Growing Chillies

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Very very slowly, but it is growing. Might be ready for next summer..

Hehe that's looking healthy - careful of the curve in the stalk. In the grown plan that will exaggerate and the plant will top the pot over. If you can't correct it now don't worry just stick a support in there as it'll need it later.
happening t will straighten out. It's because it died again two days ago. Just totally collapsed with inside an hour. Never seen anything like it. Poured water in and with a few hours it was standing upright but bent. It doesn't show any signs of wilting. it just suddenly collapses. So I'm now goign to water it every 3-4days rather than once a week. Yeah once it gets bigger I will be using a stick.
From what I've noted - the petals shrivel quickly leaving the centre stigma still looking normal, the stem to the flower thickens.

When that's happening then I'll just ignore it and focus on the other flowers.

Also it's worthing understanding that each flower only gives a finite amount of pollen. It doesn't continue producing it indefinitely.
From what I've noted - the petals shrivel quickly leaving the centre stigma still looking normal, the stem to the flower thickens.

When that's happening then I'll just ignore it.

Now you mention it thats what mines have done.

I managed to knock the little centre stem thing off the bottom of the chilli, is this bad?
happening t will straighten out. It's because it died again two days ago. Just totally collapsed with inside an hour. Never seen anything like it. Poured water in and with a few hours it was standing upright but bent. It doesn't show any signs of wilting. it just suddenly collapses. So I'm now goign to water it every 3-4days rather than once a week. Yeah once it gets bigger I will be using a stick.

Remember the water will drop to the bottom and a plant this small will not have roots that far down yet.

Larger plants will have roots going down that far - check that you're not drowning the roots though in standing water. It can cause issues of rotting which are serious issues for chilli plants.

Does that pot have holes in the base?
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Now you mention it thats what mines have done.

I managed to knock the little centre stem thing off the bottom of the chilli, is this bad?

I would leave them on if possible. Basically the Pollen adheres to the stigma and then the pollen sprouts a tube down the stigma (following a tube called a "style") into the unfertilised seeds.
The plant then fruits, so after a while there's no need for the stigma or pollen to be attached as the seed is already fertilised.

So (I'm guessing logically) leaving the stigma and flowers to naturally fall off means there's a better chance that the more seeds will be usable.
You can tell a flower being dropped btw - it will show as a pale colour difference and then a browning at the base of the flower where it meets the stalk.
Here if this doesnt blow your scovile unit nothing will.

Its Getting Hot in here

There are links on the right too for more

Well ride me silly with a wire brush, those Naga ones are at the top of the scale. You cannot eat them can you? They will put hairs on your eye balls, even strip paint from metal.
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I have Jalapenos, Bell Peppers and Cayennes growing in my conservatory/lean-to at the moment. With the hot weather, you walk in there in the afternoon and the whole place smells of roast peppers - it's lovely.

They droop a lot when lacking water, but after you've added it they perk up very quickly. Harvested a Cayenne a couple of weeks ago and it was lovely in a sandwich - can't wait for the Jalapeno to start fruiting properly...we've only got about three pickable at the moment. Two big bell peppers ready to rock on the other plant.

This is using NO extra equipment etc. Reared initially in the airing cupboard, then transferred to pots and planted in the conservatory.
Heres just a little update to show how my chilis are growing.



The pound is for scale purposes
Awesome work.

Just taken the next harvest of Japalenos to save them from over ripening - into the freezer! Have about 10 that are almost ready (red but need a little longer).

I have come to the conclusion that my approach to the Dorset Naga was wrong. I've not had one chilli. They're growing and still producing flowers but that's it.
So I've taken the executive decision to take the largest one and hack it back to the base stem and let side shoots grow naturally by putting it on the window sill.
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I'll have a better read of this thread later, for some reason I've never come in here but I've been growing chillies for some time.

This is Big Frank 2nd from the local garden centre:


Big Frank 1 was eaten alive by spider mite in the flat and I never got rid of it so I chucked the plant so as not to contaminate my other plants. For some reason Big Frank 2nd has never grown, he's been that size since I bought him back in April, so I pulled him out the big pot and put him in something smaller.

So this means there's a Big Frank 3rd which I picked up at Lewisham market. Much stronger plant and it's growing well:


See my strawberries are attacking it with deadly triphid vines :D
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