We knew right away that we wanted three teams fighting against one another
We can only live in hope that there is no console release.
About the console news... What happens if the game is dumbed down because it needs to appeal to the console market? Im not all agaisnt the idea of it comming to consoles but it is kinda worrying.
Think they have already said they are focused on making it very good for PC then dumbing down the console versions for the console market while keeping the PC product the same...
I think it is a good idea, expanding to a wider market = more sales = more revenue = more designers working for Arenanet = more content.. Well thats the optimistic way of looking at it, it may not work like that in practice...
Sounds pretty epic. Lets just hope it turns out as good as it sounds.
Also press beta this weekend doesn't have much of an NDA on it. Totalbiscuit has already said he will be releasing a ton of video content so I am guessing we'll get the same from many other outlets!
A nice video detailing WvWvW.
Never played GW1. Worth me grabbing it on steam for £12? do people still play it?
Never played GW1. Worth me grabbing it on steam for £12? do people still play it?