Dont forget to get some twine for the sticks.
I have always used multi purpose compost, first it was a 1.5 i think litre bag of asda smart price multi purpose. That was really good actually. Then Wilkinson's mp soil same size small bag tho i didn't like it as too many big bits in compared to asdas stuff. Latest stuff is a big big of MP soil from netto which isnt too bad as it has john innans stuff in or somit.
My stuff is doing fine based on those choices.
Some flowers do fall off because of the thin stems when i pollinate my flowers (jalapenos) so i have to be careful. Most of the time its fine tho. Just know that the stems thicken as the fruit starts to grow.
Oh btw tom feed is usually just for when the flowers are on the plant and starting to fruit. If you use it too early it will bring on flowering early (i think). So something to think about. Tho it wont really hurt just be knowledgeable about this fact and you will be fine.
Btw all, my jalapenos are growing really well. I got some about 4cm now.
They look lush.
Also btw about your basil.
If you get stalks that look like this and want to encourage growth to be more bushy. Then snip off where the arrow points to encourage them small baby leaves to grow outwards into two new stalks.