Growing Chillies

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Cheers. The bird is going to be very suspicious with me spending so much time with Charlie this evening.

Esspecialy if you are touching and coressing its flower :eek:

Im not sure if all plants need to be polinated, i havent done all of myy chilli flowers and they are growing, i think it just helps it a bit possibly speeding up the process
if you dont want to do it your self you can stick them in the garden and hope bees do all the work. i didnt have any luck that way though so had to do it myself.
if you dont want to do it your self you can stick them in the garden and hope bees do all the work. i didnt have any luck that way though so had to do it myself.

Problem with that plan is, bees have a funny kind of mind where they remember where polen can be found and will continue to go to it, however if there has never been polen in an area and you whack out plants it may take a while for any bees to come to them and then be to late for you. if you do it yourself then it cuts out the "MABY IT WILL BE POLLONATED" situation
Mine are coming on well, posted pics while ago but here they are as of today. I seem to have 2 distinct types, as 4 are much bushier and the same height, 3 are taller but less bushy. I think the seed packet just said "hot chilli pepper" so I have no idea on what variety they may be.


This is one of the tall pots (2 plants) approx 2 feet!


This is one of the bushier plants:

If all these make chillis I will have loads :D



This also has my tomatoes and aubergines in:

Some randoms of other plants (pretty bored!)




Patty Pan


Leaves are 1 foot wide :eek:

Butternut Squash and Yellow Courgette


Yellow courgette I just picked

How long from chillis making flowers to me eating them??
Not sure, when green and of a size u like i guess. Wonder if u pick jalapenos when small there even hotter?

From what i have read the smaller the peper the stronger it is usualy because it is more concentrated.

Im going to pick my pepers at about 5cm as apaches usualy peak at that, mite pick some at green and let the others ripen
Apparently greener is hotter but im not 100% on that, will go check.

Have a look here, shame the web page is she knows, she always does doesnt she !!!!

Chili types
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are green fly a problem to the plants? my plant down stairs has got 3 or 4 green fly in most of the flowers.

Greenfly are a pain to all flowering plants, if yo don't want to cover them in insectecide get a garden spray bottle and put a soapy water mix in it then mist the plants every day. This usually kills the little gits.
Cant wait to pick mines, it has gone daft the last week sprouting them everywhenre and growing like mad.

Other one has just taken off too, the Dwarf Apache did drop an awfull lot of flowers but still has a considerable amount left

Last week when it was nice and warm I moved my plants outside to get the heat and nice sun shine.

I was just checking them this morning and they have been infested by hundreds of greenfly!!!

What could i use to get rid?


edit: just read above post, will try the soapy water!
Someone mentioned mixing a tiny bit washing up liquid in water then spraying it over them they will soon leave


Greenfly are a pain to all flowering plants, if yo don't want to cover them in insectecide get a garden spray bottle and put a soapy water mix in it then mist the plants every day. This usually kills the little gits.
well my dwarf Apache has 20 chilis on it and my large one has about 5, i just want to pick one and try it
2 of my jalapeno plants are about 5inch high now. They are starting to grow faster and faster each few days. :)

You will be surprised with them, when i went over to Ireland for 5 days they nearly doubled in size lol.

I cannot wait to at one, just going to pull it off and eat it.

Whay does that sound rude
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