Ok, heres the easy plan for 27 HoM points (then you only need 3 more):
Honor monument (titles)
- Complete Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall (easy to do, only takes 3-4 weeks). 3 titles for completing each campaign.
- Gain Masters rewards on every mission (easier if you do this as you go along using the official Wiki as a guide on how to get the masters reward. If you miss a masters reward, redo the quest until you get it - this is very good practice for later on HM too). +3 titles.
- After completing all 3 campaigns, repeat each mission on HM with masters reward. +3 title.
- +2 titles from eternal spearmarshal or lightbringer in NF = 11 title. You can easily get this up to 15 titles by completing each elite area once as well (UW, FoW, Sorrows Furnace, Deep, Urgoz, DoA - +6 easy titles to be had).
EDIT - Deep + Urgoz are very difficult to find groups for, but you can still obtain 15 titles from Eternal Hero / Guardian / Protector, Lightbringer, Sunspear, UW, FoW, DoA and Sorrows Furnace.
Fellowship monument (heroes and pets)
- Make a PVP character (starts at level 20). Equip Charm Animal (gives you an instant level 20 wolf). Go to the Zaishen Menargerie and add your level 20 PVP wolf. Relog to a PVE character, grab the level 20 wolf, add to your HoM. Free +1 point for an animal companion in just 2 minutes.
- Get a black widow spider from UW for the rare pet statue. Easy peasy to do with a full hero team, but most newbies that dont know UW well yet pay someone to do the run for them. + 1 point.
- Do the quest to gain the hero M.O.X. He counts as an elite companion that you can add right away for the hero statue point.
- Grind challenge missions to gain a few more hero armor upgrades. Get enough for a total of 10 fellowship statues (takes only an hour or 2 at the most).
Devotion (minipets):
- Do the cross campaign scavenger hunt for a free green black moa chick (counts for the unique mini pet).
- Buy any one gold, and then loads of white minis to get up to 20 minis in total for +5 points (first year white minis are super cheap to buy - but make sure you only buy clean undedicated minis).
Resilience (Elite armor):
- Save up for either Elite Kurzick or Luxon armor for your first elite armor, as this gives you +2 points, +1 for any armor, and +1 for either elite kurzick OR luxon (dont buy both).
If you later want to buy more elite armors to add here, EOTN ones are the cheapest.
Valor (Elite weapons):
- After Completing EOTN, you are eligible to do most peoples favorite end game quest line in the game - War In Kryta. This can only be done once per character, but gets you lots of nice rewards in the form of Royal Gifts and Medals of Honor. During your first run through, make sure you obtain as many medals as you can get (need 10), and then trade them in for an Oppressor weapon. Quickly achieving more Oppressor weapons will require completion of WiK on multiple characters, all of which must complete EOTN first (it took me 6 characters with WiK completions plus a lot of side quests to obtain a full set of 11 oppressor weapons, but for 30 points you only need to get 1).
- Do DoA (NF end content) a few times to get a Tormented Weapon. Doing this is much easier as a Ritualist as they are the only class wanted for HM speed clears, but other classes can all do speed clears on normal mode too using secondary ritualist skills (You need to have 'Destructive Was Glaive' for your elite, and you can speed clear DoA a few times to get enough gems for one tormented weapon).
- Save up 250 Granite, 100 Iron, 10 Onyx Gemstones, and 10 Diamonds plus a load of Plat (may have to buy the Onyx + Diamonds, but Granite + Iron are easy to farm). Craft a Destroyer Weapon in the entrance area of Slavers Exile in EOTN.
^^ Easy 25-27 points, obtainable in 2-3 months of playing.