Guild Wars 2

oh so close what title you missing?

Any two of these:

A couple of Eotn ones will be easiest, I'm already rank 8 Asura and rank 7 on the others.

Im close to GWAMM as well, but I seriously cant be bothered as I need too much cash for the consumable titles.

If I get Survivor, all 3 consumable titles, and all the EOTN titles including Master of The North, I'd have 30 titles done, but Im too fed up to do that much, I just wanted to fill the HoM.

The only way you can kill WoW is to make an even easier more carebear game that the current players can flock to, let's just hope it doesn't happen and they put their resources into a hardcore sanbox game that lets the player decide their future world.

I think that GW was simply a little too hard for the average WoW player, plus it was all instanced which most MMO fans dont like (I loved the instancing because I like playing solo).

GW2 is turning into a proper MMO with the open world, and the learning curve will be a lot easier as there will be far fewer skills, so it might attract a lot of WoW players.

Plus it has crafting and an auction house on which you can even list what item you are looking for and for how much (a first for MMOs I believe and incredibly useful), plus like GW1 you should be able to play on any server, but I dont think this has been confirmed yet.

I would hate to be confined to the European servers because the American ones are vastly more active.
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I was doing HM EOTN books and saving them to dump them all at once for survivor and all the EOTN race titles. got about half way before i got bored haha. But we could get a HM run start to end down to about an hour and a half i think. Less if we didnt take a tea break every 20 mins haha. But it got super tedious after a while.
I cant even do one mission, quest, or 10 minutes of farming without getting bored now. I've done everything in this game far too many times, and it got boring after the first (all I wanted to do after completing the games was PVP).

Then came title grinding, and next came HoM.

When the HoM calculator first came out, I was only on 22 points. It only took me a week to get up to 35 points, and then however long its been since then to casually do the rest.
I thought I actually might be able to get GWAMM with the awesome snowball dominance mini game - 5 minutes of fun for 10 wintersday gifts, 5 frosty tonics, 500 gold and 500 vanguard rep, but after 60ish runs over 2 days I'm completely fed up.

I'll use it to max my Vanguard title though as its faster than any other method for doing that, as well as getting consumables, but the grind for max consumable titles is freaking terribad.
Any of you who are really good at this fancy helping me at some point?

I've just loaded GW up for the first time in ages and i'd like to try and do a few more of the missions i haven't yet completed, the hardest of these i have at the moment is the one called "Against the destroyers" and im on a step called: Eliminate the destroyers (a time for heroes)

I'm a bit **** at this game really and to be honest i've forgotten so much of it :( Can't do missions with the henchmen as i just don't have the skill to control multiple things at once as well as my own character :p I tried to do this mission months ago on my own but failed miserably at the part where the destroyers come from all different directions and you have to stand your ground :( At the moment i've only unlocked 8 things

EDIT: LOL I was surprised enough to still be in a guild, looked at the list of people and the last time anyone was online was 9 months ago, and apparently now i'm the leader. :D

Quests i currently need help with:
A good deed - the bit where you have to defend that guy, then i can plow on in my path to unlocking thackery
Against the destroyers - The very last mission from the looks of things.

I've never completed the main story for nightfall or factions, the vast majority of that i can prob do with henchmen but may need help toward the end :)

Will add to the above list as i find them, getting my head around what i need to do now tho.

EDIT2: can't work out how i get Xandra and Kahmu, i know you have to do the norn tournament but unless the wiki is wrong or isn't giving enough information...i can't find the norn guy that gives me this quest.

EDIT3: W00t i did "A good deed" with henchies :D

EDIT4: got xandra and kahmu, now doing the quests just before the battle of lions arch
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Someone's put together a spectacular "what we know" about Guild Wars 2 over on GuildWars2Guru. Go read.

I don't think I've ever anticipated a game as much as this one. It's going to be amazing. :)
quality nice one. anyways how u been bios! aint seen u around on origin!

Not too bad, not played fifa12 or bf3 in months so i've not even loaded origin up! Too busy with GW1, minecraft, css, l4d2 and WoT :p

Trying my best to unlock some hom stuff on GW, it seems i'm just not good enough to do it though :(
Awesome, i can't wait to have loads of us from ocuk cram in to a mumble server and get cracking, i'm going to be so addicted to it!

I'm a massive fan of GW1 but sadly i never got any good at it, i have a habit of just picking 7 heroes and running off in to battles with no forethought as to their skills etc. Hopefully will learn more of the in depth stuff in GW2 though.
Awesome, i can't wait to have loads of us from ocuk cram in to a mumble server and get cracking, i'm going to be so addicted to it!

I'm a massive fan of GW1 but sadly i never got any good at it, i have a habit of just picking 7 heroes and running off in to battles with no forethought as to their skills etc. Hopefully will learn more of the in depth stuff in GW2 though.

During the early days of GW1 there was no heroes and i prefered it that way as you was forced to team up with someone to do some dungeon instances.

i got gw1 on day 1 mate :)
During the early days of GW1 there was no heroes and i prefered it that way as you was forced to team up with someone to do some dungeon instances.

i got gw1 on day 1 mate :)

Same i loved those days, remember the day GW came out, i was working nights at the time, got home at 7am and started the download going thinking i could just leave it going and go to bed.......thought to myself "wtf im in game already" after a tiny bit of downloading :p Love downloading each area as you get to it, such a fantastic system.

10x more enjoyable when you went to an area to do the next mission and just joined with some randoms dudes :D
Want this so much, loved all the Guild Wars and still have fond memorys from the BETA, I still remember rolling a W/E conjure and firestorm warrior, so newb but fun on first play through, wasn't too bad until they changed AI to move from AoE.

I need to finish one explore title in the main campaign to get the title I want but I can't find the motivation to finish it, just bores the ass off me. I've got all the unlocks ready, I might just not bother with anymore HoM titles, too much grinding.
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