Guild Wars 2

"You have been playing for 7 hours. Please take a break"........ok but only because i have to go have dinner! :p

2 more missions to do until i've finished the nightfall campaign, don't know why i didn't do this years ago, it's quite a good storyline :) Still haven't done the factions one either mind you :x

EDIT: and apart from those 2 missions remaining i only have 2 i need to redo to get master :D
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For guildwars flaws, story was never one of them. The level story progression has always been engaging and interesting. Just once its done for most there isnt a huge amount left except title grind.
Completed night fall now :D the only heroes I'm yet to unlock now are kieran thackary and razah, need to go back and get master on 3 of the nightfall missions though :(
Cheeky question time.....any of you 50/50 hom people who no longer need your gold fancy helping a brother out? :D lol
How come on my HoM thing the "Eternal Hero of Elona" hasn't appeared after completing nightfall?

Also i've completed all the bonus missions for prophecies but haven't got the protector title?

EDIT: oh wait nevermind, after clicking reply it's struck me....i haven't been back in to the hom since.
Finished off my mini's collection over the weekend, and started buying up Zkeys.

Currently sat on 42 points, need about another 350k gold to finish off my Zaishen Supporter title, and that'll take me to the 45 point title.

That'll do then, I really can't be bothered grinding out titles to hit 50.

Bring on GW2 :D
Finished off my mini's collection over the weekend, and started buying up Zkeys.

Currently sat on 42 points, need about another 350k gold to finish off my Zaishen Supporter title, and that'll take me to the 45 point title.

That'll do then, I really can't be bothered grinding out titles to hit 50.

Bring on GW2 :D

:( Stop making me jealous, i only want to get to 30 lol even that appears to a likely impossible task considering where i am at the moment. :p
If you need help with anything and i'm online (Iorek Valr) give me a shout, I've done pretty much everything so I tend just to wander around doing random stuff now :o
If you need help with anything and i'm online (Iorek Valr) give me a shout, I've done pretty much everything so I tend just to wander around doing random stuff now :o

All i can see i really need help with, is increasing my wallet :p but it appears you're in the same boat :D

Just working my way through quests at the moment, not got stuck on anything yet since using bhavvs skills/runes etc setup for heroes :) I'm sure a time will come though haha
I find a good money earner, that isn't as boring as farming etc, is to go vanquishing. It's like farming, but with a purpose. Plus you get bonus money from completing it, points towards your titles, you're uncovering map towards titles, and your working on your vanquisher title as well :D

Probably not as fast a money earner as dungeon speed runs and the like, but it's a fair bit less repetitive!
Booo! haven't played GW1 in ages, loved it but never had anyone to go about with, sadly i didnt get that far. seems like i missed so much. Dont even think i got half way through the first game! Stupidly looking forward to GW2! Might find how to download the game again and jump in to play about. Still lovely looking if i remember correctly!
I find a good money earner, that isn't as boring as farming etc, is to go vanquishing. It's like farming, but with a purpose. Plus you get bonus money from completing it, points towards your titles, you're uncovering map towards titles, and your working on your vanquisher title as well :D

Probably not as fast a money earner as dungeon speed runs and the like, but it's a fair bit less repetitive!

Indeed. Following the Zaishen quests is a good idea. You'll eventually work your way round most areas and missions, you get extra from completing the quests and on top of that you get coins which you can put towards the Zaishen Title Track for the PvP title or just sell them.
I've just done the most frustratingly noobish thing ever, something that has me rather annoyed with myself :mad:

Anyone have 10 spare medals of honour they don't need to dispel my annoyance? :p
Not played in a while but I remember reading you can get 10 free zeshian keys once per account which you can then sell to other players for a nice bit of gold.
So because i was so bored of swtor, I decided to get guild wars 1 with my brother :) And as we have some resident vets in here at the mo i was wondering a couple of noob things :)

At the moment im level 5 and have like 2 henchmen guys, Is there a way i can make them better? Or do i have to wait untill i get my own or something?

Also are there any tips you guys can give a noob, We just failed on a mission were we had to get parts to fire some catapolts to kill the char that have taken over some great wall :p

Also how does it work having all 3 expansions? Can we just play the orginal up to level 20 and then go to the other games and skip the start and do whatever mission or what? I dont quite understand how the game works because its pretty different to any other game iv played..
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