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***GTX 780 Ti Owners Thread***

12 Dec 2010
Washington D.C.
Results are done. I kept the cores both at 1160 MHz as it wouldn't be fair to pair the 1160 MHz core (stock air) 290x cards versus my 1300 MHz water Titan's.

The cards trade blows in AA titles like BF4, Skyrim and Witcher 2. My flight sim which doesn't work with SLI or Crossfire just happens to like NVIDIA a lot better. Crysis 3 and Heaven 2.0 didn't like my 290X's all that much for some reason. I purposely kept all SLI and Crossfire profiles stock that come from the most up to date drivers.

In all, the 290X's deliver superb performance for the money. These cards must be water cooled though, as the fan required at the voltage I ran to keep 1160 MHz core from throttling in all benchmarks would blow you out of the room.

Some of the original Eyefinity bugs from like five years ago are unfortunately still there. AMD also doesn't allow me to run bezel-corrected flipped portrait Eyefinity which is also a no-go. My flight sim also favors NVIDIA, which makes it that much harder to stick with the 290x's. I received one black screen crash from the 290x's during my testing.

290x's and Titans are great cards, but I've decided to go with 780Ti Classifieds as it's per-clock performance and overclockability should exceed both cards run in this test. Water blocks for the new Ti Classifieds are already on their way! :thumb:
19 Jul 2011
Hey guys - find the posts for this thread very useful! stuck between choosing the ti and 780. :)

Well , let me put it this way, i've had the 789 lightning, and a 290x, both of which i found sub par and was never happy with, i got my Gigabyte 780Ti 2 days ago and have been 110% happy with it from the word go, it wipes the floor with the 780 Ligtning performance wise and while it may not be miles ahead of the 290x its a MUCH better overall package and well worth the extra £100.

The last card i was truly 100% happy with was my 7950 windforce 3, why ? because it worked out of the box, it was quiet and fast and never gave me an issue. I dont care if its an Nvidia or Amd card, if i'm spending to get this level of highend hardware its got to be right, and Nvidia got it right , Amd got it wrong.
22 Sep 2005
How many Titan owners have sold up and switched to the Ti?
Thinking about ditching my Titan which I brought before the 780 came out.

I know it's not much of a jump performance wise, but now it's crown has been taken the shine has worn off the Titan lol
5 Sep 2011
How many Titan owners have sold up and switched to the Ti?
Thinking about ditching my Titan which I brought before the 780 came out.

I know it's not much of a jump performance wise, but now it's crown has been taken the shine has worn off the Titan lol

Honestly I wouldn't bother. I went from 3x Titans to 3x Tis and don't consider my purchase to be sane. But frankly there isnt much point.
20 Nov 2009
How many Titan owners have sold up and switched to the Ti?
Thinking about ditching my Titan which I brought before the 780 came out.

I know it's not much of a jump performance wise, but now it's crown has been taken the shine has worn off the Titan lol

I have 3x 780 and I'd love to have 3x 780Ti, but I know when Maxwell comes out next year I'd rather have 3x Maxwells - so I'm saving up instead of bursting out £ for 780Ti's.
10 Jan 2010
I've got a 780 classified running stable at 1228 boost and 7Ghz mem. (Hynix)

I would imagine that it is definitely faster than a Titan and probably faster than a stock 780ti.

However, I am still tempted to step up to a 780ti, although I can leave it until late January until my 90 days are up.

Hopefully, the price might have softened by then:)
24 Sep 2008
St. Neots, cambs
6 Feb 2013
what PSU's are most 780Ti users using?

I have a Coolermaster 600w Silentpro in my setup, which worked fine with my previous GTX 670 Windforce.. but I did have a few reboots during some Heaven benchmarking, so assuming it was the PSU letting me down.

Currently running 100+ on the GPU and 450+ on the memory for my EVGA 780 Ti Superclocked via Precision X.

Not sure what to step up to, any suggestions?
6 Feb 2013
that's my thoughts too.... I do want to overclock the Ti a little, but I think my PSU is going to let me down.

What do people suggest for an EVGA Superclocked card overclock?
Does my previous +100 and +450 sound about right?

New to overclocking GPU's TBH so any advice is welcomed.
5 Sep 2011
Yeah with an overclock on it + the CPU you'll be nearing some limits. You might find your PSU is just past it's best too which is why it's toppling with stock volts. You'd get away with a reasonable 600W but why bother when you can pick up a 750w for a little more. If you're overclocking, I never even consider settling for what I think will be adequate. Go as big as you can afford to spend.

On stock volts that's a nice offset on the Superclocks. I can just get 100+ and 480+ on the memory as an absolute limit. I don't consider mine to be great clockers though, I don't think the Superclocks generally are. I'm pretty sure they're put to one side and factory clocked to 980 for this exact reason.
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