Guild Wars 2

i think im going to make a Guild Wars 2 Thread

Ok, I think we need some more GW2 info now ....

GW2 just reached gold status and is ready for release by the end of the month. The retail boxed version has been pictured and should be reaching store shelves very soon!


Ok, I think we need some more GW2 info now ....

GW2 just reached gold status and is ready for release by the end of the month. The retail boxed version has been pictured and should be reaching store shelves very soon!



LOL nice try but better then all the GW1 crap. seriously there are loads of GW1 threads! use them ffs
Oh, sorry guys, GW2 is no longer being made as a PC game.

It is being moved to the 360 only instead, and the combat system is being changed to 'Push one button for awesome'.


OMG They killed the PC gaming!
Elly's were used as tanks since the start of GW with Obsidian Flesh, and the only reason I was discussing builds to try and keep myself alive such as prot bonding were because I was trying for survivor, though I lost my progress when I tried running invoke. If I want to get survivor easilly without dying, all I have to do is run an obsi flesh tank (not very useful to the whole group), or an ER protter (much more useful). But I get bored of running the same build for every run and am trying different skillbars each time I repeat FoW. It doesnt matter if I die because I can just farm punchout later on after I am done with my obby armor.

No... they weren't. Obsidian Flesh was a useless skill at the start because there wasn't a single reason to actually use it. Infact, it was still useless until Obsidian Flesh tanks were devised for DoA and even then I think the Dervish actually made a better job of it. It only became good for tanking when Stoneflesh Aura and Stone Striker came about in Nightfall. Spellbreaker was always the best choice for tanks because it let you maintain a useful move speed while pulling, only extreme cases actually wanted Obsidian Flesh tanks and they simply didn't exist until much later on. Infact I can't think of anywhere but DoA they are used.

Simply running a build that you find fun isnt always helpful to everyone else in the group, and most people who play GW find winning fun, not losing, hence why a lot of people are very picky about builds, especially before we had access to heroes.

No but then thats why guilds and alliances exist. If a build is actually bad I'll ask them to make changes and if its redundant with what we've already got I'll also ask. Only time I'll try for a specific build is in areas where things can go badly wrong like DoA or Urgoz with no second chances.

Its a completely terrible waste of an elite skill, when you can use this instead if you want AoE daze:

You mean a terrible PvE skill with a very short duration dazed that doesn't work against bosses (often the most dangerous enemy who warrents it)? No I think I'll stick with Thunderclap. I considered it long ago.

What makes you think I'm not using that too? Panic messes with everything nearby which take twice as long to cast while the team focuses on 1 in particular.

Well thats changed since I last saw it. Might see if I can set Gwen up to use it with an Illusion build. Though I have to then choose between Pyre and Melandru's Shot or Hayda and Incoming...

Also Elemental Attunement would be useless in most of the game because it would get stripped. Invoke and Searing Flames are the Ellys strongest elites, and they are still a lot weaker than what the other classes have available.

So Ele Attun can get stripped but Prot Bond/Spirit can't? Interesting... No I think it would be covered by another Attunement and Elemental Lord (or AoR) then whatever enchantments the Monks use. Skills in this game are slightly more varied than 'damage' and 'damage mitigation' if you actually cared to look.

I've never seen anyone in the GW community using, nor suggest using thunderclap on an elly in PVE, its a terrible skill compared to what else you can put in your elite slot. Also running both thunderclap + fevered dreams is completely overkill just for dazed, and it does nothing against physical attackers. Two elite slots wasted on something that could be a lot better, and a job that can be handled by a single mesmer.

Could i care less what the GW community says? As if it wasn't obvious enough already you're a bloody sheep, you won't use anything that isn't backed up by 50 other sheep bleeting that it ownz. Your ignorance carries on by claiming Thunderclap + Fevered is useless for melee attackers... I know it might come as a shock (ha) but Air contains some quite good skills in that regard that work even better when suddenly spread to everyone in the area...

You really cant be playing a lot of higher end content tbh:

Is that proof? Some idiot claiming Mesmer energy management is bad because he's incompetent? Yes I drew that conclusion because he mentions BiP, anyone who actually needs BiP is terrible at managing energy. And define higher end content? I stopped caring about DoA long ago. Slavers Exile is a lamefest. Deep was always crap. Urgoz... meh, i've speedrun it 6-8x SF Ele's which was hilarious. Dungeons I've not done recently. I mostly just VQ... I might go have a look at HM Tombs. Its been a while.

Ether Signet is a horrible energy management skill, it has a 45 second cooldown! Mesmer skills for energy management simply cannot bring a monk up to the same healing potential as either Necromancers or Elementalists have. I really dont get why you have such a problem with elly or necro heroes tbh, just about the entire GW community recommends using them or ritualists for healing in HM PVE instead of monks. Non player monks (heroes or henchmen) are terrible at sustaining a group as well as a necro or elly healer player or hero can. Player monks are great, but in a very short and limited supply, and hero monks are worse than ellys, necros, or rits for healing. They WILL reach 0 energy mid battle, and when they do they can no longer heal.

I wasn't aware fights lasted for that long? By 30 seconds in its normally very obvious who is going to win the fight.

I don't remember saying I did have a problem with Ele or Necro heroes... I have a problem with you claiming everything but the bars you use are crap.
I've been running about for the past 20 minutes not having a clue what to do, what mission to do (LOADS in my quest log) if anyone who is really good at the game is kind enough to help me add me to steam: mrbios and gimmie a hand, pretty please :D
I've been running about for the past 20 minutes not having a clue what to do, what mission to do (LOADS in my quest log) if anyone who is really good at the game is kind enough to help me add me to steam: mrbios and gimmie a hand, pretty please :D

I'd help if i didn't have to revise but what campaign are you doing, prophicies?

By the way, anyone know if NCSoft will allow you to transfer a guild wars account to another NCSoft account that has another GW account on it, both are mine, just didn't know my old NCSoft login and only just recovered it, can't be bothered with the hastle of two.
So Ele Attun can get stripped but Prot Bond/Spirit can't? Interesting... No I think it would be covered by another Attunement and Elemental Lord (or AoR) then whatever enchantments the Monks use. Skills in this game are slightly more varied than 'damage' and 'damage mitigation' if you actually cared to look.

This really just highlights that you dont know much about the mechanics of the game. Elemental Attnement doesnt have many cover enchants compared to the Prot Elly build. You have Shield Guardian on a 1s cooldown to constantly spam for a party wide heal, Spirit Bond with a 2s cooldown, Protective Spirit with a 5s cooldown, and Prot Bond has an immediate cooldown - if it gets stripped you can recast it immediately. Running Normal attnuements plus AOR throughout a lot of PVE easily showed me that they wont stay up for very long because you cannot cover enchant them quickly enough and they have a long cooldown, but prot ellys can easily overcome enchant removal.

Could i care less what the GW community says? As if it wasn't obvious enough already you're a bloody sheep, you won't use anything that isn't backed up by 50 other sheep bleeting that it ownz. Your ignorance carries on by claiming Thunderclap + Fevered is useless for melee attackers... I know it might come as a shock (ha) but Air contains some quite good skills in that regard that work even better when suddenly spread to everyone in the area...

LOL sheep. I actually test lots of builds myself and figure out what works and doesnt and reccomend them to other people on the GW forums. And most other people on there really know their stuff. But Thunderclap is entirely unneeded, and it has too long a recharge. Thunderclap - Elite, 11s dazed, 20s recharge, or Technobable, non elite, 5s Dazed, 10s cooldown. I would seriously rather take the latter and use a better elite skill than thunderclap. If you actually need to use dazed to take down bosses in PVe, you are doing something very wrong because conditions and hexes expire 50% faster on bosses. I was one of the first people experimenting with multiple mesmer heroes after the 7 hero updates, trying to clear elite areas, and testing out builds and recommending what worked to others.

I've never found anywhere in PVE that requires AoE dazed, and you dont even know what a lot of the skills in this game even currently do, just like you didnt with Psychic Instability and a few others that I recommended for use in the current game.

The builds you use are pretty much terrible, and I couldnt recommend them for use to anyone else, and no I wouldnt ever want to use Thunderclap + Fevered Dreams, nor a team of weak punishing shot rangers anywhere in PVE.

Is that proof? Some idiot claiming Mesmer energy management is bad because he's incompetent? Yes I drew that conclusion because he mentions BiP, anyone who actually needs BiP is terrible at managing energy. And define higher end content? I stopped caring about DoA long ago. Slavers Exile is a lamefest. Deep was always crap. Urgoz... meh, i've speedrun it 6-8x SF Ele's which was hilarious. Dungeons I've not done recently. I mostly just VQ... I might go have a look at HM Tombs. Its been a while.

I cant even believe that this comment is serious, lots of casters that arent either Ellys, Rits, or Necros (mainly just Mesmers and Monks) often use Bip on their hero setup. Have you ever played a mesmer on a monk yourself and realized how quickly you run out of energy, and how it is too easy to miss interrupting with Power Drain which also has a 20s cooldown? Most of the mesmer E Management skills give you a very small energy boost, are far too conditional, and have terribly long cooldowns compared to what necromancers get for free from soul reaping, and elementalists get from Energy Storage skills.

It has been conclusively shown for several years that Glyph of Lesser Energy is a better energy management skill for human monks or mesmers than any of the mesmers skills based simply on how much energy is saved.

I personally wouldnt use Bip because I also find it to also be a waste of an elte slot, but then again I rarely play my Mesmer or Monk and only use them for RA. Better ways to maintain energy are to simply use ellys, necros and rits, though mesmers are hugely powerful ad the AI has near perfect interrupt times so they can handle themselves ok.

So heres the thing, you dont actually enjoy playing much of the end game content, have already filled your HoM and apparently already gotten 30 titles, so the builds you use are based on NM PVE content or what?

High end content in GW = HM vanquishing, HM missions, end game content (SF, UW, FoW, DoA, EOTN Dungeons). Builds that most people recommend to use are ones which are designed for such content. The builds you suggest using would hardly stand a chance, or take twice as long to complete things, and most people who are going through HM want to get the missions and vanquishes done as fast as they can, as do people who run elite content that normally takes around 2-3 hours to complete.
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Is this a joke or has it really gone gold?

Joke, its fan created from this thread:

bhavv, you would get on well with my mate :D

Have you thought about a guildwars 2 guild yet?

Im not bothered about creating a guild myself, I'd rather let other people make the guilds and search for a good one.

This discussion reminds of one of my friends who was playing Civ IV, conquering cities and pillaging impovements for tiny amounts of gold after he had taken the city. I pretty much automatically burst out with an impulsive, uncontrollable 'WTF are you doing pillaging your own improvements', and I got told to get out and not tell him how to play :(

Then the same friend started playing GW and needed my help in Ring of Fire. He had been in a few failure groups and asked me to help him. I turned up with 3 heroes and 3 henchmen and asked him to join me, and his reply was 'What? How do you expect to do this with heroes? Its too hard, surely you cant do it with heroes. Erm, ok, but I swear you had better be good'. We steamrolled the mission with ease and he ended up pretty much silent. I lolled and stopped helping people in MMOs after that.

The thing I like about GW now is that I can play it on my own with no need to bother with other players who think that their Thunderclap or Savannah Heat builds are actually any good in PVE :p
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So heres the thing, you dont actually enjoy playing much of the end game content, have already filled your HoM and apparently already gotten 30 titles, so the builds you use are based on NM PVE content or what?

Lol, its not even worth responding to the rest of your post. Its just elitist garbage.

No i've been doing HM Vanquishes, Missions and Bounties as i please for the Zaishen Coins. Contrary to your laughable experience of this game, it is actually possible to complete it with builds not 'recommended' (bleeted) by the GW 'community' (sheep). Your comment about dazed being useless really just proves my point, you don't have a clue and just stick to what you're told is good and knee-jerk everything else as useless.

Narrow-minded troll is narrow-minded.
it is actually possible to complete it with builds not 'recommended' (bleeted) by the GW 'community' (sheep). Your comment about dazed being useless really just proves my point, you don't have a clue and just stick to what you're told is good and knee-jerk everything else as useless.

You can complete 90%+ of GW with an empty skillbar. Right now I'm running two characters through the game on two accounts together at the same time, simply using charge + fallback, and not doing anything but leaving my heroes (only 6 of them) to kill everything while just spamming party wide monk skills if needed.

That doesnt mean that running an empty skillbar, or the one that I am using is good. It just means running through the game with minimal effort so I can do more WiK and get my second account through the game quickly. I dont find spending ages replaying through all the missions enjoyable, but I do currently enjoy working towards filling my HoM.

you don't have a clue and just stick to what you're told is good and knee-jerk everything else as useless.

You didnt even know what Pyschic Instability or Masochism did until I posted them, so what makes you think you have a clue? You dont even know anything about E/Mo protting and simply do nothing but attack the build while using even worse ones yourself. I figure out what is good myself, all I need to do is look through the skills and make a party setup myself. Someone using builds like the ones you do really shouldnt be calling other people clueless because they run protection ellys. I'd rather take an E/Mo protter in my group than have your thunderclap build.
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You didnt even know what Pyschic Instability or Masochism did until I posted them, so what makes you think you have a clue? You dont even know anything about E/Mo protting and simply do nothing but attack the build while using even worse ones yourself. I figure out what is good myself, all I need to do is look through the skills and make a party setup myself. Someone using builds like the ones you do really shouldnt be calling other people clueless because they run protection ellys. I'd rather take an E/Mo protter in my group than have your thunderclap build.

Well after testing PI I'm not sure it beats Panic for this build so no great loss there. As for Masochism, the skill has changed, I do apologise for not keeping track of every single change over the last couple of years.

If it makes you feel better to think that way bhavv, it doesn't make you any less of a narrow-minded troll. My only problem with the build is its not why I play an Ele, but sure, you continue foaming at the mouth and missing what I'm actually saying...

Its sad that your idea of a change of build is running exactly the same set of heroes but using an Invoke Lightning build instead of Ether Renewal.

Oh and just for you. In case you wondering, Rangers are those things with bows that don't spell cast. You might've seen them from on top of your pedestal.
Its sad that your idea of a change of build is running exactly the same set of heroes but using an Invoke Lightning build instead of Ether Renewal.

So how do you gather that I am using the exact same builds just from a couple of screenshots that I posted regarding whatever I am currently playing?

Do you do nothing but run a bunch of punishing shot heroes all the time?

I also posted a screenshot of me vanquishing with nothing but core skills only as well, did you not spot that one or something?

I cant exactly show everysingle build I have used in all my time of playing GW in one screenshot can I?

I also never said that Rangers cant complete the game, nor is Gwamm difficult to get, it is just time consuming. In NM I used to use barrage rangers and Searing Flames Elementalists for my heroes. As soon as I went into HM this build was ridiculously slow and took an age to kill anything, so I dropped it for other builds that I found worked better.

I would however like to see you try and Complete FoW in around 90 minutes with ranger spike team.

Having a worse build in GW doesnt make it impossible to finish the game, it just makes it slower and everything takes long enough for me to want to shorten it. One of the biggest problems that I've always had with this game is that I cant do half of a dungeon or elite area, save my progress, and then do the other half later. Instaed I have to do stuff that takes ages to complete (1 hour+ in a lot of cases) without being able to save and resume it halfway through.

I simply hate and dont enjoy playing slow builds.

Also a lot of people who play rangers do nothing but complain about how underpowered they are compared to other classes (same with Paragons and Warriors too tbh). Those three classes are the current weakest in the game. That doesnt mean that they cant complete the game, but they have taken a backseat to all the classes that have recently been buffed up to insane levels (ritualists, mesmers and dervishes).
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