Guild Wars 2

I really don't like TotalHalibut but I like the look of this.

I don't understand how anyone wouldn't like him? His accent is class, and he just makes watching the videos so relaxing.

Can I join the guild if I ever buy the game and if there is a gamer. Not sure if you guys would like a 12 year old noob playing with you.

I can't see that being a problem, everyone from the forums should be welcomed to an OcUK guild. :)
One thing I didnt like about those skill pins - the two that came with the NF CE were very nice, smooth and polished and lovely quality ...

Then the other 8 that were given out at various gaming conventions and then flooded all over ebay were a horrible cheap and oily / wierd alloy material :(

Shame, I'll keep them for a little while longer, then maybe when GW2 is about to release see if some other crazy fan will pay more than the £100ish that I paid for them .... :x

I missed the GW1 Prophecies CE, and only got Factions and Nightfall CEs :(

I never got any of them, unfortunately. :(

Im swaying to that. idea.

Also is there a Guild going on atm. as i would probably be inclined to start one myself.

Well, GW has earned my faith in them over the years and so I have no qualms about buying the CE on day one, whereas normally I wouldn't due to how many times I've done it only for the game to be utter ****, Age of Conan and Star Trek Online spring to mind.
I got the Age of Conan CE for £9.99, and the key is still unused because I couldnt add it to my standard edition account!

In GW I bought prophecies and factions normal editions, then got Factions CE when it was £15. With Nightfall I bought the CE on launch because by this point I was a crackwhore for the game.

And then I bought all the skill pins off ebay.

GW2 will be a CE pre order, money no object! But I know that Anet wont rip people off, they have a very good reputation for their pricing and not charging ridiculous prices (Should be a £40 CE again with a nice big box and lots of lovely contents, £60 at the absolute most if it has more stuff inside).
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Looks very interesting - most of my WoW playing mates are quitting these days, and we'd all like to move on to something else so this'll be competing with Diablo 3 for our attention.
A post from one of the developers regarding the cash store:

Hello everyone,

Colin is down on the show floor and asked me to provide some clarifications about this interview:


Colin wanted me to clarify that all we have decided at this point about added content to GW2 is we will have expansions just like in Gw1, and we will have a cash shop that operates just like the Gw1 shop. We will never sell goods that makes one player more powerful than enough player. At this time we are focused on getting the core Gw2 game complete and really haven't focused much on how we will present content after ship. There are currently no plans to release dungeons via the cash shop, because we do not yet know what content will be in expansions vs. the Gw2 cash shop.


Edited to add: We do also plan to have a very large live team supporting Gw2 on release providing extremely high quality free updates to the game, including new content, just like we had in Gw1.

So basically cash shop / new content plans are identical to GW1, but they are still discussing whether or not to release small content packs like dungeons via the cash store. Some fans dont mind, others only want to pay for full retail boxed expansion packs (opposed to individual packs because some people might buy them, and other wont making it more difficult to form groups, also some people like me only like to play each dungeon once, so buying them one at a time would be a waste of money for only a one time completion).
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All the gear from the cash shop is cosmetic, they are not hindering the game content wise either. We just have t buy the expansions.
Which is fairly reasonable, im seriously looking forward to this. :D

Most of the time they say, if people feel that they do not need to spend money to play the game. They probably will any way because they like too.

League of legends for instance, doing much better than hon. And what does hon do? Make it F2P. Because. LOL is stomping all over them.
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I don't mind them charging for addon dungeons either - it's just like mini content packs. So long as they keep the same sort of gear balancing, then the rewards will just be reskinned versions of what you can get anywhere.

And definitely going for the CE, the art team at is too good not to get any artbooks. Only had Nightfall CE, but that was good. Lost my Varesh miniature somewhere tho.

I'll bet not many people can say they have one of these.. (hoping I got the forum code right)..

And yes, I have 1 account with CE and CE's for all the expansions, and I also have a couple more accounts with Factions/NF CE's.
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Outsell WoW in 2 years?! A 6 year old game with more than 10,000,000 subscribers?

Alright then...

Well, its not too hard to believe that could be possible, since all it has to do is sell twice as much as GW1 did:

And I am VERY sure that GW2 will at least sell more copies in its first year or two than GW1 has done in its lifetime - EVERYONE playing GW1 wants this game, plus there is huge interes among people that prefer traditional open world MMOs and who didnt like GW1.
Looks like I'll definately be picking this up when its out. Trailers look awesome, the TB PVP one looked great. Will be a refreshing change from wow (hopefully! Loving the fact there are no tank/healer/dps roles in it - no 40 min queues waiting on a tank!
hopefully! Loving the fact there are no tank/healer/dps roles in it - no 40 min queues waiting on a tank!

Well, there might be a tiny problem here ....

WoW fans are flooding the GW2 forums whining for more massive raid like content for large groups of up to 25 people.

GW players / fans dont want it. The developers are only planning on Dynamic Events for large scale content (wich scale in difficulty with the number of players participating), and smaller 5 man instanced dungeons for organised PVE play (down from the 8 man limit in GW1).

The reason for the party size reduction from 8 to 5 is obvious if you ever played GW1 - Even with requiring only 8 people to play, you could NEVER find a full group of players in GW1 in a reasonable amount of time (hence it had henchmen and heroes), and Anet also abandoned the holy trinity to make it possible to play with any class combination.

But should loads of people start demanding 25 man WoW - like raids, and with Anets history of implementing things that the community want .... :(

Also - LFG, need *insert certain class / trinity role here* will still be highly prevelant in GW2, as it still was in GW1. Whenever I played the game solo with henchmen / heroes, I NEVER use melee AI because it is retarded (usually full caster groups, with an interupt ranger and / or a speed buff paragon at the most for a physical character). But everytime I tried to make a pug group ...

'We have no tank, we need a tank, look for a warrior' ...

Idea of a tank in GW1 - A warrior with mending, endure pain, defy pain and block stances ....

Artificial intelligence - We will attack whichever player character in this feeble group of humans has either the lowest hit points, or the lowest armor first.

Your tank is useless, he does no damage, and the monsters still attack your healers / casters first. Bloody imbecile pug community! If youre a warrior and you dont have Earthshaker / Hundred Blades / Whirling Axe / Triple Chop / Crip Slash / Dragon Slash or any other damage specced build, GTFO of my group! (TBH Earthshaker + None Shall Pass is the only thing I would use a warrior for in Gw1 ... I'd probably even stick meteor on one with the stonefist insignia for the lulz of 2s AoE knockdown spams).
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