Gucci Belts

I earn plenty enough to be comfortable and I have bought anything I have desired. I could be rich and still wouldn't waste money on branded items that you can get for better quality and cheaper. I guess I'm just not materialistic like you two.

Sorry to say. If you dont own at least one gucci belt you will never be a top earner
I earn plenty enough to be comfortable and I have bought anything I have desired. I could be rich and still wouldn't waste money on branded items that you can get for better quality and cheaper. I guess I'm just not materialistic like you two.
ok, comfortable, beta male. Come back when you the top earner.
Op still hasnt been back lol.

@Gibbo (other mods are available) Mods can you turn his email notifications on so we can get him back here. Need to know if he made it to the top!
lol, you expect Gibbo to do something? :D :D
No, we can't do this and I wouldn't want to anyway. He'll get notifications if you tag him anyway.
How sad your life must be. Trying to impress others to make yourself feel superior. When in reality you probably spent a months wage on an item no one gives a toss about.

Listen, low earner, I deserve all my Gucci belts and other Italian fashion house clothes. I am the top earner in my office and I like to treat myself to show the betas that I am the Alpha salesman.
I bet you sit in a corner sofa eating your Tesco food watching your medium sized TV. While I sit on a Prada Leather couch watching a Premium OLED 65" branded tv with my Marks and Specner too good to be true range products.
The joke has been missed on such an epic proportion I don't think a "wooooosh" even covers it.

10/10 - would read again.
Listen, low earner, I deserve all my Gucci belts and other Italian fashion house clothes. I am the top earner in my office and I like to treat myself to show the betas that I am the Alpha salesman.
I bet you sit in a corner sofa eating your Tesco food watching your medium sized TV. While I sit on a Prada Leather couch watching a Premium OLED 65" branded tv with my Marks and Specner too good to be true range products.
Marks and Specner.

Glorious :D

e: Also, it's top revenue earner not just top earner :mad:
I could be rich and still wouldn't waste money on branded items that you can get for better quality and cheaper.

Does the belt you bought from TK Max have a 21 digit authenticity serial number? No, of course it doesn't. Because it's some mass-produced fake leather tat that only low revenue earners will wear.
£270 for a belt? It's a ******* belt, how does this differ from from the ones I wear that cost around £20? And that thing is ugly as **** anyway. Looks like something one of the 'tards from those reality shows in Essex would wear.

You pay £20 for a belt?! Jesus. Just got some string and job done.
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