Guild Wars 2

wow that post about WvW just make me want to cry with joy..

Also they said that they have a small team looking at the possability of release it on consoles, Nothing confirmed..
Just checked out a Total biscuit vid and I have to say if they mange to pull off what he was saying regarding the game..I will be all over this like a rash :D

However, having fallen hook, line and sinker for pre release hype/dev ******** before I will take it all with a pinch of salt.

Fingers crossed though
About the console news... What happens if the game is dumbed down because it needs to appeal to the console market? Im not all agaisnt the idea of it comming to consoles but it is kinda worrying.
About the console news... What happens if the game is dumbed down because it needs to appeal to the console market? Im not all agaisnt the idea of it comming to consoles but it is kinda worrying.

Think they have already said they are focused on making it very good for PC then dumbing down the console versions for the console market while keeping the PC product the same...

I think it is a good idea, expanding to a wider market = more sales = more revenue = more designers working for Arenanet = more content.. Well thats the optimistic way of looking at it, it may not work like that in practice...
Think they have already said they are focused on making it very good for PC then dumbing down the console versions for the console market while keeping the PC product the same...

I think it is a good idea, expanding to a wider market = more sales = more revenue = more designers working for Arenanet = more content.. Well thats the optimistic way of looking at it, it may not work like that in practice...

Problem is always allocation of resources based on profits. If the console version is a hit and more profitable than the pc version then it would be hard to tuen down the extra cash by focusing on consoles
I like the idea of a F2P console MMO, whether it is guild wars, or based on something similar. I would think they will need to re-think their interface and controls. They are still thinking about it and the PC is by far their lead platform. No chance of dumbing down. At least not this time around.

And I doubt they will have cross-platform support (meaning PS3 XBOX and PC on the same servers).
Why would they need to "dumb it down" for consoles?

I think its ideal for consoles already.

All they would need to do is reduce the graphics to match the console.
I'd be wary of it going to consoles, a slippery slope. Where PC then goes on the back shelf and console becomes their platform of choice.

I fail to see how console controls would work for this game. Control system would need "refined" (read as "dumbed down").
Never played GW1. Worth me grabbing it on steam for £12? do people still play it?

A ton of people still play it, mainly people going for titles and stuff.

Its nothing like guild wars 2 but it is still different to any other mmo, its heavily instanced but well worth a try in my opinion.
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