The Unit: Resurrection
Due to interest and a general feeling of 'missing each other' (poofs) The Unit is looking like it will be rising from the ashes in a new and improved direction on a decent server (TBA).
We had a fantastic time during the period we were established and, for the most part, were as our name intended; a solid unit of people bound by a common goal with a good sense of humour and attitude. It seems that the solidity of our bond has not been broken, and for a lot of us there is a keen interest to see us unite again, but with changes in mind. The changes are as follows:
New Server
Karazhan, to put it bluntly, was a poor choice of server on our part. There was no sense of community; the only community that existed was broken and imbalanced, and generally hostile. The server was littered with those that struggle to speak English and the h/a population was dire. All round it was a big contributing factor to the demise of The Unit. Starting out there is a requirement to source a high proportion of your raiders locally before players will consider x-realm, and this counted against us during our start-up.
We will be relocating to a higher population and well established realm, which has yet to be confirmed until we transfer there ourselves.
We are taking a different approach to the way in which the guild will be led. Going forward there will be a Guild Council, consisting of either 3 or 5 members of The Unit. The council will be chosen by the members, and the council members will need to prove their worth towards leadership of the guild. We feel this democratic approach to leadership will not only aid the way in which the guild is run, but also help us to establish a democracy that allows members to dictate the direction of their guild, and allows the burden of guild administration to be spread evenly over a council of individuals.
New members and ideas will voted for by the council members, and they will need a majority in order to be accepted.
Stricter recruitment and ranking
Part of our problem is that we rushed from 10 man to 25 man too quickly, and due to this rushed our recruitment to get the numbers needed in order to raid. Going forward this will change, the recruitment policy will be harder and there will be an enforced probationary period for new members of 1-2 weeks in which they are judged. Initially new members must get a majority (2 or 3 yeses from the council depending on size) to be accepted.
The ranks will also receive more structure, including class leaders and junior and senior raiders.
Raiding and rotations
Another big complaint of the previous Unit was the way in which we conducted raids. The raids themselves had good feedback, but the way in which players were chosen to raid was often subject to criticism, especially in 10 man raids. This will be looked at and changed.
These are but a few of the changes we are looking to make with the new guild. Some of the old faces that will be moving with us include Mancold, Infamy, Fetchi, Shamcow, Adorra, Kravchuck, Jailbayt and, of course, Pumpty. I hope that we can unite more of the old members, who of course are welcome back without question. I also hope that you have realised the passion I have to correct the mistakes that I take responsibility for. Let the good times roll on!
For more info