Guild Wars 2

Just looked on steam at GW1 and theres a lot of different ones on there. Game of the year is £12 was thinking of getting it. Looks fun but not sure, what one should i get if i do get it, and is it worth getting now?

Did you end up getting it?

Nah not yet, still got a few games I need to finish
Can anyone answer my question :( Waiting for someone to answer so i know if i should get it or not :P

Yeah, I'd say go for it. Have a good old play-through at your leisure; try all the different classes too. Take your time and it'll be a nice primer for GW2.
Just got it :) Only 2gb! :D
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I noticed that guild wars 1 names are reserved for guild wars 2. Does anyone know the naming policy for GW1 names? for example is it just 1 word, or can names be 2 words such as "Dist Somthing"? and if someone already has reserved "Dist" or "Dist something". Can i still use "Dist Somethingelse"?
I noticed that guild wars 1 names are reserved for guild wars 2. Does anyone know the naming policy for GW1 names? for example is it just 1 word, or can names be 2 words such as "Dist Somthing"? and if someone already has reserved "Dist" or "Dist something". Can i still use "Dist Somethingelse"?

Naming in GW must not be more than 19 characters, use more than 3 characters, contain 2 or more words.

So your example of "Dist Something" would work as long as the whole combination had not been used already, in which case "Dist Somethingelse" would be your alternative.
How are people getting intpo the gw2 beta? i should get a invite! i played gw1 from day 1!!!!!!!!!!

Erm, not sure if serious..

Its the press that have been playing this weekend, And in about 2 hours there is going to be loads of new info about the game, Im signed up to several twitter feeds so i will post up as much as i can :D
How much effort does the GW1 stuff take that gives the unique stuff in GW2? For example could I buy GW1 on steam and spend a couple weeks doing it, or would it takes months of work and require guild effort rather than just solo content?
How much effort does the GW1 stuff take that gives the unique stuff in GW2? For example could I buy GW1 on steam and spend a couple weeks doing it, or would it takes months of work and require guild effort rather than just solo content?

All depends what you want to unlock (see and how much effort you want to put in.

I reckon you'd need 2-3 months to get around the 30 points mark, which could mostly be done solo, but that would take some effort. More than that and your really grinding at that point.

This HOM guide may give you a better understanding of whats required.

Just watched the first one.... *wipes away dribble* .... i can't wait for this game!

think this will be the first mmo i'll ever play pvp on, never been at all interested in that before but the WvWvW looks amazing!

EDIT: that yogcast one... these people are seriously invited to join in with a press event? They sound like a pair of complete idiots!
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I noticed that guild wars 1 names are reserved for guild wars 2. Does anyone know the naming policy for GW1 names? for example is it just 1 word, or can names be 2 words such as "Dist Somthing"? and if someone already has reserved "Dist" or "Dist something". Can i still use "Dist Somethingelse"?

GW1 names are atleast 2 words, but from what we've seen GW2 names can be a single word, so no single word names will be reserved.
Nothing but good from reviewers so far. All saying this is the real next gen MMO. Also liking the mention of how crisp the animations are and the skill activations are compared to SWTOR.

Also look at the size of the WvW map in that BFF report just looks amazing. > watch in 1080p /drool

I want this game now. Hoping they announce that next beta will allow early guild wars 1 purchasers in :D
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