Guild Wars 2

CBT was announced.. this friday it starts. invite only. cant even request to be invited. but it does mean OBT soon.

Also they opened up an IRC dev Q/A last night and someone asked a question about elementalists and familiars. Their reply was this is a part of elementalists we have not revealed and will not be. hmmmm
So glad that they've finally released the mesmer, I haven't really officially played one throughout GW1 but when I had one they seemed fun
Mesmers have currently been overbuffed to the most powerful offensive PVE class in GW1.

I hope that GW2 has a lot more balance. It seems from the videos that trash mobs in GW2 will be easy peasy to kill by all characters, but then when you get to a big bad nasty, you will fail, fail again, and keep on failing until you have fully learned how to play your character. At least I hope so, I need lots of challenging boss fights to solo to keep me interested (I had an unhealthy OCD for boss farming in GW1 and other similar single player ARPGs).

The thing with GW though is that you dont need any of the boss loot, and due to it not being any better than other stuff it isnt worth much, so it got boring after doing loads of green weapon farming :(
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yeh boss farming was always just to make money for cool skins... never about an awesome new piece of gear. Which made it all very tedious and pointless. I'm sure guildwars 2 will be crazy good though. If anything you will want to fight the bosses for the fun of killing it never mind the loot. And now the loot (at least weps) will change how you play your class with skills being part wep based...
I farmed so many bosses, I dont even think that this makes up 25% of my current collection:

I farmed so many more for all my heroes too. I have an OCD for farming bosses.

Nowadays you get all the best stuff from simply popping open the Zaishen chest a few times, such a moronic addition that thing was to the game.
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GW was balanced more or less but they took things too far. Enemies with such high levels the damage reduction made elementalists really ineffective and the addition of completely broken PvE skills like Cry of Pain just made Mesmers far more effective in groups than anything ele's could hope to achieve.
I farmed so many bosses, I dont even think that this makes up 25% of my current collection:

I farmed so many more for all my heroes too. I have an OCD for farming bosses.

Nowadays you get all the best stuff from simply popping open the Zaishen chest a few times, such a moronic addition that thing was to the game.

The issue I had with the weapons in GW was that the specials greens and oranges had the same specs with each other and with regular weapons.
The issue I had with the weapons in GW was that the specials greens and oranges had the same specs with each other and with regular weapons.

Exactly, the weapons are balanced. You still get that 'OMG LOOK WHAT I JUST GOT' feeling when the green weapons drop, but they are balanced with the rest.

Finding perfect upgrades for gold weapons is actually very very hard. it was much easier for me to farm a green 40/40 domination set for my mesmer than it is to find the mods or buy them (Half skill recharge / Half casting time are the most expensive mods in the game).

I just had the luckiest ever fail in the Underworld:

I thought I would try farming ectos, eggnogs and fruitcakes, I didnt last long since I am completely out of practice :(
What do I do with all this?


Survivor isn't required, its just another achievement. I'm still missing a PvP achievement but then since Zaishan is one (even though its not) I can just get that, not that I can be arsed.

I did intend to go for 50/50 at some point but I just can't be bothered. Most of what I need are minipets, armour and weapons. Infact everything I'm missing is bought.
I always believed the only game that could kill WOW is WOW2.

Now I'm not to sure if GW2 devs keep all the promises about what is going to be in the game and the game has smooth launch. I think this has a chance of killing wow.

Sadly tho the amount of times devs fail to keep to what they said about the games they release I dont trust it. This sounds way to good to be true tbh.

I also hope they keep the same payment system as GW1 and don't do an item shop pay to win tripe like so many mmorpgs seem to do now.
The only way you can kill WoW is to make an even easier more carebear game that the current players can flock to, let's just hope it doesn't happen and they put their resources into a hardcore sanbox game that lets the player decide their future world.
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