GTA 4 PS3 vs 360

wow quick replys and i have ordered it on the 360

here are the pros and cons how i see them

360 pros - DLC, better controls, better online system for updates, online play is possible

cons - noisy console, unreliable console (could kill the console whilst playing), not as powerful as the ps3, doesnt come with guaranteed hard drive for cacheing, installing to hard disk

ps3 pros - much lighter controller but the controller itself now feels dated, very quiet console, very reliable console, feels more graphically powerful, guaranteed large hard disk for installing, cacheing

cons - no downloadable content, slightly dated control system, no rumble, no decent online system

so the 360 won it for me, i could always just buy it on the ps3 if it is much smoother gameplay

Controller is personal choice. I know you're the OP but this is a reply mainly aimed at others who are undecided. You can get a dual shock if you really want the weight and rumble. How do you know what the online will be like btw? Have you played multiplayer online? You cannot tell until the game is released.

P.s. Congratulations on starting a fanboy war. Preventing fanboy wars would have been a great reason to keep it PS3 exclusive :p

My brother has a 360. He'll get the 360 version. I have a ps3. I'll get the ps3 version. Mainly depends on how many of your friends have which console. Multiplayer will rock.
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I'll prolly get this on the 360 though im still not convinced by the game
I loved the original GTA but thought the sequels were all pretty pants, especially San Andreas, apart from Vice City which was, imo, a absolute masterclass
That 80's soundtrack just made the game - driving around miami in a soft top with 'japanese boy' belting out with four police cars in hot pursuit = pure gaming heaven :cool:

A dour faced in-game character in a dour faced city just doesnt really do it for me

On topic though i suspect both games will be fairly equal, i just dont play my PS3 much at all other than singstar to justify buying a £40 game i could have on the 360
As I only have a PS3 ill get it on that ( and the better PC version a few months later :D), if i had a 360 then it would be more of a dilemma with regards to the DLC.
Pretty sure the DLC price will about the shivering isles price ie 2400 space bucks so two lots of that is about the same price as a new game hmmm. If the story brings closure to the game (as it should) then what will the DLC bring ? New character storyline? New places to visit? Ive played all the GTA games on either PC PS or both, and ive only completed 1 of them, i tend just to get so far and have great fun just messing about doing the missions and some side missions when ive had my fun then thats it next game. I 100% vice city and spent ages doing it, but i didnt feel i missed out on SA or GTA 3 because i never finished it. So to me although the DLC i expect will be worth the £15-20 or so I dont think i'd get it even if it was on the PS3. In the end it will be great on both consoles, but im sure it wont be long before the fanboy BS will be posting vids and screens showing the difference between the 2 versions. If you have both and are willing to spend possibly £30-40 on the DLC then the 360 version will be your best bet.
One thing to add about the installation thing, but doesnt the 360 HDD use 5GB or so to cache game data? So any advantage of installing it on a PS3 will be some what mute if you have a 360 with a HDD? Or am i wrong in thinking this?
I actually really like the mannerisms + voice acting of Niko in the trailers. It also hints at there being more to him than just wanting to make it big in crime, i think he'll be a very interesting anti-hero.
One thing guys:

The lock on in the game relies on the triggers - heavily! You press trigger fully for full lock on, or half-way for manual lock on. Do you really want to use the PS3 triggers for that? I sure don't.

This alone convinced me to get the 360 version.
One thing guys:

The lock on in the game relies on the triggers - heavily! You press trigger fully for full lock on, or half-way for manual lock on. Do you really want to use the PS3 triggers for that? I sure don't.

This alone convinced me to get the 360 version.

Where did you read that? That's not good at all for the PS3 in my opinion :(.
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