GTA 6 leaks

Unless you work for rockstar or have some insider info you cannot make that claim.

Also for your claim to be true the critical path of game developement would need to be coding resource. I doubt that is the case.
Rockstar employ, at a guess, 1,000-1,200 people. It stands to reason that if all 1,200 are working on VI it would be released earlier. They're not. Some are still churning out heists and other content for V Online. That might only be 100-200 people but it still makes a big impact.
Rockstar employ, at a guess, 1,000-1,200 people. It stands to reason that if all 1,200 are working on VI it would be released earlier. They're not. Some are still churning out heists and other content for V Online. That might only be 100-200 people but it still makes a big impact.
So from wiki they have over 2000 employees split over 9 studios. As with a lot of game development they are probably using outsourcing companies as well, since certain development items would fluctuate in the amount of people needed.

I understand why you think, what you think. But the truth of the matter is that it is baseless speculation because we don't know what the critical path is for this game.

Here are some reasons off the top of my head for why it could be taking so long:

It could be that they had to build a new engine from scratch to deal with the larger map and they are just having issues with it.
It could be that they needed so many assets for this game that it is taking a ridiculous amount of man hours to complete.
Maybe they have an insane number of quests with intricate stories attached to all of them
Maybe the main storyline is constantly being refined.
Maybe they are writing a huge amount of dialog for all the NPC's in the game and it is taking a while
Maybe the game is so large and complex and is filled to the brim with bugs and it is taking a long time to fix them.
Or maybe they've had to restart development several times due to not being happy with the test builds (That's a personal theory I have for games with unusually long development times)

It could be anyone of these things or other things that I haven't even mentioned. Maybe it is multiple issues compounding together.

Your analysis assumes that throwing more people at the problem will automatically increase development speed, it reminds me of this statement "If 1 woman takes 9 months to create 1 baby, then 9 women must take 1 month to create 1 baby"
Some tasks are parallel but some are very linear.
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Politically correct? I must have missed that. Unless you mean when Trevor kidnaps that blokes wife and forces her to live in a trailer with him as husband and wife. Then changes his mind and gives her back just as the Stockholm syndrome is kicking in. :D
I liked that scene lol.

There are some trans situations in single player when you do the pickup truck missions. I think they removed them entirely.

I'll try and find an article.

I liked that scene lol.

There are some trans situations in single player when you do the pickup truck missions. I think they removed them entirely.

I'll try and find an article.

I hadn't realised that. It's hardly a big deal but as you say, hopefully it's not going to stop the next GTA from fully being a GTA in case they upset a few of their non target demographic.
10 years since GTA V I can still remember queuing up in a poorly lit retail park car park at midnight to collect my copy for the Xbox 360

I liked that scene lol.

There are some trans situations in single player when you do the pickup truck missions. I think they removed them entirely.

I'll try and find an article.

I didn't even realise there was anything 'trans' or 'anti-trans' in the game tbh - it can't have been a huge part of the game, it's a shame that art cannot poke fun at everything these days; nothing should be elevated to an ivory tower imo.

GTA has been known to have a certain humour, at times childish, but I expect everyone has had a chuckle at things on the radio stations or overheard NPC chatter - if they now need to tiptoe around certain groups; it might end up losing some of the childish charm.
I didn't even realise there was anything 'trans' or 'anti-trans' in the game tbh - it can't have been a huge part of the game, it's a shame that art cannot poke fun at everything these days; nothing should be elevated to an ivory tower imo.

GTA has been known to have a certain humour, at times childish, but I expect everyone has had a chuckle at things on the radio stations or overheard NPC chatter - if they now need to tiptoe around certain groups; it might end up losing some of the childish charm.

To be honest some of what Rockstar would have got away with in GTA V at the time and what we might see in GTA VI probably reflects that there's been 10 years between games.

The world has (rightly or wrongly) moved on and certain things just aren't generally accepted as "ok".
GTA no longer needs hype, just the mere mention of it by rockstar drives the internet tbh. It's one of the only games that now hypes itself.
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The older I get, the less interested in grand theft auto I become. 5 was okay I guess. Not really interested in 6. Unless it’s got a mind blowing story or something.
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