I may not be the majority, but I will miss the more specialised class structure of GW. I always play monk, mind you, but all these classes look samey. Ranged weapons, aoe, team buffs, rez, self healing... I will most likely end up playing guardian or one of those support class, but it looks underwhelming.
To someone who has played the beta:
Do the dynamic invasions make the game more fun to play, or do they get boring fast (like the invasions in Rift did)?
It's going to be a one time payment right? No monthly fees? If so i might get it ^^
Blogpost about beta/release. Finally we know. It is comming. This year. OBT in march... thats damn close.
Correct. There will be a Store like there is for GW1. where you can buy extra character slots. Small fluff. But not Pay2Win.
Could you explain the store a little? never played GW1.
Anyone have a guess on the price for GW2? What if they were to sell it for £50 for the basic version would people still buy it? Im sure they could justfy selling it for over the normal game price since it will be so awesome, but will they?
Could you explain the store a little? never played GW1.
Would it be worth getting gw1 now? Is it good? If i like wow/rift/swtor will i like it?