Guild Wars 2

I'll bet not many people can say they have one of these.. (hoping I got the forum code right)..

And yes, I have 1 account with CE and CE's for all the expansions, and I also have a couple more accounts with Factions/NF CE's.

I have always wondered why these FTP MMOs couldnt also have merchandise stores to sell stuff like this, skill pins, charr plushies, squeezie asura stress relievers, rollerbeetle cushions, and replica weapons and whatever else.
Its going to be so difficult deciding which class , race and profession to choose first!

Flame thrower looks amazing,

guns look like fun!

Firewalls and mist form look amazing!
I think I'm going to make a Charr warrior first, though I am swayed by elementalist because of their amazing mobility, necros look pretty interesting too but I'd like to hear more about the minion master mechanics.

Regarding raids etc, its going to be strange really and even without the conventional tank/heal/dps some classes and specs are naturally going to gravitate into their own specific niches, i just hope the balance isn't wacky.

I'm also curious how dynamic events are going to be balanced difficulty wise, especially when you have people just turning up for the lulz so to speak or afking. But it probably wont matter in the end as i'm sure i heard that high end PvE would consist of 5mans.
End of 2011.. Maybe November. Maybe when the xmas sales kick in, which would be logical marketing. I dont think they would wait until spring 2012 tho..

Edit: oh I thought I was in the swtor thread :D People are speculating for Q1 2012, hard to even give a rough date atm.. Arenanet are keeping this a good secret.
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Decided to give the first Guild Wars a try as I never got round to it. Bit bored with what i'm playing at the mo anyway so should keep me amused!
I wantz that Charr Plushie..

Its the most requested item that fans want in the CE.

Arenanet have also recently given out only one official charr plushie to this lucky git here:


End of 2011.. Maybe November.

Though you had the wrong game in mind, theres no chance of GW2 coming out this year. Its still in in Alpha stage with only a few short demos being shown so far. Beta testing will still require a long time to get done.
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Though you had the wrong game in mind, theres no chance of GW2 coming out this year. Its still in in Alpha stage with only a few short demos being shown so far. Beta testing will still require a long time to get done.

A-net also isn't stupid, they won't bring it out at the same time as SW:TOR, which apparently now does have a release date.

On the GW2 front there's also the matter of the 3rd book to come out first, and then the beta (if any). Frankly I'd be surprised if it wasn't around April 2011.. to co-incide with the 7th birthday of GW1.
Decided to give the first Guild Wars a try as I never got round to it. Bit bored with what i'm playing at the mo anyway so should keep me amused!

It's one of GW1's down sides in that it does take a little while to get out of the boring areas. Assuming you started in Prophecies, get out of pre-searing and get to lvl 10, then get someone to run you to LA, hop over to Eye Of The North to pick up some heroes, and start Nightfall to get more heroes.

Heroes are much much better than the henchies. Once you have the starting heroes, stay in EoTN (because you get buffed to lvl 20 stats whilst in EoTN), until you get to lvl 20.
I am so starved for new stuff I am currently playing through NWN2.

As for GW2, any word on when the open beta may be and how we get in? I have a blood sacrifice prepared...

Frankly, this is the best video out of GW2 at the moment IMO.

It got me so psyched to actually play the game; the personal storyline is executed very well, obviously not SWToR level, but the storyline isn't the main thing about this game. That said, while its not all about the storyline, its storyline seems to be very strong, to say the least. I really enjoyed the video near the end with the arena. It actually looked pretty damn challenging haha.
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