gone inactive which has left us with a bit of a melee-shaped hole.

You're obviously welcome on any character you like, but for raiding purposes you're most likely to be required on the feral druid/rogue (feral probably a little higher) and least likely on DK. We try to get good raid compositions so that can often mean people get left out or need to roll on 10 man spots. For example we have crap loads of mages :D
Right, so I want to resub as my flatmate has started playing again, and I like the idea of creating a brand new lvl 1 on Karazhan and joining the guild (Like the website btw!). Is there room for a new lvl 1 character hoping to get to 80 again? :)

Always :D just drop an officer a note and say you're from OCUK and want to join as a social.
To all those starting up, whisper one of the following ingame for an invite:


Although a lot of us work during the day, Lui and Krav are normally around :)

We downed rotface last night and are on a big recruitment drive to try and get an ICC 25 team started.

If you're interested in joining as a social rank you only need to ask for an invite, if you want to join as a raider then visit the website (In need of good DPS, a couple of healers and one good tank atm).
Is it me or is the guild particularly quiet? Only see the occasional banter, presuming most of the talk is on skype? Nowhere near joining raiding yet, just hit 36. Thinking of paying for a conversionfrom undead to troll because I haven't yet found a use for wotf that can't be replaced by the horde medallion in pvp and that bezerk looks awesome.

Depends when you play really mate. A lot of us work during the day but at nights the guild chat is always booming when I'm around. In fact a few of us had to turn GC off in a raid the other night because it was so distracting, lol.
ive recently started anew, my first time playing wow as a level 22 blood elf warlock

are you only looking for people with experience or can i with my total ineptity join in?

Of course, we don't require experience to join the guild. Only to raid :)

Let me know your name or w/ Pumpty
Exciting week to be playing WoW.

The guild is going strong, we did a half guild half pug 25 yesterday which went really well. We got up to Saurfang (which by pug standards is good).

The bonus is that due to that another GM who was in the pug was impressed and asked us if we'd be interested in merging guild runs to do 25 mans more often. So we're trailing that tomorrow.

The social side of the guild is still very strong. We have a very active skype community within the guild, we're always chatting in and out of WoW by text or voice comms.

Our 10 man team is doing well, we got rotface down last week. We had a glance at putricide who seems pretty straight forward. Dreamwalker looks like fun so we're going to give her a try tonight and the blood princes.

We're still looking for members to join in with the ICC 25 group being built. And we're still after our social members, we all get along and would be fantastic to add more people to the great group of friends we've already made.
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