Guild Wars 2

To someone who has played the beta:

Do the dynamic invasions make the game more fun to play, or do they get boring fast (like the invasions in Rift did)?
If they're starting beta in Feb and then "aggressively ramping it up" in March/April, it sounds like a release no later than summer. June or July I'm betting.
Excellent. I'll start saying my goodbyes now :D

Perfect timing for me. Now they need to release it around July as I'll be off for a few weeks on paternity leave.

Which, is exactly what happened with GW1 :D My first daughter was born the day GW arrived on my doorstep, I'd just finished installing it, made my character, and then we had to rush to the hospital :D

Spent the next 6 months playing GW with the sound turned off and a baby asleep on my chest or in a baby seat next to my desk!

It'll be like 2005 all over again :p
I may not be the majority, but I will miss the more specialised class structure of GW. I always play monk, mind you, but all these classes look samey. Ranged weapons, aoe, team buffs, rez, self healing... I will most likely end up playing guardian or one of those support class, but it looks underwhelming.
I may not be the majority, but I will miss the more specialised class structure of GW. I always play monk, mind you, but all these classes look samey. Ranged weapons, aoe, team buffs, rez, self healing... I will most likely end up playing guardian or one of those support class, but it looks underwhelming.

Homogeneity is the price of balance unfortunately.
Yes, finally a release date. Finishing off my HOM right now in GW1. Hopefully I get access to the Beta, been playing since day 1 <3
Well my HoM is sat on 40/50 atm... I've got a ton of ecto in the bank that I've been saving for a rainy day... so if I go blow a wad on zkeys that'll net me 3 more points.

4 more weapons will get me 1 more point, and 4 more mini's will get me to 45/50.

That'll do. Can't be bothered grinding titles for the last 5 points :D

Bring on GW2 :cool:
Anyone have a guess on the price for GW2? What if they were to sell it for £50 for the basic version would people still buy it? Im sure they could justfy selling it for over the normal game price since it will be so awesome, but will they?

Could you explain the store a little? never played GW1.

Never used the store its not something you have to ever use even with pvp. Hopefully it will be the same with GW2. Its not like Alloids where you have to use the stores (or grind certain things that would take an average player take months). Even Runes of Magic didnt force you to use the stores, but i hear thats different now.
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Honestly, while GW is quite possibly one of my favourite games ever, and is absolutely chock full of content, it is coming to the end of it's lifespan.

GW is getting on for 7 years old now, and with GW2 just around the corner, I'd be tempted to say just hold on for GW2 now.

Anyone have a guess on the price for GW2? What if they were to sell it for £50 for the basic version would people still buy it? Im sure they could justfy selling it for over the normal game price since it will be so awesome, but will they?

I don't see why it'd be sold for that much. GW was £17.99 on launch. I don't see why they'd charge over the normal £30 price tag for the standard edition.

Could you explain the store a little? never played GW1.

GW1 store was more 'optional' stuff, nothing game changing. You could buy special outfits for your characters (no stats, just for the looks). Or you could buy more character slots. Or rename your character. Or change their appearance/gender. Or for PvP you could pay to unlock all the skills (instead of having to spend time earning them for free in PvE/PvP).
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Would it be worth getting gw1 now? Is it good? If i like wow/rift/swtor will i like it?

Its completely different mechanics wise to wow/rift/swtor so I dunno if you would like it. But its deffo worth the price at the moment, plus you'll get to know the lore behind gw2 when you buy it. :)
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