Guild Wars 2

E.P.I.C - F.A.I.L :D :D :D :D :D

I've been running around all this time and trying to do missions i found really difficult, with two healers that were still on skill point equivilants of level 15 or whatever.

Also I've never bothered to sort them out with better weapons or armour, only just realised i had all these weapons in my storage box that were better than the ones they've been using. Better late than never eh?
Their armour upgrades automatically stat wise, as for weapons pre order bonus items are lovely (Hourglass Staff, and a tactics shield plus energy spear sets every hero up right away). My second account doesnt have those though, just the useless GOTY bonus weapons.
Just spent an hour going through them applying runes to armour (had quite a few in storage anyway) sorting skills and putting better weapons on. That might improve things a bit :D though i still need a water wand for vekk (not that i use him very often) and a better rod for tahlkora.

Normally i can't bring myself to do that part of the game, glad when i finally do though lol
Lol @ water vekk :D

I think Bios still needs to figure out how to change the default hero skill bar too.

Healer elly heroes are epic -

12 + 3 + 1 Energy Storage
12 protection prayers
3 healing prayers

Spirit Bond, Prot Spirit, Infuse Health, Ether Renewal, Aura of Restoration, Protective bond (disable it and cast on the elly only to keep him safe while infuse spamming), 2 optional slots, Convert Hexes and Extinguish are always nice.

The reason they are epic is because they handle it almost as well as a human, but they arent quite as good as me :p

Soul Twisting / Shelter / Union / Displacement ritualists are even better, but the AI cant handle the build, I once had such a hero with just soul twisting and shelter, and somehow shelter ends up on its 1 min recharge :x

Fail AI. its great if you micro it, even better if you play a rit yourself = play the entire game on HM in god mode.
I've changed all my skill bars :p luckily not that much of a noob :D

Evilsod gave me some decent builds a while back for some of them, can't remember which ones now though (although i was missing some of the elites he was using i think)

I'll have to show you what i'm using soon so you can tell me where i'm going wrong :)
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Ha Bahv! sorry, Unyielding aura has changed a lot since I played. It used to be only an enchantment that kept a party member alive. Notoriously used by scammers. :rolleyes:[IMG]

That elly and monk can keep just about everything redbarred. The elly needs infuse health though, /doh I forgot that. Cant have succor for the monk then it seems :([/QUOTE]

What skills are these:
1+8 on P/Mo

5+7 on Mo/Me


Don't have those, tempted to try that setup though and see how it goes.
Heres a major overpowered full team build using the backline ideas above:


You should take next to no damage, and everything will die fast :)

For the attributes:

1) 12+1+1 Air, 9 Prot, 9+1 ES
2) 12+1+1 Earth, 12+1 ES
3) 12+3+1 Death, 9 Prot, 9+1 SR
4) 12+1+1 Domination, 11+1 FC, 6+1 Inspiration
5) 12+3+1 Channeling, 11+1 Restoration, 6+1 Spawning
6) 12+1+1 Spear, 9+1 command, 9+1 leadership
7) 12+1+1 Divine Favor, 11+1 Healing, 6 Inspiration
8) 12+3+1 ES, 12 Protection, 3 Healing

A domination + illusion mesmer used to be the meta, but with the new HM armour reductions Geo Ellys are now dealing more damage and providing mass shutdown with eruption + unsteady ground. Invoke + Chain Lightning were nerfed so that they always cause exhaustion now, but the exhaustion amount was halved. The hero AI can happily spam a single 5 exhaustion skill now without any problems like Invoke or Obsidian Flame, but they cant handle both Invoke + Chain lightning anymore so it is easilly replaceable with another damage build (Blinding Surge + Chain Lightning could work as B surge now does AoE damage).

Skill 1 + 8 on the P/Mo were one of the adrenal spear skills and Unyielding Aura.
5 + 7 on the monk are Cure hex and Heavens Delight.

The monk AI will automatically mimick and maintain UA from the paragon, but you might want to micro it to stop the monk from burning 15e everytime arcane mimicry recharges.

The E/Mo prot should be able to maintain protective bond on himself and the monk, but the AI might be bad with 2 prot bonds in which case just keep it on the E/Mo so it doesnt end up being gibbed while infusing.

Anthem of Envy provides energy for the Paragon and boosts his and every spirits damage. Splinter Weapon will be continuously spammed on the Paragon and Minions if all your casters have wands or staffs.

Oh yea, and when fighting nasty elementalist bosses, or anything else with huge damage, you simply select the boss, and click the target button on the Mesmer to lock its target. No need for Pain Inverter, the boss wont be able to cast a single spell :D
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Personally i'm hoping this is nothing like the first one,it was hardly an mmo it was just a single player rpg where you could grp up or have computer npcs tag along with horrible arena pvp.
GW1 never even claimed to be an MMO, plus its PVP much better than PVP in just about every other current MMO :D

it was just a single player rpg where you could grp up or have computer npcs tag along

WoW, Lotro and DDO all share similar mechanics. They contain a lot of soloable content with grouping left as optional, this doesnt prevent you from playing with other players but no one should be unable to enjoy the game if they cant find a specific group with healers, tanks and DPS.

GW2 will also be a single player RPG with other people simply running around in your game, but there will be a lot more people in the game at any given time.
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GW2 will also be a single player RPG with other people simply running around in your game, but there will be a lot more people in the game at any given time.

BUT more fun and rewarding if you do play with others. I like that, if for example i see you in GW2, I dont have to add you to my group/team. I can come along, Help out for a small portion then go our seperate ways, Perhaps bump into some other fellow, Help out, without any hindrance to either player :) Will be great to see if they can pull it off.

If guildwars2 lives up to its hype, Other MMOs are going to need a SERIOUSLY good reason why you should pay 10-15 quid a month for their game when you can play GW2 subfree and have more fun!
Heres a major overpowered full team build using the backline ideas above:]

Just looked through all of those, only 4 i don't have. 3 of which are elites. (ether renewal, healing burst, Aura of the lich, and channelling)
BUT more fun and rewarding if you do play with others. I like that, if for example i see you in GW2, I dont have to add you to my group/team. I can come along, Help out for a small portion then go our seperate ways, Perhaps bump into some other fellow, Help out, without any hindrance to either player :) Will be great to see if they can pull it off.

If guildwars2 lives up to its hype, Other MMOs are going to need a SERIOUSLY good reason why you should pay 10-15 quid a month for their game when you can play GW2 subfree and have more fun!

Yer I totally agree, I play WoW and im already contemplating switching over. Really hope it lives up to everyones expectations or its going to be really depressing :(
I dont know what to change the Invoke elly to though, Invoke is still solid against everything with its armour penetration, but after the nerf bat crippled invoke + chain, its lacking its previous pew pew pew, but its still better than all the new changes.

I found the Ineptitude mesmer build from the previous meta was too unreliable as it burned energy too fast and after a single chain of Ineptitude, clumsiness and wandering eye, the hero would be out of energy. With a fully specced domination rupt mesmer, the Illusion couldnt utilize Power drain + leech signet as there wouldnt be anything left to rupt.

Melee simply stinks in PVE, especially on heroes as they will just agro everything on the radar. Maybe an Energy Surge mesmer specced with damage skills would make an ok replacement. Or a second communing rit with sig of ghostly might would be nice.
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